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    MG100J6ES50 Search Results

    MG100J6ES50 Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MG100J6ES50 Toshiba TRANS IGBT MODULE N-CH 600V 100A 19(2-94A2A) Original PDF
    MG100J6ES50 Toshiba N channel IGBT Original PDF
    MG100J6ES50 Toshiba GTR Module Silicon N Channel IGBT Scan PDF

    MG100J6ES50 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    Toshiba transistor Ic 100A

    Abstract: MG100J6ES50 toshiba motor on semiconductor 50-5G
    Text: MG100J6ES50 TOSHIBA GTR Module Silicon N Channel IGBT MG100J6ES50 Unit: mm High Power Switching Applications Motor Control Applications The electrodes are isolated from case. High input impedance. 6 IGBTs built into 1 package. Enhancement-mode. High speed : tf = 0.30µs Max (IC = 100A)

    MG100J6ES50 2-94A2A 000707EAA1 Toshiba transistor Ic 100A MG100J6ES50 toshiba motor on semiconductor 50-5G PDF


    Abstract: on semiconductor 50-5G
    Text: MG100J6ES50 TOSHIBA GTR Module Silicon N Channel IGBT MG100J6ES50 Unit: mm High Power Switching Applications Motor Control Applications l The electrodes are isolated from case. l High input impedance. l 6 IGBTs built into 1 package. l Enhancement-mode. l High speed : tf = 0.30µs Max (IC = 100A)

    MG100J6ES50 2-94A2A 000707EAA1 MG100J6ES50 on semiconductor 50-5G PDF

    2SA1930 2sc5171

    Abstract: tpc8107 equivalent TPC8107 application circuit 2SC4157 equivalent 2sa1930 transistor equivalent 2SA949 equivalent 2sd880 equivalent equivalent 2SC5200 2SK2865 Equivalent marking 4d npn
    Text: Power Transistors Power Transistors z 218 Power Amps z 224 POWER-MOLD transistors SC-63/64 z 225 PW-MINI Transisters (SC-62) z 226 TSM Transistors (Thinnest package in the world in SC-59 and SOT-23 class) z 227 Power Transistors for Switching Power Supply z 228

    SC-63/64) SC-62) SC-59 OT-23 2SA1483 2SC3803 2SA1426 2SA1204 2SA1734 2SA2065 2SA1930 2sc5171 tpc8107 equivalent TPC8107 application circuit 2SC4157 equivalent 2sa1930 transistor equivalent 2SA949 equivalent 2sd880 equivalent equivalent 2SC5200 2SK2865 Equivalent marking 4d npn PDF

    Sine wave PWM DC to AC Inverter ics

    Abstract: ULN2803 PIN CONFIGURATION TA8316S tc9653an HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE for microwave ovens ta7606p induction heating ta8316s TLP250 low side pwm driver relay driver ic ULN2803 2SK3201
    Text: Peripheral ICs Peripheral ICs for Home Appliances Toshiba offers a complete lineup of peripheral ICs for home appliances in various application fields as shown in the table below. Timer ICs Device TA7326P TA7326F TA7327P TB1004AF TB1010F TB1012F TB1022F Package

    TA7326P TA7326F TA7327P TB1004AF TB1010F TB1012F TB1022F TA7327P SSOP10 GT60M303 Sine wave PWM DC to AC Inverter ics ULN2803 PIN CONFIGURATION TA8316S tc9653an HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE for microwave ovens ta7606p induction heating ta8316s TLP250 low side pwm driver relay driver ic ULN2803 2SK3201 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO SHIBA MG100J6ES50 MG1 0 0 J 6 E S 5 0 TOSHIBA GTR MODULE SILICON N CHANNEL IGBT HIGH PO W ER SWITCHING APPLICATIONS. Unit in mm MOTOR CONTROL APPLICATIONS. • The Electrodes are Isolated from Case. • High Input Impedance. • 6 IGBTs Built Into 1 Package.

