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    TO-18 BC108 Search Results

    TO-18 BC108 Result Highlights (5)

    ECAD Model
    HI5746KCB-T Renesas Electronics Corporation 10-Bit, 40MSPS A/D Converter with CMOS Outputs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HI3-574AJN-5Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Complete, 12-Bit A/D Converters with Microprocessor Interface Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R2A20150NP#W5 Renesas Electronics Corporation Converters Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R2A20166NP#W5 Renesas Electronics Corporation Converters Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HI3-574AKN-5Z Renesas Electronics Corporation Complete, 12-Bit A/D Converters with Microprocessor Interface Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    TO-18 BC108 Datasheets Context Search

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    BC107 pin configuration

    Abstract: BC109 pin configuration BC109 BC109C pin configuration BC108 BC107 pin BC108 pin configuration bc107a pin out DATASHEET Transistor BC109 BC107
    Text: BC107/ BC108/ BC109 Low Power Bipolar Transistors TO-18 Features: NPN Silicon Planar Epitaxial Transistors. Suitable for applications requiring low noise and good hFE linearity, eg. audio pre-amplifiers, and instrumentation. TO-18 Metal Can Package Dimension

    BC107/ BC108/ BC109 BC107 BC108 BC109 BC107 pin configuration BC109 pin configuration BC109C pin configuration BC107 pin BC108 pin configuration bc107a pin out DATASHEET Transistor BC109 PDF

    2n2222 sot-23

    Abstract: 2N2369 SOT-23 2N2907 SOT-23 bcy79 sot23 BC461 2N5322 bc107 sot23 SOT-23 2N2222 2N3700 sot23 2n2222a SOT223 So642
    Text: TRANSISTORS SMALL SIGNAL TO-39 TO-18 SOT-223 SOT-23 NPN GENERAL PURPOSE TRANSISTORS - TO-18 hFE @ IC VCEO VCER* VCE sat @ IC / IB Type (V) min/max (mA) 55 50/– 50 30 40 80 80 100/300 100/300 40/– 100/300 150 150 150 150 max fT ts Ptot Also available min

    OT-223 OT-23 BSX33 2N2222 2N2222A 2N720A 2N3700 STZTA42 2n2222 sot-23 2N2369 SOT-23 2N2907 SOT-23 bcy79 sot23 BC461 2N5322 bc107 sot23 SOT-23 2N2222 2N3700 sot23 2n2222a SOT223 So642 PDF


    Abstract: bc109 BC107-BC108-BC109 BC108 bc109 equivalent BC107 equivalent BC108-BC109 BC107 equivalent transistors BC107 DATASHEET bc108 equivalent
    Text: BC107 BC108-BC109 LOW NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS DESCRIPTION The BC107, BC108 and BC109 are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case.They are suitable for use in driver stages, low noise input stages and signal processing circuits of television

    BC107 BC108-BC109 BC107, BC108 BC109 BC177, BC178 BC179. BC108 BC107 BC107-BC108-BC109 bc109 equivalent BC107 equivalent BC108-BC109 BC107 equivalent transistors BC107 DATASHEET bc108 equivalent PDF

    bc 5411

    Abstract: BC107 pin configuration BC108 pin configuration BC108 transistor BC108 BC107 BC107 DATASHEET bc108b equivalent BC107B Transistor BC107
    Text: BC107/BC108 Series Low Power Bipolar Transistors General Purpose Amplifier/Switches Feature: • NPN Silicon Planar Epitaxial Transistors. TO-18 Metal Can Package Dimensions Minimum Maximum A 5.24 5.84 B 4.52 4.97 C 4.31 5.33 D 0.40 0.53 E - 0.76 F - 1.27

    BC107/BC108 BC107 BC108 bc 5411 BC107 pin configuration BC108 pin configuration BC108 transistor BC108 BC107 BC107 DATASHEET bc108b equivalent BC107B Transistor BC107 PDF

    BC107 pin configuration

    Abstract: BC109 characteristic CDIL BC107 BC109 pin configuration DATASHEET Transistor BC107 Transistor BC107 BC109 BC107A BC107 transistor BC109
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company NPN SILICON PLANAR TRANSISTORS BC107/A/B/C BC108/A/B/C BC109/A/B/C TO-18 Metal Can Package Low Noise General Purpose Audio Amplifiers ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS DESCRIPTION

