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    Abstract: MC145026P MC145028 MC145028P MC145026D MC145027 MC145027DW MC145027P MC145028DW trinary encoder
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data MC145026/D Rev. 4, 1/2005 MC145026, MC145027 MC145028 16 16 MC145026, MC145027, MC145028 1 1 P Suffix Plastic DIP Case 648 Encoder and Decoder Pairs CMOS D Suffix SOG Package Case751B 16 1 DW Suffix SOG Package Case 751G

    MC145026/D MC145026, MC145027 MC145028 MC145027, Case751B MC145026 MC145026P MC145028 MC145028P MC145026D MC145027 MC145027DW MC145027P MC145028DW trinary encoder PDF


    Abstract: MC145026 MC145028P application of encoder and decoder MC145027DW MC145026p
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data MC145026/D Rev. 4, 1/2005 MC145026, MC145027 MC145028 16 16 MC145026, MC145027, MC145028 1 1 P Suffix Plastic DIP Case 648 Encoder and Decoder Pairs CMOS D Suffix SOG Package Case751B 16 1 DW Suffix SOG Package Case 751G

    MC145026/D MC145026, MC145027 MC145028 MC145027, Case751B MC145026P MC145026D mc145027p MC145026 MC145028P application of encoder and decoder MC145027DW PDF


    Abstract: PC33880DW PC33880DWB 33-880 SOIC32
    Text: MOTOROLA Document order number: MC33880/D Rev 1, 09/2002 SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information 33880 Configurable Octal Serial Switch with Serial Peripheral Interface I/O The 33880 device is an eight output hardware configurable high side/low side switch with 8-bit serial input control. Two of the outputs may be controlled

    MC33880/D Case751F PC33880DW PC33880DWB 33-880 SOIC32 PDF


    Abstract: BRX49 SCR MRF549 ATV5030 MRF660 MRF548 mmbr2857lt1 CR2428 MPF3822 MRF548 MOTOROLA
    Text: ALPHANUMERIC INDEX DEVICE ATV5030 ATV5090B ATV6031 ATV6060H ATV7050 BAL99LT1 BAS16LT1 BAS21LT1 BAV70LT1 BAV74LT1 BAV99LT1 BAW56LT1 BC107,A,B BC109C BC177B BC182 BC212 BC237B BC239 BC307B BC327 BC328 BC337 BC338 BC368 BC369 BC373 BC489 BC490 BC517 BC546,A,B

    ATV5030 ATV5090B ATV6031 ATV6060H ATV7050 BAL99LT1 BAS16LT1 BAS21LT1 BAV70LT1 BAV74LT1 MLED96 BRX49 SCR MRF549 ATV5030 MRF660 MRF548 mmbr2857lt1 CR2428 MPF3822 MRF548 MOTOROLA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FREQUENCY October 21th, 2004 OVEN CONTROLLED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR DOC 4837 - W1 FREQUENCY OVEN CONTROLLED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Symbol Main Parameters Nominal Frequency Temperature Range Operating G1 Storage Power Supply Power Supply Consumption VS Temperature range

    150Hz CASE75 DOC4837 PDF

    Temex S110

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FREQUENCY S110 OVEN CONTROLLED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR DOC 4837 - W1 October 21th, 2004 FREQUENCY S110 OVEN CONTROLLED CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR Symbol Main Parameters Nominal Frequency Temperature Range Operating G1 Storage Power Supply Power Supply Consumption VS Temperature range

    150Hz CASE75 DOC4837 Temex S110 PDF


    Abstract: crystal SM-49 74LS245DW IN5232B MMBT222ALT1 IC 92112 eeprom MMBT222a ZENER 1n5232 mch315c104kp 95MS15
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL INFORMATION BINGO MC68PM302 Passive ISA ISDN Card Signal Documentation Rev 0.6 Monday, March 4, 1996 This document contains information on a product under development. Motorola reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice.

