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    Transistor BC 1078

    Abstract: uln2004 application note UDN2983A equivalent UDN2580A equivalent replacement M5266P TD62083 uln2803 REPLACEMENT FOR relay driver ic ULN2803 m54586p ULN2032A PA2003C
    Text: Interface Driver ICs PRODUCT GUIDE In recent years, dedicated custom ICs ASICs meeting specifications of various users have been widely used mainly for controlling electronic equipment. On the other hand, general purpose ICs, such as operational amplifiers, regulators,


    bcm 4330

    Abstract: telemecanique contactor catalogue A5 GNC mosfet philips ecg master replacement guide Elektronikon II keltron electrolytic capacitors PART NO SELEMA DRIVER MOTOR AC 12v dc EIM Basic MK3 lenze 8600 Atlas copco rc universal 60 min
    Text: NEED IT NOW? BUY REMAN! SEE PAGE lxx xx xvi SOLUTIONS, SOLUTIONS. Q A r e q u a l i t y, c o s t , a n d t i m e i m p o r t a n t to you? A ELECTRICAL SOUTH! Q Do you spend too much of your valuable time dealing with too m a n y d i ff e r e n t r e p a i r v e n d o r s ?


    Transistor AND DIODE Equivalent list

    Abstract: Transistor Equivalent list 8ch pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY pnp Octal Darlington Transistor Arrays equivalent transistor 2sk 2SK1078 TD62783 equivalent TD62783 TD62504 equivalent pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY
    Text: [ 2 ] Product List [ 2 ] Product List 1. S-Drivers new product (9 series, 9 devices) TD62 S X X X A FM Package Output withstand voltage (A: 50 V) Input H/L (odd number: Low) Output current (0.5 A/0.1 A) 0: Sink current output 3: Source current output 6: Push-pull output

    2SA1203 HSOP16 TD62M8604AF 2SA1680 Transistor AND DIODE Equivalent list Transistor Equivalent list 8ch pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY pnp Octal Darlington Transistor Arrays equivalent transistor 2sk 2SK1078 TD62783 equivalent TD62783 TD62504 equivalent pnp DARLINGTON TRANSISTOR ARRAY PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HI7188 Semiconductor 8-Channel, 16-Bit, High Precision, Sigma-Delta A/D Sub-System August 1997 Features Description • Fully Differential 8-Channel Multiplexer and Reference The HI7188 is an easy-to-use 8-Channel sigma-delta pro­ grammable A/D subsystem ideal for low frequency physical

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    HI7188 16-Bit, HI7188 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Video ICs Video signal switcher BA7645N The BA7645N is a four-channel analog multiplexer with mute, designed for use in video cassette recorders. It features a large dynamic range, and wide operating frequency range, and has sync-tip inputs which are ideal for switching video

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    BA7645N BA7645N 10MHz, -65dB 43MHz) 10MHz 20mVp-p. SIP10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 66-SL-OL m m ià •Z T S 310NV =F X X X X ' g o o ; =f x x x * 10' =F XX * 580^-0^3-018 :XM1 ¿ H I XO0 'O'd ££¿9 -1 *6 218 : N 0 S 30N VÜ 3101 S 3H ON I Nl OSl/fr NI ’A N V a iV M3N 'O A IS 1SV 3 »dV d 02S EÜ _ > 3dV SNOISNBkNIO WSV dIHiS "IVNIWaiL OS Q20

    OCR Scan
    iO-LZ88L-dSV 66-SL-OL 310NV 3SIM83H10 Q31Vd d31S3A10d 10Via H3H10 C0-LZ88L-dSV PDF


    Abstract: 2SC2883 SSOP16 TD62M3700F
    Text: TOSHIBA TD62M3700F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MULTI CHIP TD62M3700F 3 PHASE FULL-WAVE INVERTER TD62M3700F is low saturation, high current 3 phase fullwave type inverter 1C designed especially for battery use motor drive applications. FEATURES

