Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Series KR DC to DC Converters Single and Dual Output Wide Input Range up to 3.33:1 Isolated Regulated up to 20 Watt DC to DC Converters Full Regulated All Units Shielded This series of high efficiency, wide input range, encapsulated regulators come in 51 different models. These
Abstract: KRA12S KRA100S KRA24S KRC100S KRA15D KRA28S KRA48S KRB12S KRB15S
Text: Wide Input Range up to 3.33:1 Isolated Regulated up to 20 Watt DC to DC Converters Full Regulated All Units Shielded This series of high efficiency, wide input range, encapsulated regulators come in 51 different models. These units feature a 500 VOLT DC input to output isolation in both single and dual output models. The KR Series will operate
Abstract: krc28d
Text: SERIES KR - Isolated Regulated 20 Watt DC-DC Converters Page 1 of 6 Series KR DC to DC Converters Single and Dual Output Wide Input Range up to 3.33:1 Isolated Regulated up to 20 Watt DC to DC Converters Full Regulated All Units Shielded This series of high efficiency, wide input range, encapsulated regulators come in 51 different models. These units feature a 500 VOLT DC
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: DC-DC Converters & AC-DC Power Supplies OPTIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING All Pico DC-DC Converters and AC-DC Power Supplies are available with high reliability Screening options to insure the maximum quality unit for your system. Select from the list below or call factory for review of your specific applications.
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: T Y P IC A L C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S : T e st c o n d itio n s: 25°C am bient O p e ra tin g tem p erature: - 25°C to 70°C am bient O utput voltage tole ran ce : ± 3 % at typical input voltage O u tp u t vo ltage tem p e ratu re co e fficie n t: 0.02% °C
OCR Scan
LA 3660
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: 711 1130 DDDDflTl 111 « P E I S3E J> PICO ELECTRONICS INC T - S 1- SE R IE S KR Is o la te d R e g u la te d 2 0 W a tt DC-DC C o n v e rte rs W id e In p u t R an g e/u p to 3 .33:1 F u lly R e g u la te d A ll U n its S h ie ld e d 100 VDC S E R IE S KR
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