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    9114 static ram

    Abstract: dallas ds1280 a17b 68-PIN DS1280 DS1280Q-68 TD1220
    Text: » A L L A S SEMICONDUCTOR CORP 31E D B HblMlBO 0003*133 0 ES DAL O S 1280 • W toàia^ M M éa^ M ni iii ii ì r -iiiJL.V^-r ¿ « .,- Mt. -«h. . '.riti , , tM . \* ^ * 5 0~7 E i£ a « a 081280 DALLAS 3-Wire to Bytewide Converter Chip semiconductor

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    DS1280 68-pin 80-pln DS1280Q-XX DS1280FP-XX 2bl4130 DS1280Q-68 9114 static ram dallas ds1280 a17b DS1280 TD1220 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS2154 PRELIMINARY DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS2154 Enhanced E1 Single Chip Transceiver PACKAGE OUTLINE FEATURES • Complete E1 CEPT PCM-30/ISDN-PRI transceiver functionality • Onboard long and short haul line interface for clock/ data recovery and waveshaping

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    DS2154 PCM-30/ISDN-PRI 32-bit 128-bit DS2154 100-PIN 100-PIN 2bl4130 001542b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS2404 DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS2404 EconoRAM Time Chip FEATURES PIN ASSIGNM ENT VCCdC 1 IRQon 2 RSTon 3 DQ^ 4 i/o CE 5 CLKon 6 NC n r 7 GNDinn 8 communication • Contains real-time clock/calendar in binary format • 4096 bits of SRAM organized in 16 pages, 256 bits per

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    DS2404 64-bit 16-pin Ebl4130 001570b DS2404 16-PIN D01S7Q7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS2190-003 DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS2190-003 T1 Network Interface Unit NIU PIN ASSIGNMENT FEATURES • Modularized network interface for 1.544 Mbps T 1 ser­ vices • Network side connects directly to T1 line • Compatible with DS2180A or DS2141A T1 /ISDN Pri­

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    DS2190-003 DS2180A DS2141A 42-PIN 2bl413G PDF

    3 phase ac motor speed control

    Abstract: receiver 4310 fea IH08 DIODE YW 431 scr transistor marking code E3t
    Text: DS83CH20 DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS83CH20 Unified I/O PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Revision 1.3 Copyright 1997 by Dallas Semiconductor Corporation. All Rights Reserved. For important information regarding patents and other intellectual property rights, please refer to

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    DS83CH20 2bl4130 0017bb3 DS83CH20 6550A 2bl413D 017fl4b 3 phase ac motor speed control receiver 4310 fea IH08 DIODE YW 431 scr transistor marking code E3t PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS1685/DS1687 P R E L IM IN A R Y DALLAS DS1685/DS1687 3 Volt/5 Volt Real Time Clock s e m ic o n d u c t o r FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Incorporates Industry standard DS1287 PC clock plus enhanced features: PWR C 1 xi L 2 X2 C 3 ADOC 4 AD1 C 5 AD2 C 6 AD3 C 7

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    DS1685/DS1687 DS1287 64-bit DS1687 24-PIN Pbl4130 ds1607 PDF


    Abstract: DS1B20
    Text: DS1820 D A L L A S s e m ic o n d u c to r D S 1820 1—W ir e Digital T h e rm o m e te r FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT • Unique 1-W ire™ interface requires only one port pin for communication • Multidropcapability simplifies distributed temperature sensing applications

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    DS1820 2hl413D Ebl4130 DS1820 OS1820 DS1B20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS2107A DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR D S2107A SCSI Terminator PIN ASSIGNMENT FEATURES • Fully compliant with SCSI and SCSI-2 standards 16 -ILI 15 3 0 PD TERMPWR1 QC 1 • Backward compatible to the DS2107S R1 C E 2 R2 m n 3 14 3 D NC • Provides active termination for 9 signal lines

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    DS2107A S2107A DS2107S DS2107AS 16-Pin 05t893 DS2107AE 20-PIN Sbl413D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS87C520/DS33C520 PRELIMINARY DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS87C520/DS83C520 EPROM/ROM High-Speed Micro FEATURES PACKAGE OUTLINE • 80C52 compatible - 8051 pin and instruction set compatible - Four 8-bit I/O ports - Three 16-bit timer/counters - 256 bytes scratchpad RAM

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    DS87C520/DS33C520 DS87C520/DS83C520 80C52 16-bit 56-G4012-001 DS87C520 0017AAS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS2435 P R E L IM IN A R Y DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS2435 Battery Identification Chip with Time/Temperature Histogram FEATURES PACKAGE OUTLINE • Provides unique ID number to battery packs PR-35 PACKAGE • Eliminates thermistors by sensing battery tempera­

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    DS2435 PR-35 256-bit 2bl4130 DS2435 Ebl413D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS1920 PRELIMINARY DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS1920 Touch Thermometer SPECIAL FEATURES • Digital therm om eter m easures tem peratures from -5 5 °C to +100°C in typically 0.2 seconds • Accuracy ±0.5°C within 0°C to +70°C, no calibration o r reference required

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    DS1920 DS1920 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS1820 DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS1820 1-W ire Digital Thermometer PIN ASSIGNMENT FEATURES • Unique 1-Wire™ interface requires only one port pin for communication • Multidrop capability simplifies distributed temperature sensing applications BOTTOM VIEW

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    DS1820 Bbl4130 DS1820 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DALLAS DS21Q43A Quad E1 Framer s e m ic o n d u c t o r FEATURES FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM • Four E1 CEPT or P C M -3 0 /IS D N -P R I fram ing transcsivers • All fo u rfra m e rs are fully independent; transm it and re­ ceive sections of each fram er are fully independent

