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    Abstract: uniross hybrio uniross Alkaline Batteries APP2989 eneloop charger charger ni-mh Alkaline Uniross charger rechargeable battery charging efficiency
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Battery Management Keywords: battery, portable, batteries, alkaline, lithium-ion, Li-Ion, NiMH Jun 15, 2004 APPLICATION NOTE 2989 Match the Battery to the Application to Avoid Disappointment Abstract: End-customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction with portable devices depends largely on battery

    com/an2989 AN2989, APP2989, Appnote2989, eneloop uniross hybrio uniross Alkaline Batteries APP2989 eneloop charger charger ni-mh Alkaline Uniross charger rechargeable battery charging efficiency PDF


    Abstract: potentiometer 5 pins digital potentiometer AN298 APP298 MAX1983 MAX5160 MAX890L AN-298 "Digital Potentiometer"
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > A/D and D/A CONVERSION/SAMPLING CIRCUITS POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS Keywords: current limited, current-limit, switch, digital potentiometer, digital pots, P channel switch, switches Aug 17, 2000 APPLICATION NOTE 298 Current-Limit Switch Is Digitally Programmable

    MAX890L MAX5160 com/an298 MAX5160: MAX890L: AN298, APP298, Appnote298, RESISTOR POTENTIOMETER IC potentiometer 5 pins digital potentiometer AN298 APP298 MAX1983 MAX5160 AN-298 "Digital Potentiometer" PDF


    Abstract: headphone driver APP2980 MAX9724
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Amplifier and Comparator Circuits Audio Circuits Keywords: MAX9724, MAX9728, headphone amplifier, headphone, portable audio, audiophile, analog audio, HP amplifier, HP amp, headphone amp Jul 22, 2009 APPLICATION NOTE 2980 Circuit Refinements Ensure Quality Audio in Portable Devices

    MAX9724, MAX9728, MAX9724 MAX9728 com/an2980 MAX9724: MAX9728: AN2980, APP2980, Appnote2980, AN2980 headphone driver APP2980 PDF