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    DIODES 11W Search Results

    DIODES 11W Result Highlights (5)

    ECAD Model
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

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    Abstract: TOSHIBA 2N3055 bta41-600b application BTA41-600B firing circuit TAB 429 H toshiba BZX85C20V SCR tyn612 pin configuration picaxe TYN612 specification 2SA1085E
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS DISCRETE DEVICES Cathode Anode DO-15 DO-201AD 6.8 x 3.5mm 9.5 x 5.3mm Anode Cathode TO-220AC Fast recovery diodes page 427 Schottky power diodes page 428 Isolated tab triacs page 430 Anode 1 Gate Anode 2 Bridge rectifiers Current regulating diodes

    DO-15 DO-201AD O-220AC T0202-3 STGP3NB60HD* STGP7NB60HD* STGP3NB60HD STGP7NB60HD BZX85C12V TOSHIBA 2N3055 bta41-600b application BTA41-600B firing circuit TAB 429 H toshiba BZX85C20V SCR tyn612 pin configuration picaxe TYN612 specification 2SA1085E PDF


    Abstract: Sine Wave Generation Techniques schematic diagram 48V automatic battery charger circuit diagram for 48v 10a automatic battery charger SOT-23 MOSFET P-CHANNEL a1 1- mark 12V, 20A automatic charger schematic schematic diagram 48v dc 3A battery charger 10K115 LTC6905 48v battery charger schematic diagram
    Text: LINEAR TECHNOLOGY MARCH 2005 COVER ARTICLE Smart Batteries: Not Just for Notebooks Anymore . 1 Mark Gurries Issue Highlights . 2 LTC in the News… . 2 DESIGN FEATURES Dual Monolithic Ideal Diodes

    170MHz OT-23 I-20156 SE-164 LT1968 Sine Wave Generation Techniques schematic diagram 48V automatic battery charger circuit diagram for 48v 10a automatic battery charger SOT-23 MOSFET P-CHANNEL a1 1- mark 12V, 20A automatic charger schematic schematic diagram 48v dc 3A battery charger 10K115 LTC6905 48v battery charger schematic diagram PDF


    Abstract: AN603 diode 400v 2A ultrafast TURBOSWITCH ULTRA-FAST HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE STTA2006P transistor Ip transistor working principle transistor 600v 500a 600V 20A 50KHz MOSFET
    Text: AN603 APPLICATION NOTE TURBOSWITCH IN A PFC BOOST CONVERTER INTRODUCTION STMicroelectronics offers two families of 600V ultrafast diodes TURBOSWITCH"A" and "B" having different compromises between the forward characteristics and the reverse recovery characteristics.

    AN603 STTA806D AN603 diode 400v 2A ultrafast TURBOSWITCH ULTRA-FAST HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE STTA2006P transistor Ip transistor working principle transistor 600v 500a 600V 20A 50KHz MOSFET PDF


    Abstract: high efficiency power supply for 1w Luxeon star LEDs circuit diagram LXHL-NB98 LXHL-ND94 LXHL-BL01 DS23 LXHL-MWEA Luxeon Star Power LXHL-MW1A LXHL-BD01 Amicon die attach adhesive
    Text: power light source Luxeon Star Technical Datasheet DS23 Luxeon is a revolutionary, energy efficient and ultra compact new light source, combining the lifetime and reliability advantages of Light Emitting Diodes with the brightness of conventional lighting.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OL40 Low Intensity Obstruction Light 32cd Steady Burn Red Obstruction Light Fully comply to ICAO Annex 14 - Low intensity light type B √ √ √ √ Mainenance free. Elevated beam. Low intensity below the horizontal plane. Built with Light Emitting Diodes

    DK-2400CopenhagenNV 640nm 0-30V) PDF

    w4w sot323

    Abstract: 12w marking code sot 23 ZENER DIODE 1.2w 3.7 V transistor marking code 12W CMSZDA11V CMSZDA12V CMSZDA13V CMSZDA15V CMSZDA16V CMSZDA18V
    Text: CMSZDA2V4 THRU CMSZDA47V SURFACE MOUNT DUAL, COMMON ANODE SILICON ZENER DIODES 275mW, 2.4 THRU 47 VOLTS w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CMSZDA2V4 Series silicon dual zener diode is a highly quality voltage regulator, connected in a common anode

    CMSZDA47V 275mW, OT-323 CMSZDA33V CMSZDA36V CMSZDA39V CMSZDA43V w4w sot323 12w marking code sot 23 ZENER DIODE 1.2w 3.7 V transistor marking code 12W CMSZDA11V CMSZDA12V CMSZDA13V CMSZDA15V CMSZDA16V CMSZDA18V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMSZDA2V4 THRU CMSZDA47V SURFACE MOUNT DUAL, COMMON ANODE SILICON ZENER DIODES 275mW, 2.4 THRU 47 VOLTS w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR CMSZDA2V4 Series silicon dual zener diode is a highly quality voltage regulator, connected in a common anode


    transistor 415

    Abstract: diode 500A transistor working principle STTA806D AN-603 STTA2006P transistor 600v 500a transistor 2N2
    Text:  APPLICATION NOTE TURBOSWITCH TM IN A PFC BOOST CONVERTER B. Rivet 1.INTRODUCTION 2.PARAMETERS DEFINITION SGS-THOMSON offers two families of 600V ultrafast diodes TURBOSWITCH”A” and ”B” having different compromises between the forward c h a ra ct e ris t ic s a n d t h e re v e rs e re c ov ery



