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    IEC 269-4

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BRITISH STANDARD URE/URGS/URZ SEMICONDUCTOR PROTECTION FUSES PROTISTOR FUSES 250V AC URE/URGS/URZ from 5 up to 180A SizeS: 10 X 28 - 17 X 27 Features/Benefits ➤ Extremely high Interrupting rating Fuses: Protection of power Semiconductors according to IEC 269.1 and 4

    17X27 IEC 269-4 PDF


    Abstract: PROTISTOR 190 BS17US25V30P H097527 W076655 L097 L082488 BS17US25V60 BS17US25V80 M082489
    Text: Semiconductor fuses Semiconductor AC fuses Other Protistor Fuses BS88-4 Fuses 10x28, 17x27 - 250 VAC BRITISH STANDARD 250 VAC - URE - URGS - URZ From 5 to 180 A Sizes 10x28 - 17x27 Extremely high breaking capacity fuses: protection of power semiconductors as per

    BS88-4 10x28, 17x27 10x28 17x27 17x27) SCAC230 URGS PROTISTOR 190 BS17US25V30P H097527 W076655 L097 L082488 BS17US25V60 BS17US25V80 M082489 PDF


    Abstract: IEC 269-1 63210 63211 C63210 protistor fuse British URGS British standard IEC 269-4
    Text: BRITISH STANDARD URE/URGS/URZ SEMICONDUCTOR PROTECTION FUSES PROTISTOR FUSES 250V AC URE/URGS/URZ from 5 up to 180A SIZES: 10 X 28 - 17 X 27 Features / Benefits ➤ Extremely high Interrupting rating Fuses: Protection of power Semiconductors according to

    17X27 Protistor IEC 269-1 63210 63211 C63210 protistor fuse British URGS British standard IEC 269-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Semiconductor fuses Semiconductor AC fuses Other Protistor Fuses BS88-4 Fuses 10x28, 17x27 - 250 VAC BRITISH STANDARD 250 VAC - URE - URGS - URZ From 5 to 180 A Sizes 10x28 - 17x27 Extremely high breaking capacity fuses: protection of power semiconductors as per

    BS88-4 10x28, 17x27 10x28 17x27 17x27) SCAC230 PDF


    Abstract: BS17US25V25
    Text: Semiconductor fuses Semiconductor AC fuses Other Protistor Fuses BS88-4 Fuses 10x28, 17x27 - 250 VAC BRITISH STANDARD 250 VAC - URE - URGS - URZ From 5 to 180 A Sizes 10x28 - 17x27 Extremely high breaking capacity fuses: protection of power semiconductors as per

    BS88-4 10x28, 17x27 10x28 17x27 17x27) SCAC204 L097507 BS17US25V25 PDF

    ferraz protistor

    Abstract: PROTISTOR FERRAZ PROTISTOR FERRAZ 1000V ferraz protistor fuse 600 CP ferraz protistor fuse ferraz protistor 600v protistor fuse IEC 60269-4 ferraz ferraz shawmut fuse 14x51 DIN43620
    Text: Semiconductor Fuses Your guide to high speed fuse protection Semiconductor fuses that meet every major standard. Standards may change from country to country, but the need for safe, reliable circuit protection for semiconductor applications is the same the world over. That’s why Ferraz

    BR-SEMICOND-001 ferraz protistor PROTISTOR FERRAZ PROTISTOR FERRAZ 1000V ferraz protistor fuse 600 CP ferraz protistor fuse ferraz protistor 600v protistor fuse IEC 60269-4 ferraz ferraz shawmut fuse 14x51 DIN43620 PDF

    LINDNER fuses

    Abstract: e230073 LINDNER fuses neozed c2165 FR10GB69V30 FR14UC69V50 FR10GB69V12.5 M0816 Y300056 n300093c
    Text: Fuses – Fusegear Semiconductor Protection Fuses • Protistor Mapping 70 - 71 • American Round Fuses - Form 101 range 72 - 81 • Other American Round Fuses 82 • Ferrule-style Protistor fuses 83 - 87 • Protistor DIN standard fuses sizes 000-00 88 - 89

