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    B427SAS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 30E » • b427sas ooa^mb i ■ N E C LIGHT EMITTING DIODE ELECTRONICS INC J _ NDL5310P 1 300 nm O PT IC A L F IB ER C O M M U N IC A T IO N S InGaAsP DOUBLE HETEROSTRUCTURE LED M O DULE D ESC RIPTIO N NDL5310P is a 1 300 nm InGaAsP double heterostructure LED with fiber pigtail. It can achieve high optical output power

    OCR Scan
    b427sas NDL5310P NDL5310P 40juW b4S7S25 PDF


    Abstract: 28PIN IC 8-bit Microcontroller
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC 3QE D • b427SaS Q030G13 3 ■ ’X V . i t > MICROCONTROLLERS FOR SM A L L WHITE GOODS A PPLIAN CES / ¿ P D 1 7 1 9 , / ^ P D 1 7 1 1 0 4 BIT S IN G L E - C H IP M IC R O C O N T R O L L E R S The /¿PD17109 and ¿iPD17110 are 4-bit single-chip microcontrollers containing four channels of 8-bit A/D con­

    OCR Scan
    b427SaS Q030G13 uPD17109 uPD17110 /iPD17000 PD17109 /PD17110 iS7B11AS17109 S5A1AS17110 iiS5A10AS17110 1NTC 28PIN IC 8-bit Microcontroller PDF


    Abstract: NEC photo coupler psl6 PS2505-1 PS2633 PS2633L PS2634 PS2634L MTR100

    OCR Scan
    PS2633 PS2634 PS2633L PS2634L PS2633, PS2633L, PS2634L PD4584 NEC photo coupler psl6 PS2505-1 PS2633 MTR100 PDF


    Abstract: NEC 596 PD72068 JPD72068 MPD72068 ti42
    Text: N E C m ELECTRONICS INC 30E D' • e b427SaS 0027=150 fi ■ MPD72068 Floppy-Disk Controller N E C E lectronics Inc. T PRELIMINARY - S i - l 3 -6 > l Description Features The /¿PD72068 FDC is one of NEC’s integrated solutions for today’s floppy-disk controller designs. An outgrowth

    OCR Scan
    b427SaS uPD72068 PD72068 iiPD765A--long nPD72068 b427S25 IPD72068 T-52-33-61 NEC 596 JPD72068 MPD72068 ti42 PDF

    7915 CT

    Abstract: nec 7915 IC 7915 7915 I8N25 7915 UC
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC fll 6427525 N E C D e J b427SaS 0010115 1 ELECTRONICS INC 81C 10195 D T—79—15 NEC Electronics Inc. D e sc r ip tio n /JPC4084 Q U A D J-FET IN PUT o p e r a t io n a l a m p lifie r P in C o n fig u r a tio n T h e //P C 4 0 8 4 o ffe rs fo u r o p e ra tio n a l am p lifie rs with

    OCR Scan
    b427SaS T--79--15 uPC4084 T-79-15 3-002250A b427525 HPC4084 7915 CT nec 7915 IC 7915 7915 I8N25 7915 UC PDF


    Abstract: IC 741 cn
    Text: b427555 GG42530 Tfc.7 « N E C E / / MOS INTEGRATED CIR CU IT ju P D 4 2 S 1 6 1 9 0 , 4 2 S 1 7 1 9 0 , 4 2 S 1 8 1 9 0 16 M B IT D Y N A M IC RAM FA S T PA G E M O D E & B Y T E W R IT E M O DE - P R E LIM IN A R Y -D E S C R IP T IO N

    OCR Scan
    b427555 GG42530 uPD42S16190 uPD42S17190 uPD42S18190 475mil) P32VF-100-475A P32VF-100-475A 4N500 IC 741 cn PDF

    NEC C1875

    Abstract: UPC1875CT UPC1875 L427S2
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET NEC BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED C IR C U IT • ELECTRON DEVICE b4E752S 004^3*15 ÔÔ3 « N E C E ju PC1875 STEREO-ONLY US MTS DECODER The ¿iPC1875 is an LSI used for stereo-only US MTS Multi Channel Television Sound . The ¿/PC1875 includesall functions

    OCR Scan
    b4E752S uPC1875 iuPC1875 /uPC1875 /iuPC1875, izPC1871) b42752S GG41421 30PIN NEC C1875 UPC1875CT L427S2 PDF


    Abstract: PD70116-10 ASA16 UPD8080 UPD70116 D141F PD70116 UPD70116D UPD70116D-10 dkrh
    Text: N E C 6427525 N E C ELECTRONICS INC Tfl DE§ t.427S25 0014^74 1 980 14974 ELECTRONICS INC NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Q //PD 70116 V30 16-BIT HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS MICROPROCESSOR -T ' ‘/ 9 - / 7 V 6 Description Ordering Information_ The//PD70116 (V30) is a CMOS 16-bit microprocessor

    OCR Scan
    427S25 uPD70116 16-bit the/jPD8086/8088; The/uPD70116 //PD70116 //PD70108 UPD8080A PD70116-10 ASA16 UPD8080 D141F PD70116 UPD70116D UPD70116D-10 dkrh PDF


    Abstract: tdk fcr CG208 1S1211 JPD75P216A PD75CG208 400M-2
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC 3QE D NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Description The /iPD7520x/7521x is a family of single-chlp CMOS microcomputers containing CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O ports, several timer/counters, vectored interrupts, a FiP controller/driver, subsystem clock, and serial interface.

