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    T00M121 Search Results

    T00M121 Datasheets Context Search

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    philips mkt-p 330 x2

    Abstract: IEC 384-14 II 40 100 21 philips capacitor 330 45 mkt-p 565-1 capacitor IEC 384-14 II philips capacitor 330 4 mkt-p philips mkt-p x2 0.22 Philips Capacitor MKT-P philips mkt-p 330 565-1 philips mkt-p 330 44 x2
    Text: /H D S - r s - tfS P hilip s Com ponents Product specification Interference suppression film capacitors MKT-P 330 4 MKT-P RADIAL POTTED CAPACITORS ï î in r P=15 mm I PITCH 15/22.5/27.5 mm r o o o 1 P = 22.5 to 27.5 mm Fig.1 Simplified outlines. FEATURES

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Model C T-9 Multiturn Trimming Potentiometer 9 mm Square, Cermet S P E C IFIC A T IO N S Electrical Resistance Range : 10 Ohms to 5 Meg. Ohms Resistance Tolerance : ± 10% Standard Temp. Coeff. O f Resistance : 50 Ohms to 2 Meg. + 100 ppm/°C others ± 250 ppm/°C.

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    DD0b312 T00M121 000b313 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^ ~ G 5 -O S < 9 7 Product specification Philips Components Surface mounted ceramic multilayer capacitors FEATURES Class 1, NPO 50 V _ microwave series QUICK REFERENCE DATA • Low insertion loss/ESR up to 3 GHz: - 1 st parallel resonance above

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    resistor 2322 series

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components Product Specification Precision Resistor Chip Size 1206 1% FEATURES Reduced size of final equipment Lower assembly costs Higher component and equipment reliability Improved performance at high frequencies DESCRIPTION The resistors are constructed on a high

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    E24/E96 resistor 2322 series PDF