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    LC865012B Search Results

    LC865012B Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    LC865012B Sanyo Semiconductor 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Original PDF
    LC865012B Sanyo Semiconductor 8-channel 8-bit AD converter input, tuner PWM output, clock backup, remote control receiver circuit and real-time service functions$ Original PDF

    LC865012B Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: LC865020B LC865008B LC865012B p87 transistor transistor p37 P82 transistor
    Text: Ordering number: EN 5650 LC865020B/16B/12B/08B CMOS LSI LC865020B/16B/12B/08B 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Overview Package Dimensions The LC865020B/16B/12B/08B microcontrollers are 8-bit single-chip microcontrollers with the following on-chip functional blocks :

    LC865020B/16B/12B/08B LC865020B/16B/12B/08B LC865020B/16B/12B/08B) 16-bit 13-source 10-vectored 3071-DIP. LC865016B LC865020B LC865008B LC865012B p87 transistor transistor p37 P82 transistor PDF

    transistor p35

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number: EN 5650 LC865020B/16B/12B/08B CMOS LSI LC865020B/16B/12B/08B 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Overview Package Dimensions The LC865020B/16B/12B/08B microcontrollers are 8-bit single-chip microcontrollers with the following on-chip functional blocks :

    LC865020B/16B/12B/08B LC865020B/16B/12B/08B LC865020B/16B/12B/08B) 16-bit 13-source 10-vectored 3071-DIP. transistor p35 PDF


    Abstract: lc864728v LC863532C LC863232v LC864721A lc864512v lc864016v lc864616 Lc864824a lc863440v
    Text: Ordering number : E I 0 0 4 7 Announcement Regarding the Discontinuation of MOS IC Products Thank you for using SANYO semiconductor products. The following SANYO semiconductor products have been discontinued. Please check this list carefully and contact your SANYO sales representative if you have any questions.

    32807HKIM AffeB24A LC877132V LC877C32C LC877296W LC877B96A LC877432A LC877B32A LC877140A LC877C40C lc864616a lc864728v LC863532C LC863232v LC864721A lc864512v lc864016v lc864616 Lc864824a lc863440v PDF

    p87 transistor

    Abstract: transistor p86 AN764 kyocera oscillator cb-16b buzzer
    Text: Ordering number: EN 5650 LC865020B/16B/12B/08B CMOS LSI LC865020B/16B/12B/08B 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Overview Package Dimensions The LC865020B/16B/12B/08B microcontrollers are 8-bit single-chip microcontrollers with the following on-chip functional blocks :

    LC865020B/16B/12B/08B LC865020B/16B/12B/08B LC865020B/16B/12B/08B) 16-bit 13-source 10-vectored 3071-DIP64S p87 transistor transistor p86 AN764 kyocera oscillator cb-16b buzzer PDF


    Abstract: remote control with 4 channels LC86000 DIP-64S remote control for home appliances LC86P5420
    Text: CM O S 8-B it S ingle-C hip M icrocom puters LC865000 Series Overview T h e L C 8 6 5 0 0 0 S e rie s C M O S 8 -b it s in g le -c h ip m ic ro ­ c o n tro lle rs are h ig h -sp e e d , a d v a n c e d -fu n c tio n m ic ro c o n ­ tro lle rs , w ith 8 -b it A /D c o n v e rte rs and m e d iu m -v o lta g e I/O

    OCR Scan
    LC865000 DIP-64S QFP-64E LC86E5032 DIC-64S QFC-64E LC865408B remote control with 4 channels LC86000 remote control for home appliances LC86P5420 PDF


    Abstract: 20Kx8 IC-64S LC865408B
    Text: CMOS 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputers LC865000 Series Overview The LC865000 Series CMOS 8-bit single-chip m icro­ controllers are high-speed, advanced-function m icrocon­ trollers, with 8-bit A/D converters and m edium -voltage I/O ports. EPROM with window versions and one-tim e PROM

    OCR Scan
    LC865000 16-bit LC8650XX LC8654XX IP-42S IP42S 20Kx8 IC-64S LC865408B PDF


    Abstract: 4000-Series LC865012BV sanyo lcd controller 3660 4000 SERIES cmos logic lc7930 LC864020AV dot matrix controller
    Text: SANYO S E M I C O N D U C T O R CORP b3E ]> 7 tltì707b OOlDflOl OME « T S A J VLSIs The rapid growth in dem and for ASICs continues with a significant increase in the range o f applications and greater the simplification o f design im plem entation procedures. To support this growth.

    OCR Scan
    74-series 4000-series LC865028AV LC865032A* 40-segment LC7930N 10-channel LC8640xx LC865008A LC865012BV sanyo lcd controller 3660 4000 SERIES cmos logic lc7930 LC864020AV dot matrix controller PDF


    Abstract: LC6512a LC865008A lc6514 300PA20 3044b LC67216A LC66516B lc864016 boe vfd
    Text: VLSIs The ra p id g ro w th in d e m a n d for ASICs con tin ue s w ith a significant increase in th e ra n g e o f a p p lica tio n s a r d g re a te r th e sim plification o f design im p le m e n ta tio n procedures. To su p p ort this grow th, Sanyo's g a te array a n d sta n d a rd cell p ro d u cts are im p le m e n te d

    OCR Scan
    74-series 4000-series 75-segment 140-segment LC5860 40-segment 3052a LC6512a LC865008A lc6514 300PA20 3044b LC67216A LC66516B lc864016 boe vfd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Other Semiconductor Products/ M icrocontroller Products for Telephones i Type number LC6546L LC6543L LC65E43 LC65P43 LC66354B LC66356B LC66358B LC66E308 LC66P308 IC66556B LC66558B LC66562B LC66566B LC66E516 LC66P516 LC662304A LC662306A LC662308A

    OCR Scan
    IP30S MFP30 30-pin. LC6546L LC6543L LC65E43 LC65P43 LC66354B LC66356B LC66358B LC867112B PDF


    Abstract: LC865008B LC865012B LC865016B LC865020B P64S P82 transistor P46 transistor 565013
    Text: Ordering number: EN 5650 C M O S LSI LC865020B/16B/12B/08B 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Package Dimensions Overview unit : m m The LC865020B/16B/12B/08B m icrocontrollers are 8-bit single-chip m icrocontrollers with the follow ing on-chip functional blocks :

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    LC865020B/16B/12B/08B LC865020B/16B/12B/08B LC865020B/16B/12B/08B) 16-bit 13-source 10-vectored SQFP64 LC865008B LC865012B LC865016B LC865020B P64S P82 transistor P46 transistor 565013 PDF


    Abstract: 8Kx8 eprom 16KX8 DIP-64S LC865404B LC865012B LC865016B LC865020B LC865024A LC865032
    Text: CM O S 8-B it S ingle-C hip M icrocom puters LC865000 Series Overview T h e L C 8 6 5 0 0 0 S e rie s C M O S 8 -b it s in g le -c h ip m ic ro ­ c o n tro lle rs are h ig h -sp e e d , a d v a n c e d -fu n c tio n m ic ro c o n ­ tro lle rs , w ith 8 -b it A /D c o n v e rte rs and m e d iu m -v o lta g e I/O

    OCR Scan
    LC865000 t-64E DIP-64S QFP-64E LC86E5032 DIC-64S QFC-64E DIP-42S LC865408B 8Kx8 eprom 16KX8 LC865404B LC865012B LC865016B LC865020B LC865024A LC865032 PDF