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    LT 420 SF 50 GG Search Results

    LT 420 SF 50 GG Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: E60693 terminals crimped DIN 46249 KEMA keur t 85 e 156176 KLIPPON 16K3 131706 diode catalogue 160455
    Text: BBJ Zulassungen/approvals QK/T. Saringer, Datum: Type Cat. No. Approval No Volts AMPS Wire mm2 EK 10 035466 B/12/1145/96 10 EK 10/35 066136 B/12/1145/96 10 EK 16 037466 B/12/1145/96 16 EK 16/35 019016 B/12/1145/96 16 EK 2.5/35 066106 B/12/1145/96 2,5 EK 2.5N

    B/12/1145/96 qm431 E60693 terminals crimped DIN 46249 KEMA keur t 85 e 156176 KLIPPON 16K3 131706 diode catalogue 160455 PDF

    Nichicon GU

    Abstract: NICHICON VZ Nichicon GU Series
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Application Guidelines for Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors 1. Circuit Design 1 Please make sure the application and mounting conditions to which the capacitor will be exposed to are within the conditions specified in catalog or alternate product specification (Referred to as specification here after).

    8100D Nichicon GU NICHICON VZ Nichicon GU Series PDF

    T2D 4N DIODE

    Abstract: resistor HMR 5W diode code GW 17
    Text: SAK-Series SAK-Series Appendix SAK-Series TS 35 A SAK-Series TS 32 B SAK-Series combination foot TS 35 + TS 32 C SAK-Series for special applications D AKZ-Series TS 15 E Multi-pole terminal strips F KLBÜ shielded connection G Busbars / Terminal rails H Accessories


    mikroelektronik ddr

    Abstract: Halbleiterbauelemente DDR VEB mikroelektronik vqb 71 A910D VQB71 "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" diode sy-170 VQB 37 u112d
    Text: Halbleiter-Bauelemente Semiconductors Die vorliegende Übersicht enthält in gedrängter Form die wichtigsten Grenz- und Kenn­ daten der in der DDR gefertigten Halbleiterbauelem ente. Dem Anwender soll durch diese Übersicht die Auswahl der jeweils in Frage kommenden

    OCR Scan

    VEB mikroelektronik

    Abstract: "Mikroelektronik" Heft GWS servo VEB Kombinat zf filter lm 7803 3V Positive Voltage Regulator E355D "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" mikroelektronik Heft U706D VQB71
    Text: H albleiter-B auelem ente Semiconductors D ie vorliegend e Übersicht en th ält in g ed rä n g te r Form d ie wichtigsten G renz- und Kenn­ d aten d e r in d er D D R g efertigten H a lb le ite rb au e le m e n te . Dem A n w en der soll durch diese Übersicht die Auswahl der jew eils in Frage kom menden

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: Halbleiterbauelemente DDR VEB mikroelektronik mikroelektronik DDR a211d B109D "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" VEB Kombinat zf filter VEB Kombinat halbleiterwerk
    Text: Halbleiter-Bauelemente Semiconductors 1981 D ie vorliegende Übersicht enthält in gedrängter Form die wichtigsten Grenz- und Kenn daten der in der D D R gefertigten H albleiterbauelem ente. Dem Anw ender soll durch diese Übersicht die Auswahl d er jew eils in Frage kommenden

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: u82720 A110D TDA4100 ub8830d V40511D taa981 A109D sy 710 IC 7447
    Text: > i ! U O i j q > i a | a S [ ^ ] 0 [ y y H erstellerbetriebe Bei den einzelnen Erzeugnissen werden die Herstellerbetriebe durch die nachfolgend angegebenen Symbole gekennzeichnet: VEB M ik ro e le k tro n ik „K a rl M a r x “ Erfurt L e itb e tr ie b im VEB K o m b in a t M ik ro e le k tr o n ik

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: box33c b0345 b0348 b0735 B0346 b073b B0736 b0737 B0633
    Text: This Material Pro Electron Series Copyrighted 3> -i PRO ELECTRON SERIES Bipolar—see page 5-37 for JFET By Type No. Its BC107 Respective BC107A Case Styl« TO-18 TO-18 VCES* VC8 0 (VI Min 50 50 VCEO (V) Min V e BO (V) Min 45 6 45 6 'CES* 'CBO a V CB (Vi

    OCR Scan
    tS0113D J15511 SD1130 bc2378 box33c b0345 b0348 b0735 B0346 b073b B0736 b0737 B0633 PDF


