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    ILA 2904 Search Results

    ILA 2904 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2904/BQA Rochester Electronics LLC AM2904 - Status and Shift Control Unit Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    2904DM Rochester Electronics LLC AM2904 - Status and Shift Control Unit Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    ISL29044AIROMZ-T7 Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Power Ambient Light and Proximity Sensor with Internal IR-LED and Digital Output, HODFN, /Reel Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL29043IROMZ-T7 Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Power Ambient Light and Proximity Sensor with Internal IR-LED and Digital Output, HODFN, /Reel Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL29044IROMZ-T7 Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Power Ambient Light and Proximity Sensor with Internal IR-LED and Digital Output, HODFN, /Reel Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    ILA 2904 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MMBR536L MMBR536
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M P S 536 M M BR536L PIMP S ilicon High Frequency Transistors . . . th is h ig h c u r re n t g a in - b a n d w id th tra n s is to r m a k e s an e x c e lle n t RF a m p lifie r and o s c illa to r. It is a v a ila b le in th e s u rfa c e m o u n t S O T-23 as w e ll as th e p o p u la r T O -9 2

    OCR Scan
    BR536L MPS536 MMBR536L MMBR536 PDF

    ic LM 356 equivalent

    Abstract: L272M equivalent I488P L7900cv tdb 4558 L7800CV TL 084 27m4 regulators equivalent l387a op amp mc 4558
    Text: SELECTION GUIDE CMOS OP-AMPs Package Type Description Pins D: H: J: N: P la s tic m ic ro p a c k a g e M e ta l c a n C e rd ip P la s tic d u a l in lin e CMOS SINGLE TS 271, A.B Programmable 8 N.D.J Low Power Medium Supply Current High Speed 8 8 8 N.D.J

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    335/A 336/A/B L5832 L6221A/N M8438A M8439 UCN4801A ic LM 356 equivalent L272M equivalent I488P L7900cv tdb 4558 L7800CV TL 084 27m4 regulators equivalent l387a op amp mc 4558 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA V N 2222L L S m all-S ignal Field E ffe c t T ransisto r N-Channel Enhancem ent-M ode S ilico n G ate T M O S N-CHANNEL SMALL-SIGNAL TMOS FET rDS on = 7 5 OHMS 60 VOLTS . . . are designed fo r high vo ltag e , high speed p o w e r sw itch in g ap­

    OCR Scan
    2222L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M RFIC1807 The MRFIC Line 1 .8 G Hz P o w er A m p /S w itc h D esigned prim arily for use in DECT, Japan Personal Handy System PHS and other w ireless Personal C om m unication System s (PCS) applications. The M R FIC 1807 includes a sin g le -sta g e power am plifier and transm it/receive

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    RFIC1807 MRFIC1807 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION A DATE Convert to m ilit a r y drawing. Changes to tab le I. Changes to fig u re s 2 and 4. E d ito ria l changes throughout. B APPROVED 19 Aug 87 Change to table I and fig u re 1 dimensions. w u U 22 Jan 88 1 CURRENT CAGE CODE 67268

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-883, MIL-M-38610 8601701QX AM2904/BQA 8601701YX AM2904/BYC PDF


    Abstract: MJM3404AL NJM3404AD njm3404 NJM3404AM IJN3404M NJM2904 NJM3403A NJM3404A NJM3404AL
    Text: NJM3404A SINGLE-SUPPLY DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER • GENERAL DESCRIPTION ■ PACKAGE OUTLINE T he N JM 3404A is high p erform ance single supply dual operational am plifier. T he N JM 3 4 0 4 A is a h a lf type o f th e N JM 3403A , q u ad op er­ ational am plifier.

    OCR Scan
    NJM3404A NJM3404A NJM3403A, NJM2904 IJN3404M) NJM3404AV NJM3404AM MJM3404AL MJM3404 MJM3404AL NJM3404AD njm3404 NJM3404AM IJN3404M NJM3403A NJM3404AL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NJM3404A SINGLE-SUPPLY DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER • PACKAGE OUTLINE ■ GENERAL DESCRIPTION The N JM 3404A is high perform ance single supply dual operational am plifier. The N JM 3404A is a h a lf type o f the N JM 3403A , quad oper­ ational am plifier.