    OCR Scan
    uPD7520x uPD7521X uPD75CG uPD75P216A /iPD7520x/7521x 457S25 PD7520x/7521x/75CG2xx/75P216A b4S7525- iPD7520x/7521x/75CG2xx/75P216A LT746 tdk fcr CG208 1S1211 JPD75P216A PD75CG208 400M-2 PDF


    Abstract: UPD7503
    Text: CHAPTER The instructions uPD7500 6.1 SET A Operand the I NSTRUCTI ON uPD7502 and Format are according uPD7503 and are a subset of the Description coded to the format« in the format refer operand field prescribed. to the assembler 11-bit 12-bit immediate immediate

    OCR Scan
    uPD7500 uPD7502 uPD7503 11-bit 12-bit b427S25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R S - 2 3 2 C LIN E D R I V E R / R E C E I V E R DESCRIPTION The /xPD4712 is a silicon gate CMOS 1C which combines 4 sets of line drivers and receivers comforming to the RS-232C standard. A single +5 V power source operation is realized by built-in DC-DC converter. Moreover, the

    OCR Scan
    uPD4712 RS-232C /JPD4712 tM275aS 003071b T-75-45-05 28PIN 1989P PDF

    NEC 08F

    Abstract: NEC 08F P 74 70108H NEC 08F P OZ D70116 PD70116H d70108h uPD70108 UPD8080AF PD70108H
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT / /IPD70108H, 70116H V20HL , V30HL™ 16/8, 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR DESCRIPTION The ¿¿PD70108H V20HL and ^PD70116H (V30HL) are CMOS 16-bit microprocessors developed from the /jPD70108 (V20™) and //PD70116 (V30™). It offers higher processing speed and lower power consumption than

    OCR Scan
    70108H 70116H V20HLTM, V30HLTM 16-BIT uPD70108H V20HL) uPD70116H V30HL) NEC 08F NEC 08F P 74 70108H NEC 08F P OZ D70116 PD70116H d70108h uPD70108 UPD8080AF PD70108H PDF

    nec D27c256

    Abstract: D27C256 D27C256 nec PD27C256 27256 EPROM pd27256 mPD27C256 UPD27C256
    Text: N E C EL ECTRONI CS I NC ifl DE^jj t. 4 2 7 5 2 5 □□1274b □ f ~ ~ T ~ Ÿ fr-S 3 mP D 2 7 C 2 5 6 3 2 ,7 6 8 X 8-BIT c m o s u v / o t p e p ro m NEC Electronics Inc. R evision i January 1986 Pin Configuration Description The f/PD27C256 is a 262,144-bit ultraviolet erasable and

    OCR Scan
    1274b uPD27C256 144-bit mPD27C256 28-pin PD27C256 nec D27c256 D27C256 D27C256 nec 27256 EPROM pd27256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY PRODUCT INFORMATION MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD78P4026 16-/8-BIT SIN G LE-C H IP M IC R O C O M PU TER The pPD78P4026 is a 16-/8-bit single-chip microcomputer, one-time PROM or EPROM version of the ¿¿PD784025 and ¿iPD784026. Since the program can be w ritten by the user, the /¿PD78P4026 is suitable for

    OCR Scan
    PD78P4026 16-/8-BIT pPD78P4026 PD784025 iPD784026. PD78P4026 PD784026 78K/IV IEU-844 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD 78P4916 16-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The pPD78P4916 is one of the /iPD784915 subseries in the 78K/IV Series microcontrollers which incorporate a high-speed and high-performance 16-bit CPU. The /iPD78P4916 replaces mask ROM with one-time PROM and increases on-chip ROM and RAM capacity

    OCR Scan
    78P4916 16-BIT pPD78P4916 /iPD784915 78K/IV /iPD78P4916 /iPD784915. PD784915 U10444E d7225 PDF


    Abstract: SN2 -2s4 IC-8371 UD73 BEL 548 TRANSISTOR BTS 5002 5.1 around circlet diagram NEC disk controller 75336GC uPD75P338 DIODE s3l
    Text: NEC USER’S MANUAL Ml 4 -B IT SING LE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER a P D 7 5 3 3 B //PD75P338 • b l427SES 0 [ H 4 f l 4 4 bflT ■ NEC Corporation 1991 This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer . _L The information in this document is subject to change without notice.