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    128-PIN 2bl4130 001553b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D S 1612 PRODUCT PREVIEW DALLAS DS1 ?12 Lithium Battery Monitor s e m ic o n d u c t o r PIN ASSIGNMENT FEATURES • Programmable battery monitor tracks voltage of a lith­ ium cell and provides advanced warning of an Impending battery failure • Detection technique is -AV/AT, with programmable

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    Sbl413D DS1612 DS1612 20-PIN 2bl4130 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR D S1494L -F 5 Time-ln-a-Can FEATURES T im e |n a Can • Miniature timekeeping system sealed in a 16mm MicroCan • Snaps into a surface-mounted printed circuit board retainer • Self-powered with greater than 10 years of lithium • Keeps precise time in 1/256 second increments

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    DS1494L-F5 D13bS Sbl413Ã 0D13L30 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS80C32Q/DS80C323 DALLAS DS80C320/DS80C323 High-Speed/Low-Power Micro se m ic o n d u c to r FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT • 80C32-Compatible - 8051 Pin and instruction set compatible Four 8-bit I/O ports Three 16-bit timer/counters 256 bytes scratchpad RAM Addresses 64KB ROM and 64KB RAM

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    DS80C32Q/DS80C323 DS80C320/DS80C323 80C32-Compatible 16-bit DS80C320) DS80C323) DS80C320 B60802) 44-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DALLAS D S 1 5 8 5 /D S 1 5 8 7 Serialized Real Time Clocks SEMICONDUCTOR PIN ASSIGNMENT FEATURES Incorporates industry standard DS1287 PC clock plus enhanced features: C 1 x iC 2 oer 28 3 v cc ^ 27 □ SQW ÔËR I i ^ 28 • Vcc NC ■ 2 27 ■ SQW NC I 3

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    DS1287 64-bit num30 DS1585/DS1587 28-PIN 2bl4130 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS2153Q DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR E1 Single-Chip Transceiver PIN ASSIGNMENT FEATURES • Complete E1 CEPT PCM-30/ISDN-PRI transceiver functionality Functional Blocks • Onboard line interface for clock/data recovery and waveshaping • 32-bit or 128-bit jitter attenuator

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    DS2153Q PCM-30/ISDN-PRI 32-bit 128-bit 2bl4130 DS2153Q 44-PIN 2bl413Q PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D A L L A S DS1866 Log Trimmer Potentiometer s e m ic o n d u c t o r FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT po C 1 5-dB/step • Operates from 2.7V to 5.5V supplies 2 C pi h: 3 4 GND C • Parallel interface control: P0, P1, P2 8 D Vcc 7 D P2 6 1 L 5 I] w 8-P IN DIP 300 MIL

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    DS1866 DS1866 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS2130Q Voice Messaging Processor PIN ASSIGNMENT FEATURES • Per-channel voice messaging processor for digitized voice storage and retrieval DT1 CTT Vcc RST [ 2 PCMIN • High fidelity speech recording and playback at 8,12, 16, 24 and 32 Kbits/sec

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    DS2130Q 2fal413D 00117ti3 DS2130Q 28-PIN Ebl4130 DQ117t PDF

    9 volt battery diagram

    Abstract: DS1836 DS1836A DS1836B DS1836C DS1836D
    Text: DS1836A/B/C/D PRODUCT PREVIEW DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS1836A/B/C/D 3.3V/5V MicroManager PIN ASSIGNMENT FEATURES • 5 volt or 3.3 volt power-on reset Vcc C 1 8 U RST 'RST • True 3 volt operation power switch Vbat C 2 7 D NMÏ • Switches to battery at 3.8 volts (2.6 volts for 3.3 volt

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    DS1836A/B/C/D of-40Â Ebl4130 DS1836A/B/C/D Sbl413D 9 volt battery diagram DS1836 DS1836A DS1836B DS1836C DS1836D PDF


    Abstract: DS2190-003 DS2141A DS2180A DS2188 LB03
    Text: DS219 0 -0 0 3 DS2190-003 DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR T1 Network Interface Unit NIU PIN ASSIGNMENT FEATURES • Modularized network interface for 1.544 Mbps T1 ser­ vices I 42 I RXTIP TXRING B 41 1 RXRING NC 1 NC • < 39 1 NC B 38 1 NC LPWR— ■ 37 I NC 36 ■

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    DS2190-003 DS2180A DS2141A DS2188 Sbl413D 42-PIN MICROCONTROLLER 8031 DS2190-003 LB03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS 1245Y/A B DALLAS DS1245Y/AB 1024K Nonvolatile SRAM SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT • 10 years minimum data retention in the absence of external power • Data is automatically protected during power loss NC 1 1 A16 A14 • DIP-package devices directly replace 128K x 8 vola­

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    1245Y/A 1024K DS1245Y/AB DS1245Y) Hbl413D DS1245YL/ABL 34-PIN 68-pin 34P-SM DS1245V PDF

    TGS 822

    Abstract: toshiba a10 motherboard 8042AH bc 107 common base h parameters Energy ICT NV IEEE 3 bus datas 5235 printer circuit diagram diode marking gp06 413D ADRV T1 transistor
    Text: DS83CH20 DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS83CH20 Unified I/O PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Revision 1.3 Copyright 1997 by Dallas Semiconductor Corporation. All Rights Reserved. For important information regarding patents and other intellectual property rights, please refer to

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    DS83CH20 Ebl4130 0017bb3 DS83CH20 6550A 2bl413D 160-PIN TGS 822 toshiba a10 motherboard 8042AH bc 107 common base h parameters Energy ICT NV IEEE 3 bus datas 5235 printer circuit diagram diode marking gp06 413D ADRV T1 transistor PDF