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AL9910EV8.230 User Guide 230VAC Non-Dimmable Evaluation Evaluation Board AL9910EV8 AC+ LED+ ACLED- Figure 1: Top-View Evaluation Board Features •       Non Dimmable Selectable 2W-11W output power Active PFC with power factor >0.9 No electrolytic capacitor

    AL9910EV8 230VAC AL9910EV8) W-11W PAR38, PAR30, AL9910 PDF


    Abstract: 100KHz transformer diode zener SMA 110V GMR188R71H GMR188R71H472K EEVFK1H331Q GRM188R71H104K vacuumfluorescent RESISTOR R20 Schottky Diode 400V 1A SMB
    Text: 19-0964; Rev 0; 8/07 MAX15005A Evaluation Kit Features The MAX15005A evaluation kit EV kit is a fully assembled and tested PCB that contains an 11W flyback DCDC converter for vacuum-fluorescent displays (VFDs) in automotive applications. The circuit uses a MAX15005A

    MAX15005A MAX15005A 16-pin 650mA, CTX03-17677-R 100KHz transformer diode zener SMA 110V GMR188R71H GMR188R71H472K EEVFK1H331Q GRM188R71H104K vacuumfluorescent RESISTOR R20 Schottky Diode 400V 1A SMB PDF

    dimmer leviton 6633

    Abstract: SCHEMATIC trailing edge dimmer
    Text: AN400 Design Example of CS1615 for 11W Dimmer-Compatible SSL Circuit Features General Description • Supports Cirrus Logic CS1615 This application note provides an example of a Solid State Lighting SSL LED lamp circuit designed using Cirrus Logic’s CS1615, the CRD1615-11W-36V. The CRD161511W-36V reference design demonstrates the performance

    AN400 CS1615 CS1615, CRD1615-11W-36V. CRD161511W-36V CS1615 250mA 12xLEDs A19-type, dimmer leviton 6633 SCHEMATIC trailing edge dimmer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 11W 9xxnm 90 m High Power Single Emitter Laser Diode on Submount SES11-9xx-01 Features: • 90μm wide emitter • 11W operating power p-side down mounted • Highly reliable single quantum well MBE structure • Standard wavelength at 915, 940, 960 and 975nm (other available on request)

    SES11-9xx-01 975nm SES11-9xx-01 900-1070nm BH12915 PDF

    laser sharp

    Abstract: gw6dge40
    Text: LED HIGH-LUMINOSITY WHITE SURFACE MOUNT LEDs / HIGH-LUMINOSITY SURFACE MOUNT LEDs RGB 3-COLOR ☆ New product ★ Under development • High-Luminosity Outline dimensions (mm) White Surface Mount LEDs (Tc = 25°C) Color coordinates (x, y) TYP. Forward voltage

    GM5BN96312A GM5BN96317A GM5BN98320A GM5BN98330A GM5BN98310A laser sharp gw6dge40 PDF

    1N4007 equivalent

    Abstract: 15w cfl cfl lamp 15w philips 11w cfl 14w cfl circuit philips 11W philips cfl Philips Electrolytic Capacitor 400v philips cfl 23W 230v CFL circuit diagram RFUS 20
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE CFL applications with the UBA2024T Philips Semiconductors TRAD Philips Semiconductors CFL applications with the UBA2024T APPLICATION NOTE APPLICATION NOTE CFL applications with the UBA2024T Author s : Joost Bongers, Arjan van den Berg, Ben Verhoeven

    UBA2024T 2003-August-25 1N4007 equivalent 15w cfl cfl lamp 15w philips 11w cfl 14w cfl circuit philips 11W philips cfl Philips Electrolytic Capacitor 400v philips cfl 23W 230v CFL circuit diagram RFUS 20 PDF


    Abstract: TRIPATH TA2024B 15W x 2 Multimedia IC Tripath Technology PSOP-36 2.2uF 10V electrolytic capacitor TRIPATH MBRS130T3 MO-166
    Text: Tri path Technol og y, I nc. - Techni cal I nformation TA2024B STEREO 15W 4Ω CLASS-T DIGITAL AUDIO AMPLIFIER USING DIGITAL POWER PROCESSING™ TECHNOLOGY Technical Information Revision 1.2 – January 2006 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TA2024B is a 15W/ch continuous average two-channel Class-T Digital Audio Power Amplifier IC

    TA2024B TA2024B TRIPATH TA2024B 15W x 2 Multimedia IC Tripath Technology PSOP-36 2.2uF 10V electrolytic capacitor TRIPATH MBRS130T3 MO-166 PDF