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    NJM3404A NJM3404A NJM3403A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NJM3404A SINGLE-SUPPLY DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER • PACKAGE OUTLINE ■ GENERAL DESCRIPTION T he N JM 3404A is high perform ance single supply dual operational am plifier. T h e N J M 3 4 0 4 A is a h a lf type o f the N JM 3 4 0 3 A , quad oper­ ational am plifier.

    OCR Scan
    NJM3404A KJM34O4A0 NJM34Q4AV JK3404 3404A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SINGLE-SUPPLY DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER NJM3404A T h e N JM 3 4 0 4 A is high p e rfo rm a n c e single su p p ly d u a l o p e ra tio n a l am p lifie r. T h e N JM 3404A is a h a lf type o f th e N JM 3 4 0 3 A , q u a d o p e ra tio n a l am p lifier.

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    NJM3404A --36V NJM3404AL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA VN0610LL Small-Signal Field Effect Transistor N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TM OS N-CHANNEL SMALL-SIGNAL TMOS FET rDS on = 5 OHMS 60 VOLTS . . . are designed fo r high volta g e , high speed a pp lica tio n s such as

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    VN0610LL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J-FET INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER NJM062/064 T he NJM062/064 are J-F E T input operational amplifiers which were designed as low-power versions of the NJM082. T hey feature high input im pedance, wide bandw idth, high slew rate, and low input offset and bias current. T he NJM062

    OCR Scan
    NJM062/064 NJM062/064 NJM082. NJM062 NJM4558/2043/2904/3404/072 NJM064 NJM2902/3403/2058/2059/2060. PDF


    Abstract: 2n4401 motorola 2n4401
    Text: 2N4400 2N4401* MAXIMUM RATINGS R atin g Sym bol V alu e U n it C o llector-E m itter Voltage VC E O 40 Vdc Collector-Base Voltage v CBO 60 Vdc Em itter-Base Voltage v EBO 6.0 Vdc C ollector C urrent — C ontinuous 'C 600 m Adc Total Device D issipation a T ^ = 25; C

    OCR Scan
    2N4400 2N4401* O-226AA) 2N4400, 2N4401 2n4401 motorola 2n4401 PDF

    ra 4558 circuit diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J-FET INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER NJM062/064 T h e N JM 062/064 a re J -F E T in p u t o p e ra tio n a l am p lifiers w hich w ere d esig n ed as low -p o w er v e rsio n s o f th e N JM 082. T h ey fe a tu re high in p u t im p e d a n ce , w ide b a n d w id th , high slew ra te , and low in p u t offset a n d bias c u rre n t. T h e N JM 062

    OCR Scan
    NJM062/064 ra 4558 circuit diagram PDF

    CI 2904

    Abstract: RZ-5-C
    Text: i REVIS IO NS LTR DESCRIPTION A DAT E C onvert to m i l i t a r y d ra w in g . Changes t o ta b le I . Changes to f ig u r e s 2 and 4. E d it o r ia l changes th ro u g h o u t. B APPROVED 19 Aug 87 Change to ta b le I and f ig u r e 1 dim en sion s. w u

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-883, MIL-M-38610 8601701QX AM2904/BQA 8601701YX AM2904/BYC CI 2904 RZ-5-C PDF

    yx 801 led

    Abstract: yx 801 yx 801 ic SI03L 317 lz cd 4560 EZ 729 AM2904 79212 basic block diagram of bit slice processors
    Text: Am 2904 X C Status and Shift Control Unit > 3 lv> DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS <0 R ep laces m ost MSI used aro und any ALU - Including th e Am 2901, Am 2903A, A m 29203 and MSI ALUs. G e n e ra tes C arry-in to th e ALU - Carry signal is selectable from 7 diffe re nt sources.

    OCR Scan
    Am2904 Am2901, Am2903A Am29203 AIS-WCP-8M-01/87-0 yx 801 led yx 801 yx 801 ic SI03L 317 lz cd 4560 EZ 729 AM2904 79212 basic block diagram of bit slice processors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in U ADVANCE INFORMATION WORD-WIDE FlashFile MEMORY FAMILY 28F160S5, 28F320S5 Includes Extended Temperature Specifications T w o 3 2 -B y te W rite B uffers — 2 ^ p er B yte E ffec tiv e P ro g ram m in g T im e O p e ra tin g V o lta g e — 5VVcc — 5V Vpp

