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    BBS3C13 Search Results

    BBS3C13 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • bbS3c13]i QQ245bl 4Tb H A P X N AUER PH ILIPS/DISCR ETE BCW29 BCW30 b?E » SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P-N-P transistors, in a microminiature plastic envelope, intended for low level general purpose appli­ cations in thick and thin-film circuits.

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    QQ245bl BCW29 BCW30 bb53131 00545b4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *' N AflER PHILIPS/DISCRETE ^ I f ' * bbS3131 DQ2E3S7 a • BYH2U SERIES ESE D ■ P O S -/7 J V. ULTRA FAST-RECOVERY DOUBLE RECTIFIER DIODES FEATURING LOW REVERSE LEAKAGE Glass-passivated, high-efficiency epitaxial rectifier diodes in plastic envelopes, featuring low reverse

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    bbS3131 M3335 PDF

    sis 486

    Abstract: 7z97443
    Text: N AMER hRE PHILIPS/DISCRETE D • □DE'ill? 211 I IAPX BLV90/SL J U H F POWER TRANSISTOR NPN silicon planar e p ita xia l tra n sisto r designed fo r use In m o b ile rad io tra n sm itte rs in the 90 0 M Hz band. Features: • d iffu se d e m itte r-b a lla stin g resistors fo r an o p tim u m te m p e ra tu re p ro file .

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    BLV90/SL OT-172D) sis 486 7z97443 PDF


    Abstract: SOT166
    Text: N AMFR PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E 3> • bbSB^l DÜ2Ô333 33T ■ APX Philips Semiconductors Product specification Silicon diffused power transistor BU1508DX GENERAL DESCRIPTION Enhanced performance, new generation, high-voltage, high-speed switching npn transistor with an integrated

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    BU1508DX OT186A; OT186 BU1508DX SOT166 PDF

    Fast Gate Turn-Off Thyristors

    Abstract: BTW58
    Text: 1 AilER PHILIPS/DISCRETE^ ^ ~ O b E J > 53^31 0 0 1 1 % 1 1 BTW 58 SERIES T ' 2 S - l£ T FAST GATE TURN-OFF THYRISTORS Thyristors in TO-220AB envelopes capable o f being turned both on and o ff via the gate. They are suitable fo r use in high-frequency inverters, resonant power supplies, motor control, horizontal

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    O-220AB BTW58â 1000R 1300R 1500R QDin72 BTW58 Fast Gate Turn-Off Thyristors PDF

    darlington optocoupler cross reference

    Abstract: sot229 OPTOCOUPLER dc 4N46 optocoupler LP 250 OPTOCOUPLER dc 1ma optocoupler NPN
    Text: D E V E L O P M E N T DATA • bfaS3*131 o a a i n s _ 3 ■ 11 T h is data sheet contain* advance Inform ation and specifications are subject to change w ith o u t n o tice. 4N46 I I N AMER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E

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    OT229 T-41-85 tr-tf-16iw darlington optocoupler cross reference sot229 OPTOCOUPLER dc 4N46 optocoupler LP 250 OPTOCOUPLER dc 1ma optocoupler NPN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i i ' N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE MAINTENANCE TYPE 25E D ^53=131 0022351 7 • BY359F—1500 J T-CZ-17 V FAST HIGH-VOLTAGE, ELECTRICALLY-ISOLATED RECTIFIER DIODES Glass-passivated double-diffused rectifier diodes in full-pack plastic envelopes, featuring fast recovery

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    BY359Fâ T-CZ-17 bb53131 D02235S M1047 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 5SE D bhS3cm □020570 ^ PowerMOS transistor Logic Level FET BUK542-60A BUK542-60B r - 3^-09 SYMBOL CO N-channel enhancem ent mode logic level field-effect power transistor in a plastic full-pack envelope. Th e device is intended for use in

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    BUK542-60A BUK542-60B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • bbS3T31 00BSfl57 bQ5 H A P X N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE PMBT2907 PMBT2907A L.7E D _ J SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P-N-P silicon transistors, in a microminiature plastic envelope, intended for medium power switching and general purpose amplifier applications in thick and thin-film circuits.

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    bbS3T31 00BSfl57 PMBT2907 PMBT2907A PDF


    Abstract: L6ss Thyristor TAG LT 862 thyristor TAG 13 TAG thyristor Alps Tact Switch TO 220 THYRISTOR FAST SWITCHING
    Text: N AMER P H I L I P S /D I SC RE T E ObE D • ^53131 DQ11&H3 l BT153 I FAST TURN-OFF THYRISTOR Glass-passivated fast-turn-off thyristor in a TO-220AB envelope, intended fo r use in inverter pulse and switching applications. Its characteristics make the device extremely suitable fo r use in regulator

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    BT153 O-220AB O-220AB. 7Z82059 bfa53131 BT153 L6ss Thyristor TAG LT 862 thyristor TAG 13 TAG thyristor Alps Tact Switch TO 220 THYRISTOR FAST SWITCHING PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E » b b S B 'O l ;_ QDE7621 234 APX BR101 l SILIC O N C O N T R O L L E D SW IT C H The BR101 is a planar p-n-p-n switch in a TO -72 metal envelope, intended for time base circuits and other television applications. It is also suitable as trigger device for thyristors. It is an integrated p-n-p/

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    QDE7621 BR101 BR101 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semicon tTE ] bbS3^31 00Sbl7fl T50 H A P X Silicon planar epitaxial Product specification N AP1E:R PHILIPS/DISCRETE BAL74 high-speed diode DESCRIPTION Silicon epitaxial high-speed diode in a microminiature plastic envelope. It is intended for high-speed switching

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    00Sbl7fl BAL74 PDF


    Abstract: optocoupler cnx36 cnx36 CNX35 PHILIPS CNX35 CNX35U CNX36U CNX39 CNX39U T-41-83
    Text: CNX35 CNX36 CNX39 •I bbS3T31 005QT15 k N AÏ1ER PHILIPS/DISCRETE SSE D T ~ H \ ~ 8 3 OPTOCOUPLERS Optically coupled isolators consisting of an infrared emitting GaAs diode and a silicon npn photo transistor with accessible base. Plastic envelopes. Suitable for T T L integrated circuits.

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    bbS3T31 005CH15 CNX35 CNX36 CNX39 T-41-03 CNX35U, CNX36U CNX39U. 20pective PHILIPS CNX36 optocoupler cnx36 cnx36 CNX35 PHILIPS CNX35 CNX35U CNX39 CNX39U T-41-83 PDF

    BLW 82

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b'lE » bb53T31 QQ2T4MT 374 J APX DLVVO O V H.F./V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended fo r use in class-A, B and C operated mobile h.f. and v.h.f. transmitters with a nominal supply voltage of 12,5 V. The transistor is resistance stabilized and

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    bb53T31 BLW 82 PDF