aeg rsz
Abstract: AEG RSZ 2 aeg rsz 3 AEG T 178 aeg protection relay oerlikon aeg rsz settings cdc 2030 Sprecher Schuh timer R3AS52
Text: RK 40-401 C om parison betw een ASEA tim e -la g o v e r- c u rr e n t re la y type RIDA w ith independent tim e -la g c h a ra c te ris tic and c o rresp o n d in g re la y s of o th er m akes CONFIDENTIAL Reg, 5621,7431 RELAY INFORMATION This c ir c u la r Is intended as a guide to ASEA s a le s re p re se n ta tiv e s
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aeg rsz
aeg rsz 3
AEG T 178
aeg protection relay
aeg rsz settings
cdc 2030
Sprecher Schuh timer
RREL 24 Relay
Abstract: RREL 20 Relay RK415 rril 24-15-RRIL rrmj RRIL-23 RK 0313 RRIG Rmj Relay
Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 41-2 E Instantaneous current and voltage relays type RRIL and RREL / For use in sho rt-circuit protections, earth-fault protections etc. frequently in com bination with tim e-lag relays • Are electrom agnetic load capacity ■ with high
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Abstract: earthfault protection theory asea relay RI asea time-lag relay RI rrkh 28
Text: ASEA 8165 Ec Reg. 7433 1 • 4» I'tVRPMBH . «k . i m m i h c b m i , Measuring elements 7. The theory of impedance measurement 8. Timing elements 9. Retch settles id Voltage transformer* connected to tbe line side of the circuit-breaker 11. Anti-hunting device
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Abstract: CJ2W rril threephase three-winding transformer RRIL-23 rril asea Frequency relay type RFA asea rreg asea relay asea rvaa
Text: Information ASEA ¡8» 3Új-g.¿< 5* »-o _E? C£ c ao RELA Y PR O TEC TIO N FO R SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSERS 3 ^.*o </>t: .2>Ü c* o>tî8 _? ÍS 3 fe-5 -® °>:â *u£ § = ® 'E« S-Ê 5 •° E c ® ï = t!*- iS ® = g ® I S -o ï c JÉ O O »-5 <ü > c
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asea RK 316
Abstract: rrkh 28 RREL 24 Relay rril rrkh 23 RRKH 2 asea RREL 20 Relay asea, electromagnetic 110 v dc relay
Text: ASEA Catalogue RK 31-2 E Time-lag relay RRKH • Has p ic k -u p d e la y w ith tim e -la g scales • • D e sig n e d fo r d.c. s u p p lie s • Has g re a t a c c u ra c y ; w ith sca le s up to RR p lu g -in typ e and o c cu p ie s • Is p ro vid e d w ith tw o tw o -w a y c o n ta cts
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RREL 24 Relay
Abstract: rril RREL 20 Relay ASEA setting relay indicator ASEA gear
Text: , Catalogue RK 31-3 E A S E A ¥< ¿si. - February 1971 Time-lag relay type RRKO m • Drop-out delayed relay with time-lag scales 0.4—2, 1.5—6 and 4—20 s ■ For d.c. or a.c. supply ■ Short recovery time Intended primarily for relay protections in power plants and similar equipment
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electrical generator
Abstract: gas turbine generator RRIG gas turbine asea time-lag relay RI RRKH 2 GT35 asea ridi rydsa Reverse Power Relay
Text: Information A SEA GAS TURBINE Type P P , PPD o r GT 35 FKGK A pril 1969 KK 861-1102 E Sc 2 ^ l i t DESCRIPTION OF GENERATOR RELAY PROTECTION y c ^ C O o 3 ^ = 0 „ ‘fc .5?©O> -g£3St ~»0>:5 -g £ S = c >o"2 o *S3a«fe g-2 •E c ©* ï.iü>*2ç
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