    OCR Scan
    MG100J6ES50 15/iS 2-94A2A 100//S* PDF


    Abstract: igbt toshiba mg MG100J6ES50
    Text: TOSHIBA MG100J6ES50 MG100J6ES50 TOSHIBA GTR MODULE SILICON N CHANNEL IGBT HIGH PO W ER SWITCHING APPLICATIONS. MOTOR CONTROL APPLICATIONS. • • • • • The Electrodes are Isolated from Case. High Input Impedance. 6 IGBTs Built Into 1 Package. Enhancement-Mode.

    OCR Scan
    MG100J6ES50 100J6ES50 2-94A2A 961001EAA2 RG130 igbt toshiba mg MG100J6ES50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IB A MG100J6ES50 MG1 0 0 J 6 E S 5 0 TOSHIBA GTR MODULE SILICON N CHANNEL IGBT HIGH PO W ER SWITCHING APPLICATIONS. MOTOR CONTROL APPLICATIONS. • • • • • The Electrodes are Isolated from Case. High Input Impedance. 6 IGBTs Built Into 1 Package.

    OCR Scan
    MG100J6ES50 15/iS 2-94A2A 100jus* 50/us* PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MG100J6ES50 H IG H P O W E R S W IT C H IN G A P P L IC A T IO N S . U n it in m m I-0S51O3 \ io ili io 18 ,io. M O TO R C O N T R O L A P P L IC A T IO N S . y 7 - Ml 1 2 - i'ast"- o.n-tab «1 1 0 T h e E le c tro d e s a r e I s o la te d fro m C a se. H ig h I n p u t Im p e d a n c e .

    OCR Scan
    MG100J6ES50 I-0S51O3 mg100j6es5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA MG100J6ES50 TOSHIBA GTR MODULE M G 1 Q Q SILICON N CHANNEL IGBT J6ES50 HIGH PO W ER SWITCHING APPLICATIONS. U nit in mm 4-05.5± O ,3 MOTOR CONTROL APPLICATIONS. • The Electrodes are Isolated from Case. • High Input Impedance, • 6 IGBTs Built Into 1 Package.

    OCR Scan
    MG100J6ES50 J6ES50 2-94A2A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA MG100J6ES50 TO SH IBA GTR M O D ULE SILICON N CHANNEL IGBT MG 1 00J 6 E S 5 0 HIGH P O W E R SWITCHING APPLICATIONS. U n it in mm M O TO R CONTROL APPLICATIONS. • The E lectrodes are Isolated from Case. • H igh In p u t Impedance. • 6 IGBTs B u ilt Into 1 Package.

    OCR Scan
    MG100J6ES50 2-94A2A PDF


    Abstract: MG150J2YS40 MG75Q2YS11 MG400Q1US11 MG200Q1JS9 MG75J2YS40 MG50J6ES40 MG200Q2YS91 MG75J6ES40 mg100q2ys9
    Text: Insulated ìate Bipolar Transistors (IG BTs Milestones in IGBT Technology In 1986, Toshiba started the production of its 1st Generation 1000V IGBTs. With the introduction of Toshiba’s 2nd Generation in 1989, IGBTs were made available in High Speed and Low Saturation types for both a 600V and a

    OCR Scan
    2-99A1A 2-99B1A GT250101 MG150J2YS40 MG75Q2YS11 MG400Q1US11 MG200Q1JS9 MG75J2YS40 MG50J6ES40 MG200Q2YS91 MG75J6ES40 mg100q2ys9 PDF


    Abstract: 2-94D4A MG75Q2YS50 MG300J2YS50 2-109C1A MG200Q1US41 MG300Q1US41 MG300Q1US51 MG400J2YS50 mg200q2ys50
    Text: MHTEPTEKC Ten: 495 739-09-95, 644-41-29 M o A y n u IG B T $ u p M b i T o s h i b a fln a n a 3 0 H p a 6 o H nxT eM ne paT yp np0M3B0AMTenb Kofl: Uce lc Icm :o t -4 0 °C a o + 1 2 5 °C : T o s h ib a Ucesat npH lc Tr(typ.j Tf(typ.)

