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    Plessey Semiconductors Ltd SP97508B-DG

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    SP97508B Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC PLESSEY SE MIC ON DUCTO RS SP97508 110MHz 8-BIT FLASH ADC The S P 97508 is an 8-bit flash ECL a nalog-to-digital converter. It incorporates 256 individual com parators, a reference chain and a full D -type output latch. The A D C is capable of sam pling at 100M H z with full N yquist analog

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    SP97508 110MHz PDF


    Abstract: plessey radar
    Text: 1EE D I PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 7520513 0000141 fl IPLSES S E Y Semiconductors. Semico SP97508 T -s -io -o £ 8-BIT HIGH SPEED ADC SUPERSEDES A U G U S T 1987 D A T A B O O K E D ITIO N ) The Plessey SP97508 is an 8-bit flash ECL analog-todigital converter. It incorporates 255 individual comparators,

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    SP97508 SP97508 110MHz 4x620 100MHz 48kHz plessey radar PDF

    6502 microprocessor

    Abstract: plessey cla 3000 crompton K-50-50 ferranti ztx SP92701 draw pin configuration of ic 7404 SP9754
    Text: DATA CONVERTERS & Voltage References IC Handbook APLE SSE Y Sem iconductors Foreword The collective description of Data Conversion covers a vast range of applications which is limited only by the imagination of today’s system designers. Traditionally the name of Plessey

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    Abstract: plessey radar SL9999
    Text: U PLESSEY Semiconductors. SP97508 8-BIT HIGH SPEED ADC S U P E R S E D E S A U G U S T 1987 D A T A B O O K E D IT IO N The Plessey SP97508 is an 8-bit flash ECL analog-todigital converter. It incorporates 255 individual comparators, a reference chain and a full D-type output latch The A DC is

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    SP97508 SP97508 110MHz CX20116 100MHz 48kHz plessey radar SL9999 PDF


    Abstract: SP97508 SL9999
    Text: P ^ p jlG E C P L E S S E Y S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS2092 - 2.3 SP97508 110MHz 8-BIT FLASH ADC T he S P 9 750 8 is an 8-bit flash EC L a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l con verter. It in corp orates 256 individual com p ara to rs, a refere nce chain and a full D -type ou tput latch. T he A D C is

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    ds2092 110MHz SP97508 100MHz 120MHz 30MHz SP97508B SL9999 PDF


    Abstract: SP97508
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS M3E D B 37fc.fl522 G012b3S S O P L S B GEC PLES S EY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S 2092-1.0 SP97508 110MHz 8-BIT FLASH ADC The SP97508 is an 8-bit flash ECL analog-to-digital converter. It incorporates 256 individual comparators, a reference chain and a full D-type output latch. The ADC is

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    fl522 G012b3S SP97508 110MHz SP97508 100MHz CX20116, ADC303, HADC77100 120MHz SP97508B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY S E M I C O N D U C T O R ^ 2092-1.0 SP97508 110MHz 8-BIT FLASH ADC The SP97508 is an 8-bit flash ECL analog-to-digital converter. It incorporates 256 individual comparators, a reference chain and a full D-type output latch. The ADC is

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    SP97508 110MHz SP97508 100MHz CX20116, ADC303, HADC77100 120MHz 30Mouple PDF