    Abstract: TRIPATH TA2024 tripath 2024 Tripath TA-2024 IC PSOP-36 TRIPATH Tripath Technology MBRS130T3 MO-166 TA2024 application note
    Text: Tr i path Technol ogy, I nc. - Techni cal I nfor m ati on TA2024 STEREO 15W 4Ω CLASS-T DIGITAL AUDIO AMPLIFIER USING DIGITAL POWER PROCESSING™ TECHNOLOGY Technical Information Revision 4.0 – February 2004 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The TA2024 is a 15W/ch continuous average two-channel Class-T Digital Audio Power Amplifier IC

    TA2024 TA2024 TRIPATH TA2024 tripath 2024 Tripath TA-2024 IC PSOP-36 TRIPATH Tripath Technology MBRS130T3 MO-166 TA2024 application note PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: October 27, 2011 LM2460 Monolithic Triple Channel High Swing CRT Driver General Description Features The LM2460 is an integrated high voltage CRT driver circuit designed for use in high brightness monitor applications. The IC contains three high input impedance, wide band amplifiers

    LM2460 LM2460 O-220 LM1267 PDF

    transistor M3004

    Abstract: str TV SMPS STV9302A lm317x flyback MC34063 STV0499 mc34063 step down with mosfet LED DRIVER BY MC34063 mc34063 step up with mosfet STV9306
    Text: Paving the Way to the New Era of Digital TV Innovative, Evolutive, Future-proof… With more than twenty years experience in developing TV solutions and leadership in set-top box and MPEG2 decoding, today STMicroelectronics offers comprehensive, cost-efficient



    Abstract: Sharp laser diodes sharp sm-32 dvd laser diode 10 pin 700 mw
    Text: LED HIGH-LUMINOSITY WHITE SURFACE MOUNT LEDs / HIGH-LUMINOSITY SURFACE MOUNT LEDs RGB 3-COLOR ✩New product ★Under development • High-Luminosity White Surface Mount LEDs Outline dimensions (mm) Model No. (Tc = 25°C) Color coordinates (x, y) TYP. Forward voltage

    GM5BN98310A* GM5BN98320A* GM5BN98330A* GM5BN96312A GM5BN96317A GH07P28F1C Sharp laser diodes sharp sm-32 dvd laser diode 10 pin 700 mw PDF

    impatt diode

    Abstract: impatt diode operation AN961 5082-0710 IMPATT
    Text: 5082-0710 X-BAND 5082-0716 Ku-BAIMD SILICON DOUBLE DRIFT IMPATT DIODES FOR PULSED POWER SOURCES H E W L E T T ^ PACKARD COMPONENTS Features HIGH PEAK POWER Typically Greater Than 14W Peak at 10 GHz, and 11W Peak at 16 GHz HIGH AVERAGE POWER 25% Duty Cycle at Peak Power Rating

    OCR Scan
    MIL-S-19500 impatt diode impatt diode operation AN961 5082-0710 IMPATT PDF


    Abstract: 2N3303 ECC88 TAA*310 B9D TRANSISTOR BYY32 GEX36/7 Ferranti zs70 6ej7 3n159
    Text: Radio Valve and Transistor Data Characteristics of 3,000 Valves and Cathode Ray Tubes, 4, 500 Transistors, Diodes, Rectifiers and Integrated Circuits Compiled by A.M.Ball First published February 1949 Ninth Edition published in 1970 by Iliffe Books, an imprint of the Butterworth Group

    OCR Scan
    FJJ141/A 2305D FJJ181/A 2305E/848 FJJ191/A FJL101/A CD2306D FJY101/A 2306E/832 CD2307/944 3TE445 2N3303 ECC88 TAA*310 B9D TRANSISTOR BYY32 GEX36/7 Ferranti zs70 6ej7 3n159 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Light Emitting Diodes •Standard Type LED Lamps EtectroQptical Characteristics T»»25C Bm É M ÌIÉ É Ì É tS L If mA 30 I ff mA 100 Vn V Tcp T s ig ^ —30 - -8 5 -3 0 ~ *1 0 0 Type No J.*l i. I " f »f l .■ typ 1 ma* V f m o ria m o ti u ■■10 m A

    OCR Scan
    EL2110R SEL2210R EL2110S EL2210S SEL1615C SEL1650CM SEL4228C Ta-25 SEL2E10C SEL1E10C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GB Semiconductor, Inc Q u ic k S w itc h P ro d u c ts q s 3L383 High-Speed Low Power qs3L2383 11W * P«S E x c h a n g e Switches FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • Enhanced N channel FET with no inherent diode to Vcc • 5Q. bidirectional switches connect inputs

    OCR Scan
    3L383 qs3L2383 QS3L2383 QS3L383 PS20A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GB Semiconductor, Inc QuickSwitch Products as3383 High-Speed CMOS 0332383 11W * P«S E x c h a n g e Switches FEATURES/BENEFITS DESCRIPTION • Enhanced N channel FET with no inherent diode to Vcc • 5Q. bidirectional switches connect inputs to outputs

    OCR Scan
    as3383 QS3383) QS32383 QS3383 004in. HSS-20A HSS-24A 74bbfl03 PDF