    OCR Scan
    flnana30H ot-40Â MG200Q1US41 2-109A4A MG300Q1US41 MG300Q1US51 2-109F1A MG400Q1US41 MG200J2YS50 2-94D4A MG75Q2YS50 MG300J2YS50 2-109C1A MG400J2YS50 mg200q2ys50 PDF

    IGBT 200A 1200V

    Abstract: T0247 T0220AB BUP313D IGBT IRG4BC20KD igbt 20A 1200v IGBT 1200V 60A T0247A BUP314D MG50Q2YS40
    Text: MHTEPTEKC ww ¡nfo@ electronics Ten: 495 739-09-95, 644-41-29 TpaH3MCTopbi h MOflynM IGBT b an^aBMTHOM nop^AKe BUP203 (T0220) KpaTKoe onMcaHMe MG50Q2YS40 BUP212 BUP213 BUP313 BUP313D BUP314 BUP314D GT20D101-T0s GT20D201-T0s HGTG12N60A4D HGTG30N60B3D

    OCR Scan
    bup203 t0220) BUP212 BUP213 BUP313 BUP313D BUP314 BUP314D GT20D101-T0s GT20D201-T0s IGBT 200A 1200V T0247 T0220AB BUP313D IGBT IRG4BC20KD igbt 20A 1200v IGBT 1200V 60A T0247A BUP314D MG50Q2YS40 PDF


    Abstract: MG75Q2YS40 MG360V1US41 MG100Q2YS42 MG75J6ES50 GT60M301 MG15J6ES40 MG300Q2YS40 MG150Q2YS40 mg100j6es5
    Text: • INDEX Page , Discrete Types Page Page MG300J2YS50 . 214-219 MG100Q1JS40 GT8J101 . . 69-71 MG400J1US51 . 220-225 MG100Q1ZS40 . 403-407 GT8J102 SM . . 72-75 MG400J2YS50 . 226-231 MG150J1ZS50 . . 408-412

    OCR Scan
    GT8J101 GT8J102 GT8Q101 GT15J101 GT15J102 GT8Q102 MG300J2YS50 MG400J1US51 MG400J2YS50 MG800J1US51 GT80J101 MG75Q2YS40 MG360V1US41 MG100Q2YS42 MG75J6ES50 GT60M301 MG15J6ES40 MG300Q2YS40 MG150Q2YS40 mg100j6es5 PDF


    Abstract: MG100J2YS50 mg300q1us41 mg75j6es50 MG400Q1US41 MG25Q2YS40 MG100Q2YS42 MIG20J901H MG50Q2YS40 mg100j6es5
    Text: .3 UL Approvals List All devices are included in: File number: . E87989 Section number: 4. 1700 V Types MG30V2YS40 . 80* MG90V2YS40 . 80*

    OCR Scan
    E87989 MG50J2YS50. MG50J6F MG75J2YS50. MG75J6ES50 MG100J2YS50 MG100J6ES50 MG150J2YS50 MG200J2YS50 MG7SQ2YS40 mg500q1us1 MG100J2YS50 mg300q1us41 mg75j6es50 MG400Q1US41 MG25Q2YS40 MG100Q2YS42 MIG20J901H MG50Q2YS40 mg100j6es5 PDF


    Abstract: MG100J2YS45 MG50J2YS45 MG150J2YS45 MG300Q1US MG400Q1US11 MG400J2YS40 MG150J2YS40 MG200Q2YS1 MG200J2YS45
    Text: Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors IGBTs Milestones in IGBT Technology In 1986, Toshiba started the production of its 1st Generation 1000V IGBTs. With the introduction of Toshiba’s 2nd Generation in 1989, IGBTs were made available in High Speed and Low Saturation types for both a 600V and a

    OCR Scan
    2-109C1A MG50J6ES50 MG75J6ES50 2-94A2A MG100J6ES50 MG50Q6ES11 MIG150J201H MIG200J201H MIG75Q201H MIG100Q201H MG75J2YS40 MG100J2YS45 MG50J2YS45 MG150J2YS45 MG300Q1US MG400Q1US11 MG400J2YS40 MG150J2YS40 MG200Q2YS1 MG200J2YS45 PDF