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    2SB1471 Search Results

    2SB1471 Datasheets (9)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SB1471 Sanyo Semiconductor General-purpose driver Original PDF
    2SB1471 Unknown Silicon PNP-darlington transistor Scan PDF
    2SB1471 Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    2SB1471 Unknown Transistor Substitution Data Book 1993 Scan PDF
    2SB1471 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    2SB1471 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    2SB1471 Unknown Japanese Transistor Cross References (2S) Scan PDF
    2SB1471 Sanyo Semiconductor TO-220ML, TO-220MF Type Transistors Scan PDF
    2SB1471 Sanyo Semiconductor TO-220MF (Mini Fin) Power Transistor Scan PDF

    2SB1471 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:EN3365 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1471/2SD2223 Driver Applications Applications Package Dimensions • Motor drivers, printer hammer drivers, relay drivers, voltage regulator control. unit:mm 2049B [2SB1471/2SD2223] Features

    EN3365 2SB1471/2SD2223 2049B 2SB1471/2SD2223] O-220MF 2SB1471 2SB1471 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2223 ITR09799 ITR09800
    Text: 2SB1471 / 2SD2223 Ordering number : EN3365A SANYO Semiconductors DATA SHEET 2SB1471 / 2SD2223 PNP / NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Darlington Transistors Driver Applications Applications • Motor drivers, printer hammer drivers, relay drivers, voltage regulator control.

    2SB1471 2SD2223 EN3365A 2SB1471 2SD2223 ITR09799 ITR09800 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number:ENN3365 PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors 2SB1471/2SD2223 Driver Applications Applications Package Dimensions • Motor drivers, printer hammer drivers, relay drivers, voltage regulator control. unit:mm 2049C [2SB1471/2SD2223] Features

    ENN3365 2SB1471/2SD2223 2049C 2SB1471/2SD2223] 2SB1471 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2223
    Text: Ordering num ber: EN 3365 r 2SB1471/2SD2223 No.3365 PN P/N PN E pitaxial P la n ar Silicon T ransistors Driver Applications A p p lic a tio n s • Motor drivers, prin ter ham m er drivers, relay drivers,voltage regulator control F e a tu re s •Suitable for sets whose height is restricted

    OCR Scan
    2SB1471/2SD2223 2SB1471 2SB1471 2SD2223 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB1466 2SB1516 2sb148 2SB1464 2SB1465 2SB1467 2SB1468 2SB1469 2SB1470
    Text: - 92 - Ta=25t5. *EP(3Tc=25?C £ 2SB1464 2SBI465 2SB1466 2SB1467 2SB1468 2SB1469 2SB1470 2SB1471 2SB1472 2SB1473 ni-m ine ¿0014l 0 2SB1488 2SB1489 2SB1490 2SB1492 2SB1493 2SB1494 2SB1496 2SB1498 2SB1500 2SB1501 2SB1502 2SB1503 2SB1504 2SB1505 2SB1507 2SB1508

    OCR Scan
    2SB1464 2SB1465 -200u 2SB1466 2SB1467 2SB1468 2SB1469 2SD2275 2SB1502 2SD2276 2SB1496 2SB1516 2sb148 2SB1467 2SB1468 2SB1470 PDF

    C4106 transistor

    Abstract: C4106 transistor c3457 B824 transistor c4106 semiconductor transistor c3447 transistor c4106 transistor d1061 D1060 d1061
    Text: SA\YO T0-220MF Mini Fin Power Transistor Series Features Sanyo power tra n sisto r case o utline T0-220MF (Mini Fin) is a sm all-sized package suited for mounting on electronic equipment th at is lim ited in height. When mounted on the board, the height above the board is approximately 10mm lower

    OCR Scan
    T0-220MF O-220 Ratings/Ta-25 T0-220) 2SB1267 2SD1903 D1235 2SB1268 2SD1904 C4106 transistor C4106 transistor c3457 B824 transistor c4106 semiconductor transistor c3447 transistor c4106 transistor d1061 D1060 d1061 PDF


