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    MSM6322 Datasheets (4)

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    MSM6322 OKI Electronic Components Pitch Control LSI for the Speech Signal Scan PDF

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    oki pitch

    Abstract: MSM6722 Voice changer IC UPC 2002 description CSTCR4M00G53-R0 CSTLS4M00G53-B0 MSC1157 MSM6322 MSM6722GS-K voice changer circuits diagram
    Text: Dear customers, About the change in the name such as "Oki Electric Industry Co. Ltd." and "OKI" in documents to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. The semiconductor business of Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. was succeeded to OKI Semiconductor Co., Ltd. on October 1, 2008.


    voice changer circuits diagram

    Abstract: MSM6722 voice changer microphone
    Text: FEDL6722-04 FEDL6722-04 This version: MSM6722 Jul. 2001 Previous version: Feb. 1999 ¡ Semiconductor MSM6722 ¡ Semiconductor Pitch Control IC for The Speech Signal GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6722 converts in real-time the pitch of the speech signal in a range of one octave upward

    FEDL6722-04 FEDL6722-04 MSM6722 MSM6722 MSM6322, voice changer circuits diagram voice changer microphone PDF

    keyboard diagram

    Abstract: voice changer Voice changer IC MSM6722GS-K voice changer circuits diagram 00MGW MSC1157 MSM6322 MSM6722 power amplifer circuit diagram
    Text: E2D0046-39-21 This version: Feb. 1999 MSM6722 Previous version: May. 1997 ¡ Semiconductor MSM6722 ¡ Semiconductor Pitch Control IC for The Speech Signal GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6722 converts in real-time the pitch of the speech signal in a range of one octave upward

    E2D0046-39-21 MSM6722 MSM6722 MSM6322, keyboard diagram voice changer Voice changer IC MSM6722GS-K voice changer circuits diagram 00MGW MSC1157 MSM6322 power amplifer circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: murata CST4.00MGW data sheet voice changer "pitch shift" CSA4.00MG Voice changer IC KBR-4.0MKS 00MGW MSC1157 MSM6322
    Text: E2D0046-27-41 This version: Jan. 1998 MSM6722 Previous version: May. 1997 ¡ Semiconductor MSM6722 ¡ Semiconductor Pitch Control IC for The Speech Signal GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6722 converts in real-time the pitch of the speech signal in a range of one octave upward

    E2D0046-27-41 MSM6722 MSM6722 MSM6322, OP24-P-430-1 CST4.00MGW murata CST4.00MGW data sheet voice changer "pitch shift" CSA4.00MG Voice changer IC KBR-4.0MKS 00MGW MSC1157 MSM6322 PDF

    sg 421

    Abstract: upc 555 voice changer MSM6722 CST4.00MGW MSM6322 00MGW MSC1157 CSA4.00MG
    Text: J2D0046-38-Z1 作成:1998年12月 MSM6722 l 前回作成:1997年 3月 ¡ 電子デバイス MSM6722 音程変換LSI n 概要 MSM6722MSM6322の改良品であり、音声信号を実時間に上下1オクターブの範囲で音程変換しま す。

    J2D0046-38-Z1 MSM6722 MSM6722 MSM6722MSM63221 MSM6722MSM6322 MSM6322 sg 421 upc 555 voice changer CST4.00MGW MSM6322 00MGW MSC1157 CSA4.00MG PDF


    Abstract: MSM6722 CSTCR4M00G53 CSTLS4M00G53 FJDL6722 FJDL6722-04 FJDL6722-05 MSC1157 upc 2002 voice changer
    Text: お客様各位 資料中の「沖電気」「OKI」等名称の OKI セミコンダクタ株式会社への変更について 2008 年 10 月 1 日を以って沖電気工業株式会社の半導体事業は OKI セミコン ダクタ株式会社に承継されました。 従いまして、本資料中には「沖電気工業株

    FJDL6722-05 MSM6722 MSM6722 MSM6722MSM63221 MSM6722MSM6322 MSM6322 MSM6322 CSTCR4M00G53 CSTLS4M00G53 FJDL6722 FJDL6722-04 FJDL6722-05 MSC1157 upc 2002 voice changer PDF

    chebyshev 0.2dB

    Abstract: MSM63* ADPCM
    Text: This version: Jan. 1998 Previous version: May. 1997 E2D0078-27-41 ¡ Semiconductor Q&A CONTENTS Q1: What kind of method is ADPCM? Q2: What is the specific value of the quantized width by ADPCM? Q3: How should we perceive the relationship between bit rates and the synthesis length and