    OCR Scan
    uPD75P338 l427SES b427525 DTH11 SN2 -2s4 IC-8371 UD73 BEL 548 TRANSISTOR BTS 5002 5.1 around circlet diagram NEC disk controller 75336GC DIODE s3l PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT juPD42S4805A, 424805A 4 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 512 K-WORD BY 8-BIT, HYPER PAGE MODE Description The ftPD42S4805A, 424805A are 524 288 words by 8 bits dynamic CMOS RAMs with optional hyper page mode. Hyper page mode is a kind of page mode and is useful for the read operation.

    OCR Scan
    juPD42S4805A 24805A ftPD42S4805A, 24805A 28-pin JPD42S4805A-50, 24805A-50 PDF


    Abstract: PD3520 fujinon F0.85 fujinon tc 9310n CF25L nec 14 tv diagram B423G MC-5573 DX485
    Text: _ 6427525 N E C N E C ELECTRONICS ELECTRONICS INC INC 98D 18072 Tß DE J LM2752S 01flD?a 3 NEC NEC Electronics Inc. A D VA N C E PRO D U C T IN FO R M A TIO N DATA S H E E T 7^f/-SS D N o vem b er 1 9 8 6 yuPD3 5 2 0 D CCD, Single-Board Color Image Sensor

    OCR Scan
    LM2752S 01flD dg1u PD3520 fujinon F0.85 fujinon tc 9310n CF25L nec 14 tv diagram B423G MC-5573 DX485 PDF


    Abstract: PD78310 nec 78312 a d78312 PD78310CW pd78312 7ROM upD78310 NEC a 13483 intel 8085A instruction set
    Text: NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Description T h e /t/PD78310 a n d /L/PD78312 m ic ro c o m p u te rs are d e s ig n e d f o r use in p ro c e s s c o n tro l. T h e y p e rfo rm a ll th e u su a l p ro ce ss c o n tro l fu n c tio n s a n d are p a rtic u la rly

    OCR Scan
    uPD78310 uPD78312 d78310 PD78310 nec 78312 a d78312 PD78310CW pd78312 7ROM upD78310 NEC a 13483 intel 8085A instruction set PDF


    Abstract: d4216165 uPD4216165-60 tlu 011 PD4216165
    Text: DATA SHEET 'J E C MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PD4216165 16 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 1 M-WORD BY 16-BIT, HYPER PAGE MODE, BYTE READ/WRITE MODE D escription The /iPD4216165 is a 1 048 576 w ords by 16 bits dynamic CMOS RAM w ith optional hyper page mode. Hyper page mode is a kind o f the page mode and is useful for the read operation.

    OCR Scan
    uPD4216165 16-BIT, /iPD4216165 fiPD4216165 50-pin 42-pin cycles/64 /1PD4216165-50 uPD4216165-60 iiPD4216165-70 s727E d4216165 tlu 011 PD4216165 PDF


    Abstract: TI241 00003H d70f3008 p103 t020 D70F30 PD703008
    Text: NEC USER'S MANUAL ¿¿PD703008 /iPD70F3008 /IPD703008Y ¿¿PD70F3008Y e NEC Corporation 1997 b427SSS DDTTQll bSfi Document No. U11969EJ1V0UM00 1st edition Date Published January 1997 N Printed in Japan ft Regional Information S om e information contained in this document may vary from country to country. Before using any N E C

    OCR Scan
    uPD703008 uPD70F3008 uPD703008Y uPD70F3008Y b427SSS U11969EJ1V0UM00 L427S2S H7057 TI241 00003H d70f3008 p103 t020 D70F30 PD703008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 'ri N E C ELECTRONICS INC 30E D • fc,Mg75B5 0030075 a ■ - 0 * ì - qc r MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT - //P D 9 3 2 0 A YC SEPARATION YCS LSI FOR IMPROVED DEFINITION TV The JUPD9320A is a Y C separation (VCS) LSI for the improved definition TV (ID TV ). This LSI can separate the luminance

    OCR Scan
    Mg75B5 uPD9320A P100GF 65-3BA-1 sa3d3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Introduction The V r 4100 microprocessor is a low-cost, low-power microprocessor that is compatible with the M IPS I, MIPS II, and MIPS III Instruction Set Architecture ISA , except for the Floating-point operating instructions, LL/LLD instruction and SC/SCD instruction.

    OCR Scan
    b427525 VR4100 64-bit 32-double-e Vn410Q Vr4200 Vr4400 Vr4100 MADD16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT jt iP D 4 2 S 1 7 4 0 5 , 4 2 1 7 4 0 5 16 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 4 M-WORD BY 4-BIT, HYPER PAGE MODE Description The /iPD42S17405, 4217405 are 4 194 304 words by 4 bits CMOS dynam ic RAM s with optional hyper page

    OCR Scan
    /iPD42S17405, iPD42S17405, 26-pin iPD42S17405-60, 673to 016to 008to PDF