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    TD62M3700F TD62M3700F 16pin SSOP16) 961001EBA2 SSOP16-P-225-1-00A 2SA1203 2SC2883 2SA1203 2SC2883 SSOP16 PDF

    gcu 101 setting manual

    Abstract: intel 8220 xl8220
    Text: XL-8220 PROCESSOR DATA BOOK PRELIMINARY DATA March 1990 Chapter 1. Overview 1.1. Features C O ST -EFFEC T IV E P R IN TE R P R O C E SSO R IN T EG R A TED SY ST EM FU N C T IO N S 32-bit RISC processor for PostScript-language page printers Zero-glue D R A M memory controller

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    XL-8220 32-bit 096-byte 512-byte gcu 101 setting manual intel 8220 xl8220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 79-1380; Rev 7; 5/98 y k i y j x i y k i Single/DuaS/Quad, Low -C ost, SO T23, Low -Pow er, RaH-to-RaH I/O Op Am ps _Features The MAX4322/MAX4323/MAX4326/MAX4327/MAX4329 family of operational amplifiers combines wide bandwidth and excellent DC accuracy with Rail-to-Rail operation at

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    MAX4322/MAX4323/MAX4326/MAX4327/MAX4329 MAX4223 MAX4227 IN30UT3 MAX4322 MAX4323 MAX4326 MAX4327 MAX4329 MAX4322EUA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: jjjm ÆmSmmkjjjjjj jmSSm L7C106 „ „ „ I mm MMMM 256K x 4 Static RAM DEVICES INCORPORATED DESCRIPTION FEATURES □ 256K x 4 Static RAM with Chip Select Powerdown, Output Enable □ Auto-Powerdown Design □ Advanced CMOS Technology □ High Speed — to 17 ns maximum

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    L7C106 CY7C106 28-pin L7C106 L7C106PC25 L7C106WC25 L7C106WC20 PDF


    Abstract: D469ADJ ir4h in3h
    Text: SILICONIX INC Ü 33E D • Ö25473S GOlbOÖ? 3 « S I X 'T S I a3 -Cjo D469A Quad High-Current Power Driver in c o r p o r a t e d FEATURES APPLICATIONS END PRODUCTS • W ide Voltage Range • High Current Drive • Fast Rise and Fall Times • Motor Drives

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    25473S D469A H54735 D469A T--52--13-90 T-52-13-9 D469ADJ ir4h in3h PDF

    sy 160 ll

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MULTI CHIP BIPO LAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT TD62M3700F 3 PHASE FULL-WAVE INVERTER TD62M3700F is low saturation, high current 3 phase fullw ave type inverter 1C designed especially for battery use motor drive applications. FEATURES • High current : lo A V E = 1-5A

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    TD62M3700F TD62M3700F 16pin SSOP16) 2SA1203 TD62M370, MFP-16 sy 160 ll PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MULTI CHIP TD62M3701F BIPO LAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LOW SATURATION VOLTAGE DRIVER FOR MOTOR TD62M3701F is M ulti Chip 1C incorporates 6 low saturation discrete transistors which equipped bias resistor and fly-wheel diode. This 1C is suitable for a battery use motor drive

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    TD62M3701F TD62M3701F SSOP16 RN5006) RN6006) MFP-16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TD62M3704F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MULTI CHIP T nmmr f i 7 M 3 7a f l A F • ■ w ■ «■r' ■ ■ LOW SATURATION VOLTAGE H-BRIDGE DRIVER FOR MOTOR TD62M3704F is Multi Chip 1C incorporates 5 low saturation discrete transistors w hich equipped flyw heeling diodes and bias resistor.

    OCR Scan
    TD62M3704F TD62M3704F 2SA1357 RN5006-Fly-wheeling RN6006-Flv-wheeling 2SA1314 2SC3420 SSOP16 --------------------------------2M3704F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IB A TD62M3700F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MULTI CHIP TD62M3700F 3 PHASE FULL-WAVE INVERTER TD62M3700F is low saturation, high current 3 phase fullwave type inverter 1C designed especially for battery use motor drive applications. FEATURES

    OCR Scan
    TD62M3700F TD62M3700F 16pin SSOP16) 961001EBA2 MFP-16 SSOP16-P-225-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IB A TENTATIVE TA8323F TO SH IBA BIPO LAR LINEAR IN TEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MULTI CHIP TA 8323F LOW SATURATION VOLTAGE DRIVER FOR MOTOR TA8323F is Multi Chip 1C incorporates 6 low saturation discrete transistors w hich equipped bias resistor and free­

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    TA8323F 8323F TA8323F SSOP16 RN5006) RN6006) MFP-16 PDF

    TA 8202 K

    Abstract: RN5006 RN6006 SSOP16 TA8323F WS50
    Text: TOSHIBA TENTATIVE TA8323F TO SH IBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MULTI CHIP TA8323F LOW SATURATION VOLTAGE DRIVER FOR MOTOR TA8323F is Multi Chip 1C incorporates 6 low saturation discrete transistors w hich equipped bias resistor and free­ w heeling diode.

