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    Abstract: 70116-10 t127b AL6-P SERVICE MANUAL PS3 ic6660f 70116 70116 microprocessor NEC SAG 2003 PD70116
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ju P D 7 0 1 1 6 V30 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR The ¿/PD70116 V30 is a CMOS 16-bit m icroprocessor. The /¿PD70116 has a pow erful instruction set w hich includes b it processing and packed BCD operation and high speed m ultiplication/division instructions,

    OCR Scan
    V30TM 16-BIT uPD70116 /iPD70116 1PD70116 16-/8-bit iPD70108 V20TM) iem-871 70116-10 t127b AL6-P SERVICE MANUAL PS3 ic6660f 70116 70116 microprocessor NEC SAG 2003 PD70116 PDF


    Abstract: D78C10A PD78C14 PD78C10A PBYC D78C14AG-XXX-AB d78c14ag PD78C10ACW AGQ-36 AGQ-XXX-36
    Text: [□427525 0042b4T |\|EC NEC Electronics Inc. T14 • NECE JUPD78C14 Family iiPD78C10A/C11A/C12A/C14/C14A/CP14 8 ' Bit’ Single-Chip Microcontrollers With A/D Converter Septem ber 1993 Description Features This fam ily of m icrocontrollers integrates sophisti­

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    0042b4T uPD78C14 iiPD78C10A/C11A/C12A/C14/C14A/CP14) 16-bit 16K-byte 256-byte /PD27C256A. b427525 D78C10 D78C10A PD78C14 PD78C10A PBYC D78C14AG-XXX-AB d78c14ag PD78C10ACW AGQ-36 AGQ-XXX-36 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PD75P316B 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The /JPD75P316B is a product of the jjPD75316B with its built-in ROM having been replaced with the one­ tim e PROM. It is most suitable for test production during system development and forproduction in small

    OCR Scan
    PD75P316B /JPD75P316B jjPD75316B EEU-731 RA75X EEU-730 PG-1500 EEU-704 IEI-635 IEI-1207 PDF

    audio Transmitter receiver optic cable

    Abstract: PLT101 PLC101-1M PLM101-1M PLR101

    OCR Scan
    tM27S2S PLM101-1M PLM101-1M: PLT101 PLR101 PLM101-1M PLT101) PLR101) PLR101 audio Transmitter receiver optic cable PLC101-1M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT / jtfPD42S4400L, 424400L 3.3 V OPERATION 4 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 1 M-WORD BY 4-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE Description T h e /iP D 4 2 S 4 4 0 0 L , 4 2 4 4 0 0 L a re 1 ,0 4 8 ,5 7 6 w o r d s b y 4 b its d y n a m ic C M O S R A M s .

    OCR Scan
    jtfPD42S4400L, 424400L 4400L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b2E T> m b M 2 7 5 2 S D D 3 b l 3 2 =177 « N E C E N E C ELECTRONICS INC Ì.PD17P107 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The*PD17P107 is a tin y microcontroller composed of a ROM w ith 1K-byte capacity, a RAM w ith 16-word capacity and 11 I/O ports. It is a product developed by replacing the on-chip mask ROM o f the/iPD17107

    OCR Scan
    PD17P107 PD17P107 16-word the/iPD17107 PD17P107CX, PD17P107GS //PD17107. PD17000architecture //PD27C256. K/ADC-00111 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FR SERIES FR SERIES SM ALL-SIZED, W IDE TEMPERATURE RANGE CAPACITOR -4 0 °C to +85 °C The FR series SuperCapacitors are sm all-sized electric double-layer capacitors th a t can operate in a te m p e ra tu re range as w id e as -4 0 °C to +85 °C. These capacitors are ideal as lon g-tim e backup devices fo r m inute cu rre n t loads in in d u stria l e q u ip m e n t

    OCR Scan
    FR0H223Z FR0H473Z bM57SES 00Sfl FR0H105Z b457525 PDF

    ir 3z6

    Abstract: PD35H71 photocell light
    Text: FROM B*SSR 5 0 0 0 -B IT C C D L IN E A R IM A G E S E N S O R The ft P D35H71 is a high sensitivity 5000-bit linear image sensor consisting of charge coupled devices CCO I which changes optic«! images to electrical signal. Especially, the ¿iPD35H71 has extra high speed CCO register, so it is suitable for high resolution scanner end facsimile which