    BC107/A/B/C BC108/A/B/C BC109/A/B/C BC107 BC108 BC109 C-120 109Rev 231202E BC107 pin configuration BC109 characteristic CDIL BC107 BC109 pin configuration DATASHEET Transistor BC107 Transistor BC107 BC109 BC107A BC107 transistor BC109 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company NPN SILICON PLANAR TRANSISTORS BC107/A/B/C BC108/A/B/C BC109/A/B/C TO-18 Metal Can Package Low Noise General Purpose Audio Amplifiers ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS DESCRIPTION

    BC107/A/B/C BC108/A/B/C BC109/A/B/C BC107 BC108 BC109 C-120 109Rev 231202E PDF

    BC107 pin configuration

    Abstract: Transistor BC107 CDIL BC107 bc107a bc108 pin details bc108 IC BC108A BC109 bc108 pin out bc109 equivalent
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS16949 and ISO 9001 Certified Company NPN SILICON PLANAR TRANSISTORS BC107/A/B/C BC108/A/B/C BC109/A/B/C TO-18 Metal Can Package Low Noise General Purpose Audio Amplifiers ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS DESCRIPTION Collector Emitter Voltage

    ISO/TS16949 BC107/A/B/C BC108/A/B/C BC109/A/B/C BC107 BC108 BC109 C-120 109Rev 231202E BC107 pin configuration Transistor BC107 CDIL BC107 bc107a bc108 pin details bc108 IC BC108A BC109 bc108 pin out bc109 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: BC108 BC107 equivalent BC107 DATASHEET bc108 equivalent of BC107 audio BC108 BC108 DATASHEET bc108 IC BC107 equivalent transistors
    Text: BC107 BC108 LOW NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS DESCRIPTION The BC107 and BC108 are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case. They are suitable for use in driver stages, low noise input stages and signal processing circuits of television reveivers. The PNP complemet for

    BC107 BC108 BC107 BC108 BC177. BC107 equivalent BC107 DATASHEET bc108 equivalent of BC107 audio BC108 BC108 DATASHEET bc108 IC BC107 equivalent transistors PDF

    CDIL BC107

    Abstract: BC107 pin configuration bc108 pin details CDIL BC108 BC109 pin configuration bc109 CDIL BC109 bc109 application bc107 pin application BC108A
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company NPN SILICON PLANAR TRANSISTORS BC107/A/B/C BC108/A/B/C BC109/A/B/C TO-18 Metal Can Package Low Noise General Purpose Audio Amplifiers ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS DESCRIPTION

    BC107/A/B/C BC108/A/B/C BC109/A/B/C BC107 BC108 BC109 C-120 109Rev 231202E CDIL BC107 BC107 pin configuration bc108 pin details CDIL BC108 BC109 pin configuration bc109 CDIL BC109 bc109 application bc107 pin application BC108A PDF

    Transistor BC107

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR C107 BC10 npn transistor transistor c109 Transistor BC109 TRANSISTOR bc107 current gain c107 transistor applications of Transistor BC108 TRANSISTOR bc108 Transistor BC107 NPN
    Text: GENERAL PURPOSE NPN SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR BC107/A/B/C BC108/A/B/C BC109/A/B/C • Hermetic TO-18 Metal package. • Designed For Low Noise General Purpose Amplifiers, Driver Stages and Signal Processing Applications • Screening Options Available ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA = 25°C unless otherwise stated

    BC107/A/B/C BC108/A/B/C BC109/A/B/C BC107 BC108 BC109 100mA 300mW BC107 O-206AA) Transistor BC107 TRANSISTOR C107 BC10 npn transistor transistor c109 Transistor BC109 TRANSISTOR bc107 current gain c107 transistor applications of Transistor BC108 TRANSISTOR bc108 Transistor BC107 NPN PDF


    Abstract: BC10 npn transistor
    Text: GENERAL PURPOSE NPN SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTOR BC107/A/B/C BC108/A/B/C BC109/A/B/C • Hermetic TO-18 Metal package. • Designed For Low Noise General Purpose Amplifiers, Driver Stages and Signal Processing Applications • Screening Options Available ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS TA = 25°C unless otherwise stated

