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    LL4453 Search Results

    LL4453 Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    LL4453 International Semiconductor SWITCHING DIODE Scan PDF
    LL4453 ITT Industries 150mA Iout, 30V Vrrm Fast Recovery Rectifier Scan PDF
    LL4453 Micronas Semiconductor 150mA Iout, 30V Vrrm Fast Recovery Rectifier Scan PDF
    LL4453 Unknown Catalog Scans - Shortform Datasheet Scan PDF

    LL4453 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: LL4149 LL4151 LL4152 LL4153 LL4154 LL4447 LL4449 LL4454
    Text: LL914.LL4454 SILICON EPITAXIAL PLANAR DIODES for General Purpose and Switching. LL-34 Cathode band Peak reverse Type voltage Max. aver. rectified current Max. power dissip. o Max. Max. junction forward temper- voltage at 25 C ature Ptot mW o drop Max. current

    LL914. LL4454 LL-34 LL914 LL4149 LL4151 LL4152 LL4453 LL914 LL4149 LL4151 LL4152 LL4153 LL4154 LL4447 LL4449 LL4454 PDF


    Abstract: LL4151 LL4152 LL4153 LL4154 LL4447 LL4449 LL4454 LL914
    Text: LL914.LL4454 SILICON EPITAXIAL PLANAR DIODES for General Purpose and Switching. Peak reverse Type voltage Max. aver. rectified current Max. power dissip. o LL-34 Max. Max. junction forward temper- voltage at 25 C ature Ptot mW o drop Max. current at VRMV

    LL914. LL4454 LL-34 LL914 LL4149 LL4151 LL4152 max30 LL4453 LL4149 LL4151 LL4152 LL4153 LL4154 LL4447 LL4449 LL4454 LL914 PDF


    Abstract: LL4151 LL4152 LL4153 LL4154 LL4447 LL4449 LL4454 LL914
    Text: LL914.LL4454 SILICON EPITAXIAL PLANAR DIODES for General Purpose and Switching. Peak reverse Type voltage Max. aver. rectified current Max. power dissip. o LL-34 Max. Max. junction forward temper- voltage at 25 C ature Ptot mW o drop Max. current at VRMV

    LL914. LL4454 LL-34 LL914 LL4149 LL4151 LL4152 LL4453 LL4149 LL4151 LL4152 LL4153 LL4154 LL4447 LL4449 LL4454 LL914 PDF

    diodes ir

    Abstract: LL4149 LL4151 LL4152 LL4153 LL4154 LL4447 LL4449 LL4454 LL914
    Text: LL914.LL4454 SILICON EPITAXIAL PLANAR DIODES for General Purpose and Switching. Peak reverse Type voltage Max. aver. rectified current Max. power dissip. o LL-34 Max. Max. junction forward temper- voltage at 25 C ature Ptot mW o drop Max. current at VRMV

    LL914. LL4454 LL-34 LL914 LL4149 LL4151 LL4152 max30 LL4453 diodes ir LL4149 LL4151 LL4152 LL4153 LL4154 LL4447 LL4449 LL4454 LL914 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LL914.LL4454 SILICON EPITAXIAL PLANAR DIODES for General Purpose and Switching. Peak reverse Type voltage Max. aver. rectified current Max. power dissip. o LL-34 Max. Max. junction forward temper- voltage at 25 C ature Ptot mW o drop Max. current at VRMV

    LL914. LL4454 LL-34 LL914 LL4149 LL4151 LL4152 LL4451 LL4453 LL4149 PDF


    Abstract: la 4450 1N459a LL4148 LL4149 LL4150 LL4151 LL4152 LL4154 LL4446
    Text: SW ITC H IN G DIO DES, SU RFA CE MOUNT, MELF PACKAGE Peak Power IS I P a rt Num ber LL4148 LL4149 LL415Q LL4151 LL4152 U 4153 LL4154 LL4446 LL4447 LL4448 L.L4449 L 1.4450 LL4451 LL4453 LL4454 Re er e D iss ip a tio n Voltage P„ I*» V,M VòltS) M a x im u m

    OCR Scan
    LL4148 LL4149 LL4150 LL4151 LL4152 U4153 LL4154 LL4446 LL4447 LL4448 1N627 la 4450 1N459a LL4152 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4684955 a? I T T SEMICONDUCTORS 87D 02327 »e 1m^a^ss 0DDS3a? t J~ D r . o9 SILICON DIODES General Purpose and Switching Diodes in MiniMELF Package Type Peak Inv. Voltage PIV M ax. Aver. Rectified Current lo Pow er Junction Dissipation Tem peraat 25 °C ture T,

    OCR Scan
    LL4148 LL4149 LL4150 LL4151 LL4152 LL4153 LL4154 LL4446 LL4447 LL4448 PDF


    Abstract: LL4150 LL4152 LL4153 LL4447 LL4449 LL4450 LL4451 LL4453 LL4454
    Text: ITT S E M I C O N D / INTERMETALL b lE » • 4bfl2711 0003172 2^3 m i S l Silicon Diodes Silicon Diodes for general purpose and switching Cathode Mark h - 3.5*01-» / - These diodes are identical electrically to the corresponding JEDEC 1N . . . types.

    OCR Scan
    4b62711 01--K LL4149 LL4150 LL4152 LL4153 LL4447 LL4449 LL4450 LL4451 LL4453 LL4454 PDF

    TCA700Y equivalent

    Abstract: SAJ300R SAF1092 SAK215 n525 by133 tca700y itt zener diode zpd ITT INTERMETALL BC327-25
    Text: Pages Contents 2 and 3 List of Types 4 to 7 DIGIT2000 Digital TV System 8 to 21 ICs for TV and Radio Receivers 22 ICs for Telephone Applications 23 ICs for Electronic Clocks 24 and 25 ICs for Automobile Applications 26 ICs for other Applications 27 Voltage Stabilizers

    OCR Scan
    DIGIT2000 237th YU-61000 TCA700Y equivalent SAJ300R SAF1092 SAK215 n525 by133 tca700y itt zener diode zpd ITT INTERMETALL BC327-25 PDF

    A2 diode

    Abstract: 1N414S
    Text: I T T CORP/ I T T CMPNTS 31E D • 4bê2bê4 00Q13QÔ 1 ■ SILICON DIODES - - - — - - - - : General Purpose and Switching Diodes in DO-35 Package Type Peak Inv. Voltage PIV Max. Aver. Power Junction Rectified Dissipation TemperaCurrent lo at 25 'G

    OCR Scan
    00Q13QÔ DO-35 1N914 1N414S 1N4149 1N4150 1N4151 1N4152 1N4153 1N4154 A2 diode PDF

    1n4148 ITT

    Abstract: 1N914 ITT 1N914/1N4148 1n4448 itt 1N4148 1N4149 1N4150 1N4151 1N4152 1N4153
    Text: I T T CORP/ I T T CMPNTS 31E D • 4bê2bê4 00Q13QÔ 1 ■ SILICON DIODES - - - - - — - - : G en era l P u r p o s e a n d S w it c h in g D io d e s in D O -3 5 P a ck a ge Type Peak Inv. Voltage PIV Max. Aver. Rectified Current lo Power

    OCR Scan
    DO-35 1N914 lF-10mA RL-100Â 1N4148 1N4149 1N4150 1n4148 ITT 1N914 ITT 1N914/1N4148 1n4448 itt 1N4151 1N4152 1N4153 PDF