    OCR Scan
    uPD35H71 5000-bit iPD35H71 iPD3S71) /1PD35H71D' 22-pin 0D51bGfi ir 3z6 PD35H71 photocell light PDF


    Abstract: PD690 MPD6900G
    Text: N E C EL ECTRONICS INC ^ • */< *. V 30E D ¡-‘f i t MOS INTEGRATED C IR C U IT .v ;* g * ¥ CTROH DEVICE •*?:#& /¿PD6900 8 bit D /A C o n verter for Video Signal Processing CM O S LSI The mPD6900 is an 8 bit D/A converter for use in video applications. The high-speed CMOS processing tech­

    OCR Scan
    uPD6900 mPD6900 0Q30fc 24PIN P24GM-50-375B 016-O 006-oooî IC-1822B 1988P PD6900C PD690 MPD6900G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY PRODUCT INFORMATION NEC M O S Integrated Circuit V851 32-/16-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The V851 is a single-chip microcontroller that integrates a 32-bit CPU of RISC architecture with ROM, RAM, interrupt controller, real-time pulse unit, and serial interface.

    OCR Scan
    32-/16-BIT 32-bit b4275c PDF


    Abstract: 75p06
    Text: NEC USER’S MANUAL p\ 4-B IT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER //PD75064 //PD750BB //PD750B8 //PD7SPOB8 NEC Corporation 19 9 3 bM 2 7 5 P 5 O G T B f lH ? L 03 IH The information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written

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    //PD75064 //PD750BB //PD750B8 b427525 75068G 75p06 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD 78P4916 16-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The pPD78P4916 is one of the /iPD784915 subseries in the 78K/IV Series microcontrollers which incorporate a high-speed and high-performance 16-bit CPU. The /iPD78P4916 replaces mask ROM with one-time PROM and increases on-chip ROM and RAM capacity

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    78P4916 16-BIT pPD78P4916 /iPD784915 78K/IV /iPD78P4916 /iPD784915. PD784915 U10444E d7225 PDF


    Abstract: MC-421000A8BA-70 MC421000A8BA70
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / _ / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT M C - 4 2 1 0 0 0 A 8 , 4 2 1 0 0 0 A 9 S E R IE S 1 M-WORD BY 8-BIT, 1 M-WORD BY 9-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MODULE FAST PAGE MODE Description The MC-421000A8 is a 1 048 576 w o rd s b y 8 b its dyn am ic RAM m o d u le on w h ic h 2 pieces o f 4 M DRAM

    OCR Scan
    MC-421000A8 uPD424400LA MC-421000A9 /iPD424400LA) /iPD421000LA) MC-421000A9BA, 421000A9FA MC-421000A8, 421000A9 M30B-100A5-2 MC-421000A8BA MC-421000A8BA-70 MC421000A8BA70 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Introduction The V r 4100 microprocessor is a low-cost, low-power microprocessor that is compatible with the M IPS I, MIPS II, and MIPS III Instruction Set Architecture ISA , except for the Floating-point operating instructions, LL/LLD instruction and SC/SCD instruction.

    OCR Scan
    b427525 VR4100 64-bit 32-double-e Vn410Q Vr4200 Vr4400 Vr4100 MADD16 PDF


    Abstract: MPC1470H pc1470 uPC1470H
    Text: N E C 6427525 N E C ELECTRONICS ELECTRONICS INC GSE D | b4575E5 DOSBQflfi D INC 05E 23 0 8 8 D BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ß PC1470H T- 77-21 M O TO R SPEED REG U LA TO R S DESCRIPTION The juPC1470H is a m onolithic integrated circuit intended as speed regulators fo r DC motors of record players, tape and

    OCR Scan
    457SaS PC1470H T-77-21 juPC1470H quase-TO-126 bM57S2S //PC1470H -T-77-Zt VCC-12V -33on PC1470H MPC1470H pc1470 uPC1470H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 'd a t a b427525M17SE ST2 « N E C E NEC sh eet MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT f juPD42S4260L, 424260L 4 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 256 K-WORD BY 16-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE, BYTE READ/WRITE MODE DESCRIPTION The /¿PD42S4260L, 424260L are 262 144 words by 16 bits dynamic CMOS RAMs with optional fast page mode

    OCR Scan
    b427525 M17SE juPD42S4260L 424260L 16-BIT, PD42S4260L, 424260L /1PD42S4260L. PD42S4260L //PD424260L dd417 PDF