    BC107/A/B/C BC108/A/B/C BC109/A/B/C BC107 BC108 BC109 100mA 300mW PROPERTIE612 TRANSISTOR C107 BC10 npn transistor PDF


    Abstract: BCI07A bc177 TO-92 BCI07B
    Text: DEVICE TYPE PACKAGE BVCEO BVCBO BVEBO C BO 9 VCB |V> M IN |V| MIN VI MIN |mAI M A X |V> HFE @ VC & 1C MIN -M A X (V |mA] COB FT (pi) MAX |MHl| NF Idbl MAX BC10> BCI07A BCI07B BC108 BC108A NPN NPN NPN NPN NPN TO-18 TO -18 TO -18 TO -18 TO-18 45 45 45 20 20

    OCR Scan
    BCI07A BCI07B BC108 BC108A BC106B BC109 BC109B BC109C BC168B BC168C BC106B bc177 TO-92 PDF


    Abstract: BC190 BC251 bc159 BC147
    Text: Low Level and General Purpose Amplifiers MAXI1V[DM RATINGS VcEO P4 Ic B.W (mA) (V) H,nt POLA­ RITY CASE BC107 BC108 BC109 BC110 BC147 N N N N N TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 TO-18 TO-92F 300 300 300 300 350 100 100 100 50 100 45 20 20 80 45 110 110 110 30 110 450 #

    OCR Scan
    BC107 BC108 BC109 BC110 BC147 BC148 BC149 BC157 BC158 BC159 BC190 BC251 PDF

    TO-18 amps pnp transistor

    Abstract: BC107 BC108
    Text: NEW ENGLAND SEMICONDUCTOR SMALL SIGNAL PNP TRANSISTOR TO-18 PACKAGE DEVICE TYPE V ceo sus VOLTS (max) AMPS TO-18 T0206AA 2N2906 2N2906AA 2N2907 2N2907AA 2N3250AA 2N3251AA 2N3496 2N3497 2N3798 2N3799 2N3962 2N3963 2N3964 2N3965 2N4026 2N4027 2N4028 2N4029

    OCR Scan
    T0206AA 2N2906 2N2906AA 2N2907 2N2907AA 2N3250AA 2N3251AA 2N3496 2N3497 2N3798 TO-18 amps pnp transistor BC107 BC108 PDF


    Abstract: box33c b0345 b0348 b0735 B0346 b073b B0736 b0737 B0633
    Text: This Material Pro Electron Series Copyrighted 3> -i PRO ELECTRON SERIES Bipolar—see page 5-37 for JFET By Type No. Its BC107 Respective BC107A Case Styl« TO-18 TO-18 VCES* VC8 0 (VI Min 50 50 VCEO (V) Min V e BO (V) Min 45 6 45 6 'CES* 'CBO a V CB (Vi

    OCR Scan
    tS0113D J15511 SD1130 bc2378 box33c b0345 b0348 b0735 B0346 b073b B0736 b0737 B0633 PDF


    Abstract: TO-18 amps pnp transistor 2N2907aA transistor BC109 IC 8002 2N4028 2n869a 2n3963 TRANSistor BC108 2N2907
    Text: N EW ENGLAND SEMICONDUCTOR SMALL SIGNAL PNP TRANSISTOR TO-18 TO-18 T0206AA 1*FE @ IC/ ^ C E min/max @ mA/V sus VOLTS Ic (max) AMPS 2N2906 40 0.6 40/120@150/10 2N2906AA 60 0.6 2N2907 40 2N2907AA V ceo PACKAGE DEVICE TYPE V cE (M t) @ I c/I b V @ m A/m A C<P

    OCR Scan
    2N2906 T0206AA 2N2906AA 2N2907 2N2907AA 2N3250AA 2N3251AA 2N3496 2N3497 2N3798 2N4027 TO-18 amps pnp transistor transistor BC109 IC 8002 2N4028 2n869a 2n3963 TRANSistor BC108 PDF

    F B0347

    Abstract: b0349 BC184LB B0679 35S20 BDX330 B0242c f b0349 B0346 BD370-6
    Text: Pro Electron Series in o PRO ELECTRON SERIES Bipolar—see page 5-37 for JFET o Type No. BC107 BC107A Can Styl« TO-18 TO-18 VCES* v CBO (VI M in 50 50 v CEO (V) M in 45 45 v EB0 (V) M in 6 6 •c e s * 'CBO a InA) Max 15* 15* V CB IV) 50 50 H rh Ne 1 kH z *

