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    ANDT5504 Search Results

    ANDT5504 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: group Data Sheet March 1999 Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7504 and T5504 Quad PCM Codecs with Filters • Operating temperature range: -4 0 °C to +85 °C Features ■ |a,-law/A-law companding selectable ■ 5 V only Low-power, latch-up-free CMOS technology

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    T7504 T5504 PUB43801) DS99-201ALC DS99-184ALC) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Datasheet October 1996 Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7504 and T5504 Quad PCM Codecs with Filters Features • Operating temperature range: -4 0 °C to +85 °C ■ n-law/A-law companding selectable ■ +5 V only ■ Low-power, latch-up-free CMOS technology

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    T7504 T5504 711--G PUB43801) andT5504 andT5504/SLIC PDF

    mode selection table of ic 7495

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: microelectronics Data Sheet October 1996 group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7504 and T5504 Quad PCM Codecs with Filters Features • Operating temperature range: -4 0 °C to +85 °C ■ n-law/A-law companding selectable ■ +5 V only ■ Low-power, latch-up-free CMOS technology

    OCR Scan
    T7504 T5504 711--G PUB43801) mode selection table of ic 7495 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m ic ro e le c tr o n ic s group Data Sheet October 1996 Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7504 and T5504 Quad PCM Codecs with Filters Features • Operating temperature range: -4 0 °C to +85 °C ■ |x-law/A-law companding selectable ■ +5 V only

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    T7504 T5504 28-Pin, 28-Pin 44-Pin 005002b PDF

    mode selection table of ic 7495

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: group Data Sheet March 1999 Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations T7504 and T5504 Quad PCM Codecs with Filters • Operating temperature range: -4 0 °C to +85 °C Features ■ |a,-law/A-law companding selectable ■ 5 V only Low-power, latch-up-free CMOS technology

    OCR Scan
    T7504 T5504 PUB43801) DS99-184ALC DS96-082ALC) mode selection table of ic 7495 PDF