    E2D0078-27-41 19cm/sec, chebyshev 0.2dB MSM63* ADPCM PDF


    Abstract: oki pitch voice changer power amplifer circuits all upc ic in one file MSC1157 MSM6322 MSM6722GS-K CSTCR4M00G53-R0 CSTLS4M00G53-B0
    Text: FEDL6722-05 OKI Semiconductor MSM6722 FEDL6722-05 Issue Date: Feb. 27, 2002 OKI Semiconductor MSM6722 Pitch Control IC for The Speech Signal GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6722 converts in real-time the pitch of the speech signal in a range of one octave upward

    FEDL6722-05 MSM6722 MSM6722 MSM6322, oki pitch voice changer power amplifer circuits all upc ic in one file MSC1157 MSM6322 MSM6722GS-K CSTCR4M00G53-R0 CSTLS4M00G53-B0 PDF


    Abstract: ML60852TB MSM6388GS ML60852ATB MSM6258VJS asm 1442 MSC7154 MSM5218RS asm 1441 Asm 1440
    Text: No. 138 144 3411 3413 3414 3415 3419 10681 10956 11042 11307 11308 11309 11696 11697 11698 11701 11906 11907 12207 12208 12209 12210 12756 12758 12759 12761 12765 12770 12772 12805 12808 12814 12815 12832 12835 12837 12846 12847 13924 14267 14500 14503 14507

    ML60851BGA ML60852TB MSM5052-01 MSM5052-02 MSM5052-10 MSC1157 MSC1157MS-K MSC1157MS-KR1 MSM5205RS ML60852TB MSM6388GS ML60852ATB MSM6258VJS asm 1442 MSC7154 MSM5218RS asm 1441 Asm 1440 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6322_ PITCH CONTROL LSI FOR THE SPEECH SIGNAL GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6322 converts in realtim e the pitch of the speech signal in a range of one octave u p w ard or dow nw ard. Tw o pitch control m ethods can be selected. O ne is to change the pitch in 17 steps by tw o

    OCR Scan
    MSM6322_ MSM6322 PDF

    IC UPC 354

    Abstract: rofin 4 MHz Oscillator Kyocera CT 285
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6322 Pitch Control 1C for Voice Signal GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6322 converts in realtime the pitch of a voice signal in a range of one octave upw ard or downward. Two pitch control methods can be selected. One is to change the pitch in 17 steps by two switch

    OCR Scan
    MSM6322 MSM6322 IC UPC 354 rofin 4 MHz Oscillator Kyocera CT 285 PDF


    Abstract: MSM6322 DD172 voice changer microphone 4MHZ oscillator XT MSM6322 SOP Voice changer IC mic PRE-AMPLIFIER with equalizer voice changer
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6322_ P ITC H C O N T R O L L S I FO R T H E S P E E C H SIG N A L G E N E R A L D E SC R IP TIO N The MSM6322 converts in realtime the pitch of the speech signal in a range of one octave upw ard or downward. Two pitch control methods can be selected.

    OCR Scan
    MSM6322_ MSM6322 b724240 SM6322 DD172 voice changer microphone 4MHZ oscillator XT MSM6322 SOP Voice changer IC mic PRE-AMPLIFIER with equalizer voice changer PDF

    BV 17234

    Abstract: voice changer MSM6322 mic 342 4MHZ oscillator XT voice changer microphone
    Text: Semiconductor OKI MSM6322_ P ITC H C O N T R O L LSI F O R T H E S P E E C H S IG N A L G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The MSM6322 converts in realtime the pitch of the speech signal in a range of one octave upward or downward. Two pitch control methods can be selected.

    OCR Scan
    MSM6322_ MSM6322 b724240 G017243 BV 17234 voice changer mic 342 4MHZ oscillator XT voice changer microphone PDF

    ACT 4060

    Abstract: ic 4060 pin configuration diagram IC UPC 354 ACT 4060 A CST4.00MGW mic 342 MSM6322 00MGW MSM6322 SOP
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM6322_ PITCH CONTROL LSI FOR THE SPEECH SIGNAL GENERAL The M S M 6322 con verts in re a ltim e th e p itc h o f th e speech signal in a ra nge o f o n e o cta ve u p w a rd o r d o w n w a rd . T w o p itc h c o n tro l m e th o d s can be selected. O ne is to cha n g e th e p itc h in 17 steps by tw o sw itch

    OCR Scan
    MSM6322_ MSM6322 ACT 4060 ic 4060 pin configuration diagram IC UPC 354 ACT 4060 A CST4.00MGW mic 342 00MGW MSM6322 SOP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I sem iconductor MSM 6322_ PITCH CONTROL LSI FOR THE SPEECH SIGNAL GENERAL The MSM6322 converts in realtime the pitch of the speech signal in a range of one octave upward or downward. Two pitch control methods can be selected. One is to change the pitch in 17 steps by two switch