    Abstract: IC TB 1237 AN M093 Y741

    OCR Scan
    DIP40 M093B M093C DIP-20 DIP-24 DIP-28 7T2T23? -------------------MULTIWATT-15 FLEXIWATT-15 IC TB 1237 AN M093 Y741 PDF


    Abstract: cd5551 oxco siemens Vogt Filter hp 09846 semiconductor smd marking codes ndk oxco upn o
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications ISDN Echocancellation Circuit for Terminal Applications IEC-Q TE PSB 21911 Version 5.2 PSF 21911 Version 5.2 Data Sheet 11.97 DS 1 PSB 21911 Revision History: Original Version: 11.97 Previous Releases: None Page Subjects changes since last revision

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    PSB21911 PSF21911 wb1u cd5551 oxco siemens Vogt Filter hp 09846 semiconductor smd marking codes ndk oxco upn o PDF

    IC 7447

    Abstract: "halbleiterwerk frankfurt" IC 7495 dioda by 238 SYk 04 vergleichsliste BY 235 D147d IC 7474 ic 74193
    Text: eiecrronic Halbleiter-Bauelemente Vergleichsliste Hersteller Bi BA Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi 100 103 106 116 127 147/25 147/50 152 i E S 8 Ti 8 T. T Se B i 152 Hl B i 170 B i 177 B i 178 B i 1«B BA 187 B i 204 B i 216 B i 217 B i 216 B i 219 B i 220 BA 221 B i 222

    OCR Scan

    IR detector odti make

    Abstract: Theta-JC QFP die down 7181 47 CHB 4U1 by 808 dfx PBS-2 CONNECTOR data sheet IC 7404 pml 017 38A IR receiver data sheet 51ED2
    Text: PM P re lim in a r y In fo rm a tio n D a ta S h e e t • I PM C-960840 IS S U E 3 ^ 1 PM C-Sierra, Inc. # I PM 4388 TOCTL OCTAL T1 FRAMER FEATURES • Integrates eight T1 fra m e rs in a sin g le d evice fo r term inating duplex DS-1 signals. • S upports S F a nd E S F fo rm a t DS-1 signals.

    OCR Scan
    PM4388 PMC-960840 14x20x2 000751b IR detector odti make Theta-JC QFP die down 7181 47 CHB 4U1 by 808 dfx PBS-2 CONNECTOR data sheet IC 7404 pml 017 38A IR receiver data sheet 51ED2 PDF


    Abstract: IF transformer EQ 80 EQ80 INDICATOR EM ech 21 vigi EL41 "IF transformer" 303AA
    Text: EQ 80 EQ 8 0 Enneode • I bS b F ig . 1 N o rm a l a n d X - r a y p h o to g ra p h s o f th e EQ. 80 a p p r o x im a te ly a c t u a l size . The E Q 80 is an enneode, comprising a cathode, 7 grids and an anode. The fa c t th a t some of the grids are interconnected has made it possible to m ount th e

    OCR Scan
    70Vg3 ECH21 IF transformer EQ 80 EQ80 INDICATOR EM ech 21 vigi EL41 "IF transformer" 303AA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S TANDARD PRODUCT ISSUE 5 PMC PMC-Sierra, Inc. PM7344 S/UNI-MPH SATURN QUAD T1/E1 MULTI-PHY USER NETWORK INTERFACE FEA TU R ES • Single chip quad ATM User Network Interface operating at 1.544 Mbit/s or 2.048 Mbit/s. • Implements the ATM Forum User Network Interface Specification V3.1 for DS1

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    PM7344 PDF


    Abstract: sil 9002 sil 9002 csu cfa 326 Intel x58 CH343b syc01 RFD24 RFD22 ch3406
    Text: Q T 1 F - P lu s D e v ic e Quad T1 Framer-Plus TXC-03103 DATA SHEET . = • D4 SF, ESF including HDLC Link support , and transparent framing modes • Encodes/decodes AMI/B8ZS and forced ones density line codes • Fractional T1 Gapped Clock

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    TXC-03103 TXC-03103-MB CH3401 sil 9002 sil 9002 csu cfa 326 Intel x58 CH343b syc01 RFD24 RFD22 ch3406 PDF

    ksd 302 250v, 10a

    Abstract: irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643
    Text: 5 transistor 1 A-Z datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-00-0 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechllich geschutzt. Alle

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    CB-F36c 2SD1642 2SD2182, 2SC4489, -08S- ksd 302 250v, 10a irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643 PDF