    MC68PM302 24-bit 0a0000h 0dc000h) 04000h) TL413 crystal SM-49 74LS245DW IN5232B MMBT222ALT1 IC 92112 eeprom MMBT222a ZENER 1n5232 mch315c104kp 95MS15 PDF


    Abstract: MMSF7P03HD MMSWP03HDR2 qerur 552 transistor motorola DIS12
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL Order this document by MMSF7P03HD/D DATA Designer3TM Data Sheet Medium Power Surface Mount Products TMOS SingIe P-Channel Field Effect Transistors Single HDTMOS are an advanced series of power MOSFETS which utilize Motorola’s

    MMSF7P03HD/D MMSF7P03HD OW1-2447 MMSmP03HD/D AN569 MMSF7P03HD MMSWP03HDR2 qerur 552 transistor motorola DIS12 PDF

    Motorola transistors MRF 947

    Abstract: trimpots 3296 transistor C5386 1n4740 2N5591 Motorola 2N5688 CQ 542 Transistor npn motorola equivalent transistor of 2sc3358 HB215/D ic cd 2399 gp
    Text: Selector Guide 1 Discrete Transistor Data Sheets Amplifier Data Sheets Monolithic Integrated Circuit H Data Sheets mm Case Dimensions Cross Reference and Sales Offices 6 M MOTOROLA RF Device Data This publication presents technical information for the several product families that

    OCR Scan
    2PHX11136Q-17 Motorola transistors MRF 947 trimpots 3296 transistor C5386 1n4740 2N5591 Motorola 2N5688 CQ 542 Transistor npn motorola equivalent transistor of 2sc3358 HB215/D ic cd 2399 gp PDF


    Abstract: MPS9426C Cordless Phone circuit diagram CASE751G motorola cmos MC145168P MC145169DW 9942 sd 8 pin lr 7833 1N5462A
    Text: MOTOROLA • S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA MC145168 MC145169 Advance Information Dual PLLs for 46/49 MHz Cordless Telephones E g POT 1 1 CMOS 19 T h e s a d e v ic e s a re d u a l p h a s e -lo c k e d lo o p fre q u e n c y s y n th e s iz e rs in te n d e d

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    n-200 MC145168 MC145169 MPS9426C 1N5462A MPS9426 MPS9426C Cordless Phone circuit diagram CASE751G motorola cmos MC145168P MC145169DW 9942 sd 8 pin lr 7833 1N5462A PDF


    Abstract: 14543 motorola CASE751G Motorola 14543
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this docum ent by M C145436A/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C 145436A Advance Information Low -Pow er Dual Tone M ultiple Frequency Receiver P - T - IP 14 I I I M 1 C A S E 646 T he M C 1 45 436 A is a lo w -p o w e r and im p roved input s e n sitivity v ersion of the

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    C145436A/D 45436A 1ATX35049-0 MC145436A/D MC14543 14543 motorola CASE751G Motorola 14543 PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR c 5803 CASE751G 4322 021 3525 philips 3f3 4312 020 4124 mc34067p MC33067
    Text: g MOTOROLA MC34067 M C33067 High Perform ance Resonant Mode Controllers The MC34067/MC33067 are high perform ance zero voltage switch resonant mode controllers designed for off-lin e and d c -to -d c converter applications that utilize frequency modulated constant o ff-tim e or constant

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    MC34067 C33067 MC34067/MC33067 EP10-3F3 EP10PCB1-8 533402B02552 MC34067-5803 MC33067 TRANSISTOR J 5803 TRANSISTOR c 5803 CASE751G 4322 021 3525 philips 3f3 4312 020 4124 mc34067p MC33067 PDF


    Abstract: ic uc3842 33363AD Nippon capacitors U6875-A
    Text: Order this document by MC33363A/D MOTOROLA •— — ■' Advance Information High Voltage Switching Regulator The MC33363A is a monolithic high voltage switching regulator that is specifically designed to operate from a rectified 240 Vac line source. This

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    MC33363A/D MC33363A 1PHX36118-1 MC33363AP ic uc3842 33363AD Nippon capacitors U6875-A PDF


    Abstract: 5218 8 PIN Case751B
    Text: MOTOROLA SC { L O G I C * OS D b3L.72SS OOflOEflS ñ MOTOROLA T - SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC54/74HC195 4-B it Universal S hift Register High-Performance Silicon-Gate CMOS J SUFFIX CERAMIC C A S E 620*09 The MC54/74HC195 is identical in pinout to the LS195. The device inputs are

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    MC54/74HC195 LS195. MC54/74HC195 CASE-751 5218 8 PIN Case751B PDF