    Abstract: 2S81119 2Sk222 2sa128
    Text: Low-Noise Transistors Absolute maximum ratings Device Package type Application VcBO V VCEO (V) Ve BO (V) Iç (mA) Pc (mW) rical characteristics (Ta = 25 deg. C) hFE @ V c E 'lc T| (deg. C) I c b o max fiiA l <T @ Vcc * Ic Vcs (V) &FE VCE (V) lc (mA) Vcf

    OCR Scan
    TQ220ML T0220ML T03PB 2SB1205 2S81119 2Sk222 2sa128 PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 2SK596 2SC906 2SA1281 bup 3130 C3885A 2sd103 2SA1379 34d 937 086 bfq59
    Text: cD/ transistor 2 0-u datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-01-9 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan

    C4106 transistor

    Abstract: c4106 B824 transistor transistor c3457 C4105 transistor transistor c4106 B1133 transistor d1061 transistor c3447 transistor d1191
    Text: SAfiYO T0-220MF Mini Fin Power Transistor Series Featur-es Sanyo power transistor case outline T0-220MF (Mini Fin) is a small-sized package suited for mounting on electronic equipment that is limited in height. When mounted on the board, the height above the board is approximately 10mm lower

    OCR Scan
    T0-220MF T0-220 2SB1266 2SD1902 2SB1267 2SD1903 2SB1268 2SD1904 2SB1269 C4106 transistor c4106 B824 transistor transistor c3457 C4105 transistor transistor c4106 B1133 transistor d1061 transistor c3447 transistor d1191 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD2191 2SD2180 2SD2181 2SD2182 2SD2183 2SD2184 2SD2185 2SD2188 2SD2192
    Text: - 284 - m *+ 1-1 /u ^ u«UbU _ V 2SD2180 2SD2181 2SD2182 2SD2183 2SD2184 2SD2185 2SD2188 2SD2191 2SD2192 2SD2193 2SD2198 2SD2199 2SD2200 2SD2201 tfiT t&T t&T tar O— A O— A □— A Bi = # Hi# =#* — 2SD2203 2SD2209 2SD2210 2SD2213 2SD22U 2SD2215 2SD2215A

    OCR Scan
    2SD2180 2SD2181 2SD2182 2SD2183 2SD2184 2SD2185 2SD2188 2SD2216 MP-45) 2SD2217 2sd2229 2SD2191 2SD2192 PDF


    Abstract: 2sd205
    Text: SAfiYO D a r l i n g t o n T r a n s i s t o r s L a r g e - S i g n a l TR Darlington transistors can be driven with less power. Darlington transistor-applied circuits can be simplified and made small-sized, facilitating assembly of sets. Our Darlington transistors are available for lc=0. 7A(Smal1-Signal TR) to 15A and can be applied to various uses.

    OCR Scan
    Tc-25t: T0-220MF 2SB884/2SD1194 2SB885/2SD1195 2SB886/2SD1196 2SB1226/2SD1828 2SB1227/2SD1829 2SB1228/2SD1830 2SB913/2SD1230 2SB887/2SD1197 2sc3145 2sd205 PDF


    Abstract: d1061 C4106 transistor B1133 D1666 B824 transistor c4106 semiconductor transistor c3457 C4105 C4105 transistor
    Text: T0-220MF Mini Fin P o w e r T r a n s i s t o r S e r i e s Feat ures Sanyo power transistor case outline T0-220MF (Mini Fin) is a small-sized package suited for mounting on electronic equipment that is limited in height. When mounted on the board, the height above the board is approximately 10mm lower

    OCR Scan
    T0-220MF T0-220 Ratings/Ta-25Xi 2SB1266 2SD1902 2SB1267 2SD1903 2SB1268 2SD1904 c4106 d1061 C4106 transistor B1133 D1666 B824 transistor c4106 semiconductor transistor c3457 C4105 C4105 transistor PDF