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    BVOT 12 Search Results

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    Abstract: diode ru4d 136-Pin CMOS7 BV09 180 nm CMOS standard cell library Synopsys
    Text: SEC CMOS-8L 3-VOLT, 0.50-M ICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS NEC Electronics Inc. Prelim inary Description O cto b er 1992 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8L Packages NEC’s 3-volt CMOS-8L family are ultra-high perform­ ance, sub-micron gate arrays, targeted for applications

    OCR Scan
    jPD65800 D65842 diode ru4d 136-Pin CMOS7 BV09 180 nm CMOS standard cell library Synopsys PDF

    transistor f422

    Abstract: transistor f423 F422 transistor transistor f421 nec product naming rule BK-DK
    Text: i O 1993 iir n r, . . NEC E le ctro n ics Inc. Prelim inary Description CMOS-8LCX 3-VOLT, 0.50-M ICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS c ro s s c h e c k te s t s u p p o rt February 1993 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8LCX Packages NEC’s 3-volt CMOS-8LCX family are ultra-high perform­

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    iPD658xx transistor f422 transistor f423 F422 transistor transistor f421 nec product naming rule BK-DK PDF

    transistor f422

    Abstract: transistor f423 BKDF f422 transistor B00J f422 F423 fet 13187 RJ4B ru4f
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC b7E D NEC NEC Electronics Inc. I b *427525 Q D 3 ci 7 n bTD « N E C E CMOS-8LCX 3-VOLT, O.5O-MICRON CMOS GATE ARRAYS CROSSCHECK TEST SUPPORT Prelim inary Description O c to b e r 1 9 9 3 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8LCX Packages N EC 's 3-volt C M O S -8L C X family consists of ultra-high

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    xPD658xx transistor f422 transistor f423 BKDF f422 transistor B00J f422 F423 fet 13187 RJ4B ru4f PDF

    diode ru4d

    Abstract: ru4f bvde RJ4B 364-pin ITT 2222 A rj8b diode ru4d compatible "RJ-49" FWB1
    Text: C M O S -8 L 3 -V O L T , 0 .5 0 -M IC R O N C M O S G A TE A R R A YS NEC Electronics Inc. P r e lim in a r y Description February 1993 Figure 1. Various CMOS-8L Packages NEC’s 3-volt CMOS- 8 L family consists of ultra-high per­ fo rm a n c e , s u b -m ic ro n g a te a rra y s , ta rg e te d fo r

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    aPD658xx diode ru4d ru4f bvde RJ4B 364-pin ITT 2222 A rj8b diode ru4d compatible "RJ-49" FWB1 PDF

    transistor f422 equivalent

    Abstract: transistor f422 F913 F422 transistor H49-M97 y205 TBB 469 F521-F523 0256C g0641
    Text: NEC CB-C9 Family Design Manual June 1996 Document No. A10927EU1V0UM00 Copyright 1996 NEC Electronics Inc. All Rights Reserved b 4 Ë 75 E 5 0063Û Û1 7 b l NEC CB-C9 Family Design Manual Document Number A10927EU1V0UM00 Revision History Preliminary Release On-Line - June 1996

    OCR Scan
    A10927EU1V0UM00 A11040XEU1V0UM00 b427525 G064122 transistor f422 equivalent transistor f422 F913 F422 transistor H49-M97 y205 TBB 469 F521-F523 0256C g0641 PDF