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    Abstract: ansg8 CLKDIVbits AN1182 CODE CHARACTER FONT PIC24HJ128 dsPIC33FJ128GP AN118 PIC24FJ256GB110 PIC24FJ128GA010
    Text: AN1182 Fonts in the Microchip Graphics Library Author: Paolo Tamayo Microchip Technology Inc. INTRODUCTION Embedded system application displays vary from complex devices, such as PDAs, cell phones and compact computers, to simple devices, such as home air-conditioner and security controllers, coffee makers

    AN1182 DS01182B-page PIC24FJ256DA210 ansg8 CLKDIVbits AN1182 CODE CHARACTER FONT PIC24HJ128 dsPIC33FJ128GP AN118 PIC24FJ256GB110 PIC24FJ128GA010 PDF


    Abstract: AN1136 AN1182 AN1246 PIC32
    Text: AN1246 How to Create Widgets in Microchip Graphics Library Authors: Paolo Tamayo Harold Serrano Microchip Technology Inc. INTRODUCTION The Microchip Graphics Library consists of various, readily usable Widgets which include the functions required in various applications. The Widgets can be

    AN1246 DS01246A-page DS01182 AN1136 AN1182 AN1246 PIC32 PDF


    Abstract: AN1136 PIC24F PIC24FJ128GA010 DS01136A
    Text: AN1136 マイクロチップのグラフィック ライブラリで ウィジェットを使用する方法 著者 : PIC24F ファミリのマイクロコントローラの詳細は Paolo Tamayo Anton Alkhimenok Microchip Technology Inc. 『PIC24FJ128GA010 Family Data Sheet』 DS39747

    AN1136 PIC24F PIC24FJ128GA010 DS39747) PutPixe6445 DS01136A DS39747 AN1136 PIC24F PDF


    Abstract: 74LVQ374QSC 74LVQ374SC 74LVQ374SJ LVQ374 M20D MQA20
    Text: 74LVQ374 Low Voltage Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features The LVQ374 is a high-speed, low-power octal D-type flip-flop featuring separate D-type inputs for each flip-flop and 3-STATE outputs for bus-oriented applications. A buffered

    74LVQ374 LVQ374 74LVQ374 74LVQ374QSC 74LVQ374SC 74LVQ374SJ M20D MQA20 PDF


    Abstract: 74LVQ573QSC 74LVQ573SC 74LVQ573SJ LVQ373 LVQ573 M20D MQA20 MS-013
    Text: Revised June 2001 74LVQ573 Low Voltage Octal Latch with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features The LVQ573 is a high-speed octal latch with buffered common Latch Enable LE and buffered common Output Enable (OE) inputs. The LVQ573 is functionally identical to

    74LVQ573 LVQ573 LVQ373 74LVQ573SC 74LVQTHOUT 74LVQ573 74LVQ573QSC 74LVQ573SC 74LVQ573SJ M20D MQA20 MS-013 PDF


    Abstract: 74LVQ573QSC 74LVQ573SC 74LVQ573SJ LVQ373 LVQ573 M20D MQA20
    Text: 74LVQ573 Low Voltage Octal Latch with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features The LVQ573 is a high-speed octal latch with buffered common Latch Enable LE and buffered common Output Enable (OE) inputs. The LVQ573 is functionally identical to the LVQ373 but with inputs and outputs on opposite sides of the

    74LVQ573 LVQ573 LVQ373 74LVQ573SC M20BSemiconductor 74LVQ573 74LVQ573QSC 74LVQ573SC 74LVQ573SJ M20D MQA20 PDF


    Abstract: freertos pic32 freertos AND PIC32 mrf24j40ma freertos pic Gas Meter mrf24j40ma examples SPI mrf24j40ma Graphics PICtail Plus Board version 2 QVGA
    Text: AN1264 Integrating Microchip Libraries with a Real-Time Operating System Author: Darren Wenn Microchip Technology Inc. INTRODUCTION As customer applications evolve into ever more complicated and feature rich designs, there is a requirement to rationalize the development process and streamline

    AN1264 DS01264A-page Pic32f freertos pic32 freertos AND PIC32 mrf24j40ma freertos pic Gas Meter mrf24j40ma examples SPI mrf24j40ma Graphics PICtail Plus Board version 2 QVGA PDF


    Abstract: 74LVQ374QSC 74LVQ374SC 74LVQ374SJ LVQ374 M20D MO-137 MQA20 MS-013
    Text: Revised June 2001 74LVQ374 Low Voltage Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features The LVQ374 is a high-speed, low-power octal D-type flipflop featuring separate D-type inputs for each flip-flop and 3-STATE outputs for bus-oriented applications. A buffered

    74LVQ374 LVQ374 74LVQ374 74LVQ374QSC 74LVQ374SC 74LVQ374SJ M20D MO-137 MQA20 MS-013 PDF

    1480 nm laser diode

    Abstract: 1480 nm diode laser
    Text: Data Sheet June 2001 269-Type 1480 nm Pump Laser Module Applications • Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers EDFA Description The 269-type pump laser module represents a family of thermoelectrically cooled, high-power lasers. They are designed as continuous-wave (CW) optical pump

    269-Type isolat65) DS01-136OPTO 1480 nm laser diode 1480 nm diode laser PDF


    Abstract: powertip 480X272 DS39731
    Text: AN1368 Developing Embedded Graphics Applications using PIC Microcontrollers with Integrated Graphics Controller Author: Pradeep Budagutta Microchip Technology Inc. FIGURE 1: RED + GREEN = YELLOW INTRODUCTION Graphic-enabled devices are used extensively in daily