    OCR Scan
    MSM6322 PDF

    2.1 speaker circuit

    Abstract: power switch
    Text: MSM6322 O K I Semiconductor MSM6322 Demonstration Board 1. Board Outline Mike jack Power switch Kl Power LED, Ö MSM6322 17777777777777777777777773 12345 Mode B □ □□□□ control □ □□□□ : A _ unit □ □□□□ Binary mode switch

    OCR Scan
    MSM6322 MSM6322 MSC1191 2.1 speaker circuit power switch PDF

    UPC 494 Application Note

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6322_ PITCH CONTROL LSI FOR THE SPEECH SIGNAL GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e M S M 6 3 2 2 c o n v e r ts in re a ltim e th e p itch o f th e sp e e ch sig n al in a ra n g e of o n e o c ta v e u p w a rd o r d o w n w a r d . T w o p itch c o n tro l m e th o d s ca n b e se lected .

    OCR Scan
    MSM6322_ MSM6322 UPC 494 Application Note PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •B i y m 32KX8 moiaic SRAM MSM832-25/35/45/55/70 Issue 1.0 : June 1992 ADVANCE PRODUCT INFORMATION S e m ic o n d u c t o r Inc. ^Pin Definition 32,768 x 8 CMOS High Speed Static RAM A14 A12 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 AO DO D1 D2 GND Features Access Times of 35/45/55/70 ns 25 ns in development

    OCR Scan
    32KX8 MSM832-25/35/45/55/70 MIL-STD-883D, PDF


    Abstract: MSM6388 MSM62* ADPCM 63P74 MSM6376 MSM63* ADPCM
    Text: O K I Semiconductor INTRODUCTION 1. VOICE SYNTHESIS LSI PRODUCTS OKI SPEECH LSI PRODUCTS SYNTHESIZER Internal Mask-ROM -M SM 6375 FAMILY- Internal OTP External ROM M SM 6372 128Kbit M SM 6373 256Kbit M SM 6374 512Kbit M SM 6375 1M bit M SM 63P74 75 Family

    OCR Scan
    128Kbit 256Kbit 512Kbit 63P74 MSM6376 MSM6295 MSM5205 MSM6585 MSM6586 MSM6587 M6378A MSM6388 MSM62* ADPCM MSM63* ADPCM PDF

    ic 555 audio amplifiers

    Abstract: MSM6722GS
    Text: E2D0046-39-21 O K I Semiconductor P revious version: May. 1997 M S M 6722 Pitch Control 1C for The Speech Signal GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6722 converts in real-time the pitch of the speech signal in a range of one octave upw ard or downward. Two pitch control m ethods can be selected. One is to change the pitch in 17 steps by two switch

    OCR Scan
    E2D0046-39-21 MSM6722 MSM6322, MSM6322Such ic 555 audio amplifiers MSM6722GS PDF


    Abstract: MSM6374
    Text: INTRODUCTION O K I Semiconductor 5. PACKAGING P ro d u c t N o. o f D ie nam e P in s F o rm MSM5205 18 MSM6585 18 MSM6295V 42 MSM6295 44 MSM6376 64 MSM6372 18 S O P /Q F P D ip RS M S -K G S -K 18 18 18 O o o o o o o o o o o o 24 MSM63P74 o o 20 MSM5218 24

    OCR Scan
    MSM5205 MSM6585 MSM6295V MSM6295 MSM6376 MSM6372 MSM6373 MSM6374 MSM6375 MSM63P74 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S p e e c h S y n th e sis T P la y - O n ly S e r ie s Serial Voice Registers/ROMs J_ R e c o r d / P la y M e m o ry L o W 'P o w e r S p e c ia l S e r ie s In te r fa c e s A m p lifie r s F u n c t io n s I MSM6295 MSM6372 MSM6373 MSM6374/63P74

    OCR Scan
    SC1191 MSM6295 MSM6372 MSM6373 MSM6374/63P74 MSM6375 MSM6376 MSM6378A MSM6585 MSM6650 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E2D0046-27-41 O K I Semiconductor Previous version: May. 1997 M S M 6722 Pitch Control 1C for The Speech Signal GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6722 converts in real-time the pitch of the speech signal in a range of one octave upward or downward. Two pitch control methods can be selected. One is to change the pitch in 17 steps by two switch

    OCR Scan
    E2D0046-27-41 MSM6722 MSM6322, MSM6722 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTRODUCTION O K I Semiconductor 2-3 VOICE PITCH CONTROL LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION M S M 6322 is a v o ice p itch control LSI p ro ­ v id in g a v oice p itch chang er function. This LSI p rov id es a 17-step v oice p itch con v er­ sion fu n ction u sin g the PC M m eth od . T his

    OCR Scan
    17-step MSM6322 16kHz 24-pin MSM6322 PDF