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    VPG Transducers Y16256K64000B23R

    V/N 303135 6K6400 0.1% B T 15557
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey Y16256K64000B23R 10
    • 1 -
    • 10 $46.709
    • 100 $46.709
    • 1000 $46.709
    • 10000 $46.709
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    Avnet Americas Y16256K64000B23R Tape w/Leader 10
    • 1 -
    • 10 $38.2812
    • 100 $23.439
    • 1000 $23.439
    • 10000 $23.439
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    256K64 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 256K64-XG4WX 256Kx64 SRAM MODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES • Access Times 20, 25, 35ns ■ MIL-STD-883 Compliant Devices Available ■ Packaging: ■ Commercial, Industrial and Military Temperature Range ■ 5 Volt Power Supply ■ Low Power CMOS • 116 lead, 40mm, Hermetic CQFP Package 504

    WS256K64-XG4WX 256Kx64 MIL-STD-883 256Kx64, 512Kx32 1Mx16. WS256K64-XG4WX 256K64 PDF

    PG-FP5 Flash Memory Programmer

    Abstract: 100 pin wqfn V850 Dual Voltage Flash JC3-L JH3-E P910 V850ES V850ES/jg3-L v850es/jg3-l NEC V850ES/JJ3
    Text: V850ES/Jx3 V850ES/Jx3 LPC LPC Low (Low Pin Pin Count Count) Series Series V850ES/Jx3-H, V850ES/Jx3-L, V850ES/Jx3-E 32 bit Single-chip Microcontrollers Feature V850ES/Jx3-L Industry-Leading Low power consumption Ideal for Battery-Driven Systems Low power & Low voltage

    V850ES/Jx3 V850ES/Jx3-H, V850ES/Jx3-L, V850ES/Jx3-E V850ES/Jx3-L V850ES/Jx3-H 98MIPS, PG-FP5 Flash Memory Programmer 100 pin wqfn V850 Dual Voltage Flash JC3-L JH3-E P910 V850ES V850ES/jg3-L v850es/jg3-l NEC V850ES/JJ3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 256K64-XG4WX 256Kx64 SRAM MODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES • Access Times 20, 25, 35nS ■ MIL-STD-883 Compliant Devices Available ■ 116 lead, 40mm, Hermetic CQFP Package 504 ■ Commercial, Industrial and Military Temperature Range ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Organized as 256Kx64, User Configurable as 512Kx32 or

    WS256K64-XG4WX 256Kx64 MIL-STD-883 256Kx64, 512Kx32 1Mx16. WS256K64-XG4WX 256K64 PDF

    Building Management System

    Abstract: V850ES PG-FP5 Flash Memory Programmer PD70F3813K8-4B4-AX
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid

    M8E0909E) Building Management System V850ES PG-FP5 Flash Memory Programmer PD70F3813K8-4B4-AX PDF


    Abstract: FLMD01 PD70F3806 64pinFBGA PD70F3793 PD70F3804K8-5B4-AX TIP40 V850ES 512K-256K 48pin-WQFN
    Text: お客様各位 カタログ等資料中の旧社名の扱いについて 2010 年 4 月 1 日を以って NEC エレクトロニクス株式会社及び株式会社ルネサステクノロジ が合併し両社の全ての事業が当社に承継されております。従いまして、本資料中には旧社

    V850ES/Jx3 V850ES/Jx3-H, V850ES/Jx3-L, V850ES/Jx3-E V850ES/Jx3-H V850ES/Jx3-HUSB2 V850ES/Jx3-L V850ES/Jx3-EMAC 64pinLQFP FLMD01 PD70F3806 64pinFBGA PD70F3793 PD70F3804K8-5B4-AX TIP40 V850ES 512K-256K 48pin-WQFN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a 256K64-XG4WX M/HITE /MICROELECTRONICS 256Kx64 SRAM MODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES • A c c ess T im e s 20, 25, 35ns ■ C o m m e rc ia l, In d u s tria l and M ilit a r y T e m p e ra tu re Range ■ M IL-STD-883 C o m p lia n t D evices A v a ila b le ■

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    WS256K64-XG4WX 256Kx64 IL-STD-883 256K64 PDF

    VL82C320 fc

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: "V LSI Tech n o lo g y , in c ADVÂWGE INFO R M A TIO N VL82C320 SYSTEM CONTROLLER/DATA BUFFER DESCRIPTION The VL82C320 contains the system control and data buffering functions in a 160-lead quad flat pack. The VL82C320's functions are highly programmable via a set of internal con­