    AN1368 DS01368A-page DS39730 powertip 480X272 DS39731 PDF


    Abstract: PIC24F PIC24FJ128GA010 AN113-6 DS01136A DS39747A
    Text: AN1136 如何使用 Microchip 图形库中的控件 作者: 图形库概述 Paolo Tamayo Anton Alkhimenok Microchip Technology Inc. Microchip 的图形库针对范围宽广的显示设备控制器, 设计为与 PIC 单片机配合使用;图形库提供应用编程接

    AN1136 PIC24F PIC24FJ128GA010 DS39747A DS01136A an1136 PIC24F PIC24FJ128GA010 AN113-6 PDF


    Abstract: PIC32 AN1182 AN1136 TEDRA DS01136
    Text: ご注意:この日本語版ドキュメントは参考資料としてご使用の上、最新情報に つきましては、必ず英語版オリジナルをご参照いただきますようお願い します。 AN1246 マイクロチップのグラフィック ライブラリで

    AN1246 DS01246A AN1246 PIC32 AN1182 AN1136 TEDRA DS01136 PDF


    Abstract: DS39747 PIC24F motor PMSg PIC24F PIC24FJ128GA010 DS01136A PIC24f example code
    Text: AN1136 How to Use Widgets in Microchip Graphics Library Author: For details about the PIC24F family of microcontrollers, refer to the “PIC24FJ128GA010 Family Data Sheet” DS39747 . For details of the Graphic Library API, please refer to the “Microchip Graphics Library API”

    AN1136 PIC24F PIC24FJ128GA010 DS39747) DS01136A-page an1136 DS39747 PIC24F motor PMSg DS01136A PIC24f example code PDF


    Abstract: 0X0044 AN1182 PIC32MX360F512L 0x0025 0x0029 DS01136A PIC24F PIC24FJ128GA010 PIC32
    Text: AN1182 Microchip 图形库中的字体 作者: Paolo Tamayo Microchip Technology Inc. 简介 嵌入式系统应用的显示各不相同,从复杂的设备,例如 PDA,移动电话和便携式电脑,到简单的设备,例如家 用空调和安防控制器咖啡机和门禁键盘。绝大多数简

    AN1182 AN1136 DS01182A AN1136 0X0044 AN1182 PIC32MX360F512L 0x0025 0x0029 DS01136A PIC24F PIC24FJ128GA010 PIC32 PDF


    Abstract: AN1136 AN1182 PIC32 PICC-18 DS01136A
    Text: AN1246 如何在 Microchip 图形库中创建控件 作者: Paolo Tamayo Harold Serrano Microchip Technology Inc. 对于 Microchip 图形库的用户而言,本应用笔记讨论的 是高级主题。绝大多数应用的创建,仅使用随库安装而

    AN1246 DS01246A AN1246 AN1136 AN1182 PIC32 PICC-18 DS01136A PDF


    Abstract: NM25C04M8 NM25C04EN NM25C04N NM25C04M 68HC11 NM25C04 5607
    Text: General Description Features The NM25C04 is a 4096-bit SPI compatible CMOS EEPROM. The NM25C04 is designed for data storage in applications requiring both non-volatile memory and in-system data updates. This EEPROM is well suited for applications using the 68HC11 series of microcontrollers that support the

    NM25C04 4096-bit 68HC11 NM25C04 Ou80-530 ds011364 NM25C04EM8 NM25C04M8 NM25C04EN NM25C04N NM25C04M 5607 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor DS36276 FAILSAFE M ultipoint Transceiver General Description Features The DS36276 FAILSAFE Multipoint Transceiver is designed tor use on bi-directional differential busses. It is compatible with existing TIA/EIA-485 transceivers, however, it offers an

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    DS36276 TIA/EIA-485 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C T O R tm 74LVQ573 Low Voltage Octal Latch with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features The LVQ573 is a high-speed octal latch with buffered com­ mon Latch Enable LE and buffered common Output Enable (OE) inputs. The LVQ573 is functionally identical to the

    OCR Scan
    74LVQ573 LVQ573 LVQ373 PDF


    Abstract: 74LVQ573QSC 74LVQ573SC 74LVQ573SJ LVQ373 LVQ573 M20D MQA20
    Text: EMICDNDUCTOR t 74LVQ573 Low Voltage Octal Latch with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features T h e L V Q 5 7 3 is a h ig h -s p e e d o c ta l la tc h w ith b u ffe re d c o m ­ m on L a tc h E n a b le LE a n d b u ffe re d c o m m o n O u tp u t E n a b le

    OCR Scan
    74LVQ573 LVQ573 LVQ373 74LVQ573 74LVQ573QSC 74LVQ573SC 74LVQ573SJ M20D MQA20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R C H II- D S E M IC O N D U C T O R tm 74LVQ374 Low Voltage Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features The LVQ374 is a high-speed, low-power octal D-type flip-flop featuring separate D-type inputs for each flip-flop and 3-STATE outputs for bus-oriented applications. A buffered

    OCR Scan
    74LVQ374 LVQ374 PDF


    Abstract: 74LVQ374QSC 74LVQ374SC 74LVQ374SJ LVQ374 M20D MQA20
    Text: E M IC D N D U C T O R t 74LVQ374 Low Voltage Octal D-Type Flip-Flop with 3-STATE Outputs General Description Features T h e L V Q 3 7 4 is a h ig h -s p e e d , lo w -p o w e r o c ta l D -ty p e flip -flo p fe a tu rin g s e p a ra te D -ty p e in p u ts fo r e a c h flip -flo p and

    OCR Scan
    74LVQ374 LVQ374 74LVQ374 74LVQ374QSC 74LVQ374SC 74LVQ374SJ M20D MQA20 PDF