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    SYN155 Datasheets (1)

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    SYN155C TranSwitch 155-Mbit/s Synchronizer Clock & Data Output Original PDF

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    Abstract: TXC-02301-BICL TXC-02301-BIPL
    Text: SYN155 Device 155-Mbit/s Synchronizer, Data Output TXC-02301B DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Transmits and receives at STS-3/STM-1 rates • Compatible with available optical components • Detects frame of incoming 155.52 Mbit/s signal, converts it to a 19.44 MByte/s or a 38.88 Mnib/s

    SYN155 155-Mbit/s TXC-02301B TXC-02301B-MB SYN155C TXC-02301-BICL TXC-02301-BIPL PDF


    Abstract: MC10EL31 MS-018 SYN155C TXC-02302BIPL
    Text: SYN155C Device 155-Mbit/s Synchronizer Clock & Data Output TXC-02302B DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Transmits and receives at STS-3/STM-1 rates • Compatible with available optical components • Detects frame of incoming 155.52 Mbit/s signal, converts it to a 19.44 MByte/s or a 38.88 Mnib/s

    SYN155C 155-Mbit/s TXC-02302B TXC-02302B-MB JESD22-A112-A MC10EL31 MS-018 TXC-02302BIPL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BACK SYN155 Device 155-Mbit/s Synchronizer, Data Output TXC-02301B DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Transmits and receives at STS-3/STM-1 rates • Compatible with available optical components • Detects frame of incoming 155.52 Mbit/s signal, converts it to a 19.44 MByte/s or a 38.88 Mnib/s

    SYN155 155-Mbit/s TXC-02301B TXC-02301B-MB PDF


    Abstract: TXC-02302-BIPL
    Text: SYN155C Device 155-Mbit/s Synchronizer Clock & Data Output TXC-02302B DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Transmits and receives at STS-3/STM-1 rates The SYN155C synchronizer device provides a complete STS3/STM-1 frame synchronization function in a single low-power

    SYN155C 155-Mbit/s TXC-02302B TXC-02302B-MB TXC-02302-BIPL PDF


    Abstract: SYN155C AN518
    Text: AN-518 APPLICATION NOTE SOT-3 Device, TXC-03003 Designing SDH/SONET Add/Drop Muxes for Ring Applications with TranSwitch SYN155C / SOT-3 / ADMA-E1/T1 Copyright 1995 TranSwitch Corporation TXC and TranSwitch are registered trademarks of TranSwitch Corporation

    AN-518 TXC-03003 SYN155C TXC-03003-AN1 P1396 AN518 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BACK SYN155C Device 155-Mbit/s Synchronizer Clock & Data Output TXC-02302B DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Transmits and receives at STS-3/STM-1 rates The SYN155C synchronizer device provides a complete STS3/STM-1 frame synchronization function in a single low-power

    SYN155C 155-Mbit/s TXC-02302B TXC-02302B-MB G708 PDF

    E1 to fiber optic converter circuit

    Abstract: fiber to rs232 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM computer schematic power supply circuit diagram schematic circuit for computer system RS-232 MULTIPLEX E1 HDB3 rs232 to e1 HDB3 schematic 5V RS232 schematic diagram
    Text: SOT-3/SYN155/ADMA-E1 Evaluation Board TXC-21061 PRODUCT INFORMATION FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Complete single-board test system for evaluating the following TranSwitch VLSI devices: The SOT-3/SYN155/ADMA-E1 evaluation board is a complete, ready-to-use test bed for the test and evaluation of the

    OT-3/SYN155/ADMA-E1 TXC-21061 OT-3/SYN155/ADMA-E1 SYN155, SYN155 TXC-21061-MC E1 to fiber optic converter circuit fiber to rs232 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM computer schematic power supply circuit diagram schematic circuit for computer system RS-232 MULTIPLEX E1 HDB3 rs232 to e1 HDB3 schematic 5V RS232 schematic diagram PDF


    Abstract: XB2H DF2E
    Text: TL3M Device Triple Level 3 Mapper TXC-03453 DESCRIPTION • Maps up to three independent DS3/E3 line formats into SDH/SONET formats as follows: - DS3 to/from STM-1/TUG-3 - DS3 to/from STS-3/STS-1 - E3 to/from STM-1/TUG-3 • SDH/SONET bus access: - Byte wide drop and add buses

    TXC-03453 TXC-03453-MB DF2-A XB2H DF2E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TL3M Device Triple Level 3 Mapper TXC-03453 DESCRIPTION • Maps up to three independent DS3/E3 line formats into SDH/SONET formats as follows: - DS3 to/from STM-1/TUG-3 - DS3 to/from STS-3/STS-1 - E3 to/from STM-1/TUG-3 • SDH/SONET bus access: - Byte-wide drop and add buses

    TXC-03453 TXC-03453-MA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QT1F-Plus Device Quad T1 Framer-Plus TXC-03103C DESCRIPTION • D4 SF, ESF including HDLC Link support , and transparent framing modes • Encodes/decodes AMI/B8ZS and forced ones density line codes • Fractional T1 gapped clock • Monitor function for frame pulse, clock and data

    TXC-03103C TXC-03103C-MB, rneg2 PDF


    Abstract: vc-4 digital cross connect
    Text: TL3M Device Triple Level 3 Mapper TXC-03453B TECHNICAL OVERVIEW Each of the three channels of the TL3M can map a DS3 line signal into an STM-1 TUG-3 or STS-3 STS-1 SPE SDH/SONET signal. An E3 signal can be mapped only into an STM-1 TUG-3. The TL3M interfaces to an STM-1 or STS-3 SDH/SONET signal