    OCR Scan
    28F160S5, 28F320S5 16-Mbit AP-374 8F016S 28F016SA 2dh04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2N5060 thru 2N5064 S ilico n C o n tro lle d R ectifiers Reverse B lo c k in g Triode T hyristors . . . A n n u lar P N P N d evic e s d esig n ed for high vo lu m e co n su m e r ap p licatio ns such as relay and lam p drivers, sm all m o tor controls, gate d rivers for larger thyristors,

    OCR Scan
    O-226AA TA112 PDF


    Abstract: MC7915 TO-3 MC7912 K lt529 MC7905 MC-7816 MC7815 TO-92 221A-04 MC7800 transistor wc TO39
    Text: M M O T O R O MC7900 Series L A T H R E E -T E R M IN A L N E G A T IV E V O LT A G E R E G U L A T O R S The MC7900 Series of fixed output negative voltage regulators are intended as complements to the popular MC7800 Series devices. These negative regulators are available in the same

    OCR Scan
    MC7900 MC7800 0-38Q M98SC Y1441912. MC790P MC7915 TO-3 MC7912 K lt529 MC7905 MC-7816 MC7815 TO-92 221A-04 transistor wc TO39 PDF


    Abstract: MPF4391 PF4392 MPF4392
    Text: MPF4391 thru MPF4393* CASE 29-04, STYLE 5 TO-92 TO-226AA MAXIMUM RATINGS Sym bol Value Unit Dram-Source Voltage V DS 30 Vdc Drain-Gate Voltage VDG 30 Vdc Gate-Source Voltage V GS 30 Vdc Forward Gate Current 'G ffl 50 mAdc PD 350 2.8 mW m W :C -6 5 to * 150

    OCR Scan
    MPF4391 MPF4393* O-226AA) PF4392 MPF4393 F4392 MPF4391 MPF4392 PDF


    Abstract: Am29PL131 CD011201 29C50 Am29C03 TDC1009 x10 frequency multiplier 29c509 am29c111
    Text: Am 29C509 12 X 12-Bit CMOS Multiplier/Accumulator > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS M Output R egister Preload - A predeterm ined value can be loaded into the output register. Round Control - The m ost significant 12 bits of the product can be rounded to the value nearest to the full 24-bit product.

    OCR Scan
    Am29C509 12-Bit 50-ns 27-Bit 24-bit AIS-WCP-12M-1/88-0 Am29PL131 CD011201 29C50 Am29C03 TDC1009 x10 frequency multiplier 29c509 am29c111 PDF

    7207 irc

    Abstract: AM99C641 AM99C641-25 AM99C641-35 AM99CL641 CD3022
    Text: Am99C641 / Am99CL641 £1 65,536 x 1 Static Read/Write Random-Access Memory > DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS H igh-perform ance C M O S circuit design and p rocess High Speed - a ccess tim es a s fa st as 25 ns S ingle 5-V ± 1 0 % pow er-supply operation Low pow e r - 550 m W active

    OCR Scan
    Am99C641 Am99CL641 22-pin AIS-WCP-10M-7/87-0 7207 irc AM99C641-25 AM99C641-35 CD3022 PDF

    7207 irc

    Abstract: AM99C641 AM99C641-25 AM99C641-35 AM99CL641 CD3022
    Text: Am99C641 / Am99CL641 £1 65,536 x 1 Static Read/Write Random-Access Memory DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS H igh-perform ance C M O S circuit design and p rocess High Speed - a ccess tim es a s fa st as 25 ns S ingle 5-V ± 1 0 % pow er-supply operation Low pow e r - 550 m W active

    OCR Scan
    Am99C641 Am99CL641 22-pin AIS-WCP-10M-7/87-0 7207 irc AM99C641-25 AM99C641-35 CD3022 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am29C509 12 X 12-Bit CMOS Multiplier/Accumulator > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS H igh-speed 1 .6 - m s CMOS Process - 50-ns maximum clock rate supports real-time processing. 27-Bit Product A ccum ulation Result - Provides 24-bit product plus 3-bit extended product.

    OCR Scan
    Am29C509 12-Bit 50-ns 27-Bit 24-bit CP-12M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ~S1 2 i Am29C52A CMOS Eight-Bit Bidirectional I/O Port PRELIMINARY > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Low Pow er - The C M OS Am 29C 52A is a plug-in replacem ent for th e Am 2952A. The Am 29C 52A dissipates less than 2 0 % o f the pow er o f its e quivalent bipolar part.

    OCR Scan
    Am29C52A Am2952A 29C52A 24-pin 28-pin S/16/89 PDF