    OCR Scan
    DD3SS11 F B0347 b0349 BC184LB B0679 35S20 BDX330 B0242c f b0349 B0346 BD370-6 PDF


    Abstract: BC107C BC10B 2N718 pin configuration 2N915 BC109C pin configuration bfy76 BSY79 BC-108 2N2221A
    Text: TO-18 P IN C O N F I G U R A T I O N 1. E m itte r 2. B a s e 3. C o lle c to r DIM MIN A 5,24 MAX 5,84 B 4,52 4,97 C 4,31 5,33 D 0,40 0,53 E - F - 0,76 1,27 G - 2,97 H 0,91 1,17 J 0,71 1,21 K 12,7 - L 45 DEG ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN M.M. TO-18 Metal-Can Package Transistors NPN

    OCR Scan
    BCY59-9 BFY76 BSX21 BSX48 BSY79 CIL351 CIL352 BSX21 BC107C BC10B 2N718 pin configuration 2N915 BC109C pin configuration BC-108 2N2221A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TO-18 - A • T o P IN C O N F IG U R A T IO N 1. E m itte r 2. B a s e 3 . C o lle c to r DIM MIN A 5,24 5,84 B 4,52 4,97 MAX C 4,31 5,33 D 0,40 0,53 0,76 E - F - 1,27 G - 2,97 H 0,91 1,17 J 0,71 1,21 K 12,7 L 45 DEG - ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN M.M. TO-18 Metal-Can Package Transistors NPN

    OCR Scan
    2N2221 BSX48 CIL352 BSX21 BFY76 BCY59-9 BCY59-8 BCY59-7 BCY59-10 BCY59 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BC177 to 179 7 V _ A.F. SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS Genera! purpose P-N-P transistors in TO -18 m etal package w ith the co lle cto r connected to the case. C om plem entary types fo r the BC107, BC108 and BC109. Q U IC K R E F E R E N C E D A T A

    OCR Scan
    BC177 BC107, BC108 BC109. BC178 BC179 bc1782 PDF

    PH BC107

    Abstract: PH BC109 bc107 curves 7z08s BC109C D73 -Y BC108C BC107 BG10Z BC108B
    Text: BGIQZJd 109 T PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D • - 2 ^ 711002b G O m ^ M Ô A.F. SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS / MIS ■ PHIN ^ N-P-N transistors in TO-18 metal envelopes with the collector connected to the case.

    OCR Scan
    BG10ZÃ 711002b BC107 BC108 BC109 BC109 Collector-e07 PH BC107 PH BC109 bc107 curves 7z08s BC109C D73 -Y BC108C BG10Z BC108B PDF


    Abstract: bc109
    Text: BC107 to 109 _ A .F. SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS General purpose NPN transistors in TO-18 metal packages w ith the collector connected to the case. PNP com plem ents are BC177, BC178 and BC179. QUICK REFERENCE D ATA Collector-emitter voltage VgE = 0

    OCR Scan
    BC107 BC177, BC178 BC179. BC107A BC107B BC108C BC108A BC108B bc109 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: r z 7 S G S -m O M S O N ^ 7 # [ïffloeœiiLnera «® BC107 BC108 LOW NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS DESCRIPTION The BC107 and BC108 are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case. They are suitable for use in driver stages, low

    OCR Scan
    BC107 BC108 BC107 BC108 BC177. BC107/BC108 PDF


    Abstract: BC108-BC109 BC107 Tr bc107 bc109 gain bc109 bc108 TO-92
    Text: SGS-THOMSON IMDœisillLICTIËiiMÛS BC107 BC108-BC109 LOW NOISE GENERAL PURPOSE AUDIO AMPLIFIERS D E S C R IP T IO N The BC107, BC108 and BC109 are silicon planar epitaxial NPN transistors in TO-18 metal case.They are suitable for use in driver stages, low noise input

    OCR Scan
    BC107 BC108-BC109 BC107, BC108 BC109 BC177, BC178 BC179. BC107-BC108-BC109 BC108-BC109 BC107 Tr bc109 gain bc108 TO-92 PDF