    A218707K Y211023K F215124K P219226K Z211024K MSD823I MSD10251I MSD831I MSD1031I MSD1038I LINDNER fuses e230073 LINDNER fuses neozed c2165 FR10GB69V30 FR14UC69V50 FR10GB69V12.5 M0816 Y300056 n300093c PDF

    TDA 7277

    Abstract: TDA 8345 TDA 7988 tda 9580 TDA 8344 TDA 9394 TDA 8659 AN tda 8945 j tda 7840 ic tda 9361
    Text: Tem ic S e m i c o n d u c t o r s Addresses Europe France T E M IC F rance L es Q u a d ra n ts 3. av en u e du centre B.P. 309 7 8 0 5 4 S t.-Q u e n tin -e n -Y v e lin e s C ed ex Tel: 33 1 3 0 6 0 7 0 0 0 Fax: 33 1 3 0 6 0 7111 Germany T E M IC T E L E F U N K E N

    OCR Scan

    transistor vergleichsliste

    Abstract: Transistor Vergleichsliste DDR telefunken transistoren VALVO BSW69 vergleichsliste DDR vergleichsliste transistor BC-148 rft transistoren Transistoren DDR
    Text: TRANSISTOR VERGLEICHSLISTE Teil 2: Siliziumtransistoren r a d io - t e le v is io n Transistorverglèich& liste T eil 2 : S iliziu in tra n sistoren TRA N SISTO R, V ER G LEICH S LIS T E Teil 2: Siliziumtransistoren DER D EU TSCH EN M IL IT Ä R V E R L A G

    OCR Scan

    LDR 03

    Abstract: LDR05 valvo handbuch valvo handbuch rohren ORP60 valvo 18504 LDR -03 valvo BPY10 18550 Valvo
    Text: VALVO-HÀKOBUCH Spezialröhren II 19E7 j D a s V A L V O -H a n d b u c h Sp e zialröh re n I enthält d ie G ru p p e n V erstärkerröh ren O sz illo g ra fe n rö h re n M on ito rrö h re n P ro je ktio n s-B ild rö h re n L ich tpunkt-A btaströh ren

    OCR Scan

    transistor IRG4BC10UD

    Abstract: IRG4BC10UD
    Text: PD -9.1677A International TOR Rectifier IRG4BC10UD PRELIMINARY INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITH ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODE UltraFast CoPack IGBT F ea tu re s • UltraFast: Optimized for high operating up to 80 kHz in hard switching, >200 kHz in resonant mode

    OCR Scan
    IRG4BC10UD transistor IRG4BC10UD IRG4BC10UD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s TAIWAN SEMICONDUCTOR SR2020 - SR20150 20.0 AMPS. Schottky Barrier Rectifiers RoHS TO-22GAB COM PLIANCE Features • i' 4 ■ i' 4❖ <" .S v iv i Low p o w e r lo ss, h igh e fficie n cy. High cu rre rit c a p a bi lity. L o w V F . High re lia b ility High su rge c u rre nt c a p a b i lity.

    OCR Scan
    SR2020 SR20150 O-22GAB URGS PDF

    TFK U 3212 M

    Abstract: TFK U 3212 telefunken rc 890 cd LIN 5642 G tfk 623 ta 8659 cn str f 6268 cd 3313 eo PEX 8603 ORP 12
    Text: Tem ic Sales Offices S e m i c o n d u c t o r s Addresses Europe Denmark T E M IC D ansk c /o A E G Industri A/S R oskildevej 8 -1 0 2 620 A lbeitslund Tel: 45 4 2 6485 22 Fax: 45 43 6262 28 T E M IC T E L E F U N K E N m icro ­ electro n ic G m bH K ruppstrasse 6

    OCR Scan

    kd 502

    Abstract: kd smd transistor transistor Kd 502 kd transistor smd
    Text: International IÖR Rectifier PD - 91723 IR G 4 Z C 7 1 K D PRELIMINARY Surface Mountable Short Circuit Rated UltraFast IGBT INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITH ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODE Features • High sh o rt circu it rating op tim ize d fo r m otor

    OCR Scan