    Abstract: IFR 630 MF 51117 vg32a ETMA f24j philips hl 5123 TFM 5199 TP 51117 CSB503F30
    Text: 8 9 /L £ 0 -£ 0 -¿ 6 6 l °4 -$ u v # - ? °y $ -i$ u <9? ù. q)<ï ç y H ä § .,ß y a a)$ i n ç ^ m -1 ^ ï > 0) ir ' 0. co $ co 9? ? $> íi$i¥.^}#iíc¿> v ^ f i ^ $ w m sf i ^ M » t í O ) M K ^ # Ç 4-ÉfeBi 2 B ig i • 4 H * W ^ c o l l i i s f 18 Í W M § ^

    OCR Scan
    TA8845AN TA8845AN 960917TBA1 SDIP64-P-750-1 IFR 630 MF 51117 vg32a ETMA f24j philips hl 5123 TFM 5199 TP 51117 CSB503F30 PDF


    Abstract: tsp50c4x TSP50C TSP50C41
    Text: TSP50C4X Family Speech Synthesizers Design Manual Tf v a «; In s t r u m e n t s 0 ^ 1 7 2 4 Da'll?!! m • IM PO RTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Tl reserves the right to make changes to or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service identified in this

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    TSP50C4X BRN09 BRN10 TSP50C42 TSP50C TSP50C41 PDF


    Abstract: DDSM517 LE28BU166 3DQ10 643333 g0545
    Text: Ordering number:ENN‘6433 CMOS 1C L E 28B U 166 IsA H m i 16.064-Megabit FlashBank Memory Preliminary FEATURES: Read Access Time • Single 2.5-Volt Read and W rite Operations - 90 and 120 ns • Separate Memory Banks for Code or Data ’ Latched Address and Data

    OCR Scan
    LE28BU166 064-Megabit Q0242b0 64336 DDSM517 LE28BU166 3DQ10 643333 g0545 PDF


    Abstract: transistor 13n80
    Text: MbE D • 4bflb22b G O D D E S S 4 HIXY I X Y S CORP T - l V l S □IXYS Data Sheet No. 91532A October 1991 HiPerFET POWER MOSFETs N-Channel, High dv/dt, Low trr, HDMOS™ Fam ily C haracteristics Features * Low RDS{on HDMOS™ Process • Rugged Polysilicon Gate Ceil Structure

    OCR Scan
    4bflb22b 1532A 200ns) IXFH12N100 IXFH10N100 IXFM12N100 IXFM10N100 1XFH12n100 transistor 13n80 PDF

    STM CL-80

    Abstract: NEC D78P A928 d78p PD78P138 PT001 TCRX 3E 10A14 7rom uPD78 c 06
    Text: M O S JMJHUSfr MOS Integrated Circuit o o i oo n m L s0 a L SI I _ _ |j|§p I iS * 7 * ’— - 3. r r ± Ì Ì T /\f Z w i • t v i r r 8 hi y h iiPD 78P138ü, A iP D 78138O T V ^ÿR O M S -P R O M [= «#»JlÎ:li!iüiT 'T B rtSRPRO M IIlJ, —

    OCR Scan
    78P138ü 78138O uPD78P138 PD78134A, iPD78134A, STM CL-80 NEC D78P A928 d78p PD78P138 PT001 TCRX 3E 10A14 7rom uPD78 c 06 PDF


    Abstract: MC14035 MC14032 mc14161
    Text: Master Index 1 Product Selection Guide 2 i The “Better” Program 3 B and UB Series Family Data K CMOS Handling and Design Guidelines Data Sheets CMOS Reliability Equivalent Gate Count Packaging Information Including Surface Mounts E 8 i 9 DATA CLASSIFICATION

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    triac tag 8518

    Abstract: 70146 DS3654 X2864AD 7 segment display RL S5220 TC9160 la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt philips ecg master replacement guide vtl 3829 A-C4 TCA965 equivalent
    Text: 1985 0 / 0 / CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction to IC MASTER 3 Advertisers’ Index 8 Master Selection Guide Function Index I0 Part Number Index 40 Part Number Guide 300 Logo Guide 346 Application Note Directory 349 Military Parts Directory 50I Testing 506 Cross Reference

    OCR Scan

    JRC 45600

    Abstract: YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541
    Text: I SEMICON INDEXES Contents and Introduction Manufacturers' Information V O LU M E 3 INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS INDEX 15th EDITION 1997 Numerical Listing of Integrated Circuits Substitution Guide U D C 621.382.3 Diagram s THE S E M IC O N INTERNATIONAL INDEXES

    OCR Scan
    ZOP033 ZOP035 ZOP036 ZOP037 ZOP038 ZOP039 ZOP045 ZOP042 ZOP041 ZOP043 JRC 45600 YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541 PDF