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    VL82C320 VL82C320 160-lead IRQ13, -BLKA20, D15-D0, SD15-SD0 MA10-MAO, VL82C320 fc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a 256K64-XG4WX M/HITE /MICROELECTRONICS 256Kx64 SRAM MODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES • Acc e s s Tim e s 20, 25, 35ns ■ C om m e rcia l, In d u strial and M i l i t a r y T e m p e ra tu re Range ■ M IL-STD -883 C o m p lia n t D evices A v a ila b le ■

    OCR Scan
    WS256K64-XG4WX 256Kx64 2Kx32 256K64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a 256K64-XG4WX WHITE /MICROELECTRONICS 256Kx64SRAM MODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES • A ccess Tim es 20, 25, 35ns C om m ercial, Ind ustria l and M ilita r y T e m pe ratu re Range ■ M IL-S TD -883 C om pliant Devices A v a ila b le 5 V olt Power Supply ■

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    WS256K64-XG4WX 256Kx64SRAM S256K 256Kx64, 512Kx32 256K64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VLSI T e ch n o lo g y, inc. ADVANCE INFORMATION VL82C315A SCAMP II SYSTEM CONTROLLER FEATURES • Compatible with 386SX-based PC/AT compatible systems. Also 386DX, 486SX, or 486DX via VL82C3216 Cache Controller and Interface Unit • Up to 33 MHz system clock in 5.0 V

    OCR Scan
    VL82C315A 386SX-based 386DX, 486SX, 486DX VL82C3216 82C37A 74LS612 82C59A 82C54 vl82c10 PDF


    Abstract: VL82C330FC vl82c3 VL82C331 VL82C topcat VL82C386 vlsi topcat VL82C330-FC
    Text: VLSI INFORMATION T e c h n o l o g y , in c . VL82C330 SYSTEM CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The VL82C330 System Controller is highly configurable via software. No hardware jum pers are required. Defaults on reset for the configuration registers allow the system to boot at the

    OCR Scan
    VL82C330 VL82C330 386DX 100-PIN 128-PIN 00Db7flE 160-PIN VL82C330FC vl82c3 VL82C331 VL82C topcat VL82C386 vlsi topcat VL82C330-FC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Features • Organization Automatic and direct precharge Burst read, single write operation - 131,072 words x 64 bits x 2 banks • Fully synchronous Can assert random column address in every cycle - All signals referenced to positive edge of clock LVTTL compatible I/O

    OCR Scan
    128-pin AS4LC256K64S0-133QC 256K64S0-100QC AS4LC256K64S0 PDF


    Abstract: VL82C286 t056 5091M TD351 VL82C331 tSU57 LIM EMS 4.0 vlsi 386sx VL82C320
    Text: VLSI T e c h n o l o g y , in c . VL82C320 SYSTEM CONTROLLER/DATA BUFFER DESCRIPTION The VL82C320 contains the system control and data buffering functions in a 160-lead quad flat pack. The VL82C320's functions are highly program m able via a set of internal

    OCR Scan
    VL82C320 VL82C320 160-lead tim66 160-PIN 386SX VL82C286 t056 5091M TD351 VL82C331 tSU57 LIM EMS 4.0 vlsi 386sx PDF


    Abstract: 387DX vlsi topcat
    Text: VLSI T e ch n o lo g y , in c. ADVANCE INFORMATION VL82C330 SYSTEM CONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The VL82C330 System Controller is highly configurable via software. No hardware jumpers are required. Defaults on reset for the configuration registers allow the system to boot at the

    OCR Scan
    VL82C330 VL82C330 -BUSY386, PEREQ386, -ERROR386, IRQ13, -BLKA20, RES387, MA10-MA0, 387DX vlsi topcat PDF


    Abstract: ge504a
    Text: m M/HITE /M IC R O E L E C T R O N IC S 256Kx64 SRAM MODULE W 256K64-XG4W X ADVANCED* FEATURES • A c c e s s Tim es 20, 2 5 , 3 5 n s ■ Com m ercial, Industrial and M ilita ry Tem perature R ange ■ M IL -S T D -8 8 3 C om pliant D e vic e s A va ilab le