    TXC-03453B TXC-03453B-MA TUG-3 vc-4 digital cross connect PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TL3M Device Triple Level 3 Mapper TXC-03453 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW SDH/SONET SIDE TELECOM BUS O-Bit Interfaces • Add/drop multiplexers • Digital cross connect systems • Broadband switching systems • Transmission equipment External Alarm Interfaces Drop Bus

    TXC-03453 TXC-03453-MA PDF


    Abstract: ndf 020-21
    Text: T1Mx28 Device DS1 Mapper 28-Channel TXC-04228 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW PRODUCT PREVIEW FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Twenty-eight independent 1.544 Mbit/s DS1 mappers • Single/dual byte-parallel Telecom Bus @ 6.48 MHz 28 slots or 19.44 MHz (84 slots) • Floating VT1.5 byte-synchronous mapping for use

    T1Mx28 28-Channel TXC-04228 VC-4/AU-3/TU-11) 5/TU-11 DOCUMENTATION OF SHADOW ALARM ndf 020-21 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TL3M Device Triple Level 3 Mapper TXC-03453 PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION • Maps up to three independent DS3/E3 line formats into SDH/ SONET formats as follows: - DS3 to/from STM-1/TUG-3 - DS3 to/from STS-3/STS-1 - E3 to/from STM-1/TUG-3 • SDH/SONET bus access:

    TXC-03453 TXC-03453-MC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ?W Y 3 lm SYN155 Device 155-Mbit/s Synchronizer TXC-02301 DATA SHEET Preliminary FEATURES - - - DESCRIPTION • Transmits and receives at S T S -3/S TM -1 rates T he TranSwitch S Y N 1 55 synchronizer device provides a com ­ plete S T S -3/S T M -1 fram e synchronization function in a single

    OCR Scan
    SYN155 155-Mbit/s TXC-02301 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SYN1 55C Device 155-Mbit/s S y n c h r o n iz e r Clock & Data O u t p u t TX C -0 23 02 B DATA SH EET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Transmits and receives at STS-3/STM-1 rates The SYN155C synchronizer device provides a complete STS3/STM-1 frame synchronization function in a single low-power

    OCR Scan
    155-Mbit/s TXC-02302B-M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SYN155C Device 155-Mbit/s Synchronizer Clock & Data Output TXC-02302B DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION:. ' •Transm its and receives at S T S -3 /S T M -1 rates = T h e T ranS w itch S Y N 1 5 5 C synch ro nizer d evice provides a c o m p le te S T S -3 /S T M -1 fra m e synchronization function in a

    OCR Scan
    SYN155C 155-Mbit/s TXC-02302B -27T0G4152 PDF

    0.1 micro farad capacitor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SYN155 Device 155-Mbit/s Synchronizer, Data Output TXC-02301B DATA SHEET FEATURES .= DESCRIPTION = • Transmits and receives at S T S -3/S TM -1 rates The S Y N 1 55 synchronizer device provides a complete S T S -3 / STM -1 fram e synchronization function in a single low-power

    OCR Scan
    SYN155 155-Mbit/s TXC-02301B TXC-02301B-MB 0.1 micro farad capacitor PDF

    0.1 micro farad capacitor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S Y N 1 55 Device 1 55-Mbit/s Synchronizer, Data O u tp u t T X C -023 0 1B DATA SH EE T FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Transmits and receives at STS-3/STM-1 rates The SYN155 synchronizer device provides a complete STS-3/ STM-1 frame synchronization function in a single low-power

    OCR Scan
    55-Mbit/s TXC-02301 0.1 micro farad capacitor PDF


    Abstract: TT 46 N 16 LOF f 8212 microprocessor 8212 block diagram
    Text: SYN155C Device 155-Mbit/s Synchronizer Clock & Data Output TXC-02302B DATA SHEET FEATU RES. — . = DESCRIPTION:. = • T ransm its and receives at S T S -3 /S T M -1 rates T h e TranS w itch • C o m p atib le with a v a ila b le optical com po nen ts

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SYN155C Device 155-Mbit/s Synchronizer Clock & Data Output TXC-02302B y Z7Ü G Ï XI ] DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Transmits and receives at STS-3/STM-1 rates The SYN155C synchronizer device provides a complete STS3/STM-1 frame synchronization function in a single low-power

    OCR Scan
    SYN155C 155-Mbit/s TXC-02302B TXC-02302B-MB PDF


    Abstract: t1b8
    Text: ADMA-T1 Device Mbit/s to VT1.5/TU-11 Async Ma pper-Desync TXC-04001 B DATA SHEE T Preliminary FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Digital desynchronizer reduces systemic jitter in the presence of multiple pointer movements. A register is also provided to control the internal

    OCR Scan
    5/TU-11 TXC-04001 87b3 t1b8 PDF


    Abstract: .1J63 7062l
    Text: f QE1F-PIus Device f t r H Quad E1 Framer-Plus TXC-03114 DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION The QE1F-Plus is a four-channel E1 2048 kbit/s framer designed for voice and data communications applications. A dual unipolar or NRZ line interface is supported with full alarm detection and generation per

    OCR Scan
    TXC-03114 TXC-03114-MB 1j63 .1J63 7062l PDF

    gi 08d

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QE1M D evice Quad E1 Mapper TXC-04252 DATA SHEET PRODUCT PREVIEW F FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Add/drop four 2.048 Mbit/s signals from an STM-1 VC-4, STS-3/AU-3, or an STS-1 • Independent add and drop bus timing modes • Selectable HDB3 positive/negative rail or NRZ

    OCR Scan
    TXC-04252 Unit-12s TU-12s) TXC-04252-M gi 08d PDF