    OCR Scan
    TA8323F TA8323F SSOP16 980910EBA2 MFP-16 300mW SSOP16-P-225-1 TA 8202 K RN5006 RN6006 SSOP16 WS50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T O SH IB A TD62M3702F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MULTI CHIP TD62M3702F LOW SATURATION VOLTAGE DRIVER FOR MOTOR TD62M3702F is Multi Chip 1C incorporates 6 low saturation discrete transistors. This 1C is suitable for a battery use motor drive

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    TD62M3702F TD62M3702F SSOP16 SSOP16-P-225-1 PDF


    Abstract: 62004f 62004A TD62801P 62004AP A 107 transistor TD62XXX 62c852
    Text: [ 2 ] PRODUCT LINEUP 1. Bipolar Transistor Arrays [2 ] PRODUCT LINEUP 1. Bipolar Transistor Arrays B i p o l a r |Tra n s i st o r| TD62 xxx rray| 40Series, 226Devices P TTL O UTPUT Sustaining Voltage (V ç e (su s ) P/PA /F/FB/FN A P/APA /A F/AFN : B P/B P- I/B F

    OCR Scan
    40Series, 226Devices) 62003P/PA 2003A 2004A 62003F/FB/ 62004F/FB/ 16bit TB62705BF DIP24 62003F 62004f 62004A TD62801P 62004AP A 107 transistor TD62XXX 62c852 PDF


    Abstract: 1F transistor 1F t transistor 1fTRANSISTOR
    Text: TD62M3701F TENTATIVE oLOW SATURATION VOLTAGE DRIVER FOR MOTOR Unit in mm 8.2 ± 0.2 TD62M3701F is Multi Chip IC incorporates R R R H H B R H 6 low saturation discrete transistors which equipped bias resistor and free-wheeling diode. This IC is suitable for a battery use motor

    OCR Scan
    TD62M3701F TD62M3701F SS0P16 RN5006) RN6006) TRANSISTOR 1f 1F transistor 1F t transistor 1fTRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TENTATIVE TA8323F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MULTI CHIP TA 8 323 F LOW SATURATION VOLTAGE DRIVER FOR MOTOR TA8323F is Multi Chip 1C incorporates 6 low saturation discrete transistors which equipped bias resistor and free­ wheeling diode.

    OCR Scan
    TA8323F TA8323F SSOP16 RN5006) RN6006) MFP-16 SSOP16-P-225-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    62605-OORO 62605-00L0 62605-OOROC 62605-OOLOC J00367 62596-OOA PF-003A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Multimedia ICs Video signal switcher BA7645N The BA7645N is a four-channel analog multiplexer with mute, designed for use in video cassette recorders. It features a large dynamic range, and wide operating frequency range, and has sync-tip inputs which are ideal for switching video

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    BA7645N BA7645N 10MHz, -65dB 43MHz) 43MHz 10MHz S1P10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 001 ‘3VP dO 1N3SN00 N311IÜM ínOHHM 030na0Hd3H 38 ION NVO ONV 3VP 01 AÜVi3Iüd0üd SI lVHi NOIiVWüOdNI SNIViNOO 0NIMVUQ SIHi Z 8 E 8 E 0 PS 4~> Zj 1 H 0 I3 M T I 6 l ( 'ON O N I M V H Q ) £ # 1 1 SIZE 'QddV 3 E — 9 1 e ld * p - o i ^ a •an ‘AuisnaNi

    OCR Scan
    1N3SN00 N311I 030na0Hd3H S0IN0yi0313 S310NV) 30NVU3101 1VH3N30 CDS-03-199-50088 SN01SN3WIQ N11/N11( PDF