    OCR Scan
    S256K64-XG4W 256Kx64 256K64 GE-504A ge504a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a 256K64-XG4WX WHITE /MICROELECTRONICS 256Kx64 SRAM MODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES • A c c e s s T im e s 20, 25, 35ns ■ Co m m ercial, Ind ustrial and M ilita ry Tem p erature Range ■ M IL-STD -883 Com pliant D e vice s A v a ila b le ■ 5 V olt Pow er Supply

    OCR Scan
    WS256K64-XG4WX 256Kx64 256K64 PDF


    Abstract: FFF06 FE3040 d4000 Western Digital floppy disk 8042 keyboard controller FFF58
    Text: PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION I/O MANAGER DEVICE FE3040 R. Chung REV DESCRIPTION ECO SIGNATURES DATE TITLE - - DIGITAL C O R P O R A SCALE: DATE APPR W ESTERN CLASS COI 96 7/21/87 ; r 1 0 N BASE NUMBER 000610 SHEET 1 OF RF.V X2.3 32 This information is confidential and proprietary to WDC and shall not be reproduced or

    OCR Scan
    FE3040 FE3040 fe3000 FFF06 d4000 Western Digital floppy disk 8042 keyboard controller FFF58 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ca 256K64-XG4WX M/HITE M IC R O ELE C TR O N IC S 256Kx64 SRAM MODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES • Access Tim es 20, 25, 35nS ■ C om m ercial, In d u stria l and M ilita ry T e m pe ratu re Range ■ M IL-S TD -883 C om p lian t D evices A v a ila b le ■ 5 V o lt P ow er Supply

    OCR Scan
    WS256K64-XG4WX 256Kx64 S256K 256Kx64, 512Kx32 256K64 PDF

    8042 Keyboard Controller

    Abstract: 8042 "Keyboard Controller" floppy disk chip 3B4K 8042 keyboard 8042 "Keyboard Controller" address western digital FE3040 c3fff "This information is confidential and proprietary to WDC and shall not be reproduced or further dis
    Text: PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION I/O MANAGER DEVICE FE3040 REV ECO SIGNATURES DESCRIPTION DATE TITLE R. Chung 7/21/87 APPR DATE W ESTERN D IG IT A L C O R P O R A r / O N CLASS CODE 96 SCALE: BASE NUMBER 000610 SHEET 1 OF RF.V X2.3 32 This information is confidential and proprietary to WDC and shall not be reproduced or

    OCR Scan
    FE3040 FE3040 8042 Keyboard Controller 8042 "Keyboard Controller" floppy disk chip 3B4K 8042 keyboard 8042 "Keyboard Controller" address western digital c3fff "This information is confidential and proprietary to WDC and shall not be reproduced or further dis PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a 256K64-XG4WX WHITE /MICROELECTRONICS 256Kx64SRAM MODULE A D V A N C E * FEATURES • Access Ti mes 20,25, 35ns Commercial, Industrial and M ilitary Temperature Range ■ M IL-STD-883 Compliant Devices Available 5 Volt Power Supply ■ Packaging: Low Power CM OS

    OCR Scan
    WS256K64-XG4WX 256Kx64SRAM IL-STD-883 S256K64-XG4W 256Kx64, 512Kx32 O256K64-XG4WX 256K64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a 256K64-XG4W X WHITE /M ICROELECTRONICS 256Kx64 SRAM MODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES • A cce ss Tim es 20, 25, 35nS ■ C om m ercial, Industrial and M i lita r y Te m p e ra tu re Range ■ M IL-STD -883 C o m p lia n t Devices A v a ila b le ■ 5 V o lt Power Supply

    OCR Scan
    WS256K64-XG4W 256Kx64 S256K64-XG4W 256K64 PDF


    Abstract: VL82C1 VL82C310 VL82C310/VL82C311/VL82C311L VL82C311/VL82C311L VL82C310/VL82C311/
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION V L S I T e c h n o lo g y , in c. VL82C310/VL82C311/VL82C311L SINGLE CHIPAT, MID-RANGE PERFORMANCE SCAMP CONTROLLER FEATURES • Fully compatible with 286- or 386SXbased PC/AT compatible systems VL82C311L is 286 compatible only • Includes:

    OCR Scan
    VL82C310/VL82C311/VL82C311L 386SXbased VL82C311L 386SX-based 286-based 82C37A A23-A1. CPUA20, D15DO, IRQ15, VL82c311 VL82C1 VL82C310 VL82C310/VL82C311/VL82C311L VL82C311/VL82C311L VL82C310/VL82C311/ PDF