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    GE006021 Search Results

    GE006021 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS GaAs-IR-Lumineszenzdiode GaAs Infrared Emitter LD 261 Chip Cathode LD 261 1) Detaching area for tools, flash not true to size. Approx. weight 0.03 g GE006021 Maße in mm, wenn nicht anders angegeben/Dimensions in mm, unless otherwise specified. W esentliche Merkmale

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    GE006021 PDF


    Abstract: high sensitivity phototransistor sre 06
    Text: SIEMENS NPN-Silizium-Fototransistor Silicon NPN Phototransistor BPX 81 2 .8 4 t?t— R a d ia n t s e n s itiv e 0 .4 X 0 .4 - C o lle c to r (B P X 1 ) D e ta c h in g fla s h a re a n o t tru e A p p ro x . fo r to 81) 261) GE006021 to o ls , feo06021

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    GE006021 BPX81-2 high sensitivity phototransistor sre 06 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS GaAs-IR-Lumineszenzdiode GaAs Infrared Emitter £ - 5 u . 2.1 1 .5 2 .5 4 C a th o d e LD 1 D e ta c h in g fla s h a re a n o t tru e A p p ro x . .n o h o l' ° R a d ia n t s e n s itiv e (0 .4 X 0 .4 ) v - C o lle c to r (B P X LD 261 s p a c in g

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    E006021 PDF

    SFH 910

    Abstract: BPX61 Q62902-B166 SFH 910 235 SFH463 sfh 309 fr SFH405-2 l71ii IM 317 ld271a
    Text: IR-Lumineszenzdioden Infrared Emitters 7. Infrarot Indikatorkarte 7. Infrared Indicator Card B e i B e s tr a h lu n g le u c h t e t d ie a k tiv e F lä c h e o r a n g e a u f, w o d u r c h IR - S tra h ­ W h e n th e a c tiv e a r e a is e x p o s e d to r a d ia tio n it e m its o r a n g e lig h t, th u s

    OCR Scan
    Q62901-B79 Q62902-B166 310/FA SFH 910 BPX61 Q62902-B166 SFH 910 235 SFH463 sfh 309 fr SFH405-2 l71ii IM 317 ld271a PDF