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    2SD471 K Search Results

    2SD471 K Result Highlights (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SD471-T-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Bipolar Power Transistors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    2SD471-AZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Bipolar Power Transistors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
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    CAP CER 470PF 250V 0805
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey QMK212SD471KD-T Reel 4,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.05575
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    Avnet Americas QMK212SD471KD-T Reel 10 Weeks 4,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.03888
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    Mouser Electronics QMK212SD471KD-T 3,043
    • 1 $0.27
    • 10 $0.178
    • 100 $0.101
    • 1000 $0.065
    • 10000 $0.052
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    Newark QMK212SD471KD-T Reel 4,000
    • 1 $0.079
    • 10 $0.079
    • 100 $0.079
    • 1000 $0.079
    • 10000 $0.058
    Buy Now QMK212SD471KD-T
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.049
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    Multi Layer Ceramic Capacitor - SMD - 470pF ±10% - 250VDC - - 0805 - Tape&Reel
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy CGQMK212SD471KD-T
    • 1 -
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    • 100 -
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    • 10000 $0.049
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    Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor, 470 pF, 250 V, � 10%, SD, 0805 [2012 Metric] (Alt: CGQMK212SD471KD-T)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Avnet Abacus QMK212 SD471KD-T 17 Weeks 4,000
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    • 10000 -
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    2SD471 K Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    2SD471K NEC NPN Silicon Transistor Scan PDF
    2SD471K NEC NPN Silicon Transistor Scan PDF

    2SD471 K Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST 2SD471 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor Audio Frequency Power amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into three group, O, Y and G according to its DC current gain. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2SD471 100mA 2SD471 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST 2SD471 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor Audio Frequency Power amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into three group, O, Y and G according to its DC current gain. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2SD471 100mA 2SD471 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST 2SD471 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor Audio Frequency Power amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into three group, O, Y and G according to its DC current gain. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2SD471 100mA 2SD471 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ST 2SD471 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor Audio Frequency Power amplifier applications. The transistor is subdivided into three group, O, Y and G according to its DC current gain. On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations.

    2SD471 100mA 2SD471 PDF


    Abstract: KTD2026 2SC2320 equivalent NEC 12F DATASHEET 2N3904 MOTOROLA 2sc2240 equivalent 2N3906 MOTOROLA 2sc1983 2N5400 MOTOROLA 2SD1960
    Text: Type No. Maker KEC Type No. Maker KEC Type No. Maker KEC Type No. Maker KEC 2N2222/A Motorola KTN2222/A 2SA1150 Toshiba KTA1272 2SA1510 Sanyo KRA1 10S 2SB546A NEC KTB 1369 2N2369/A Motorola KTN2369/A 2SA1151 NEC KTA1266 2SA1511 Sanyo KRA1 10M 2SB560 Sanyo

    2N2222/A KTN2222/A 2SA1150 KTA1272 2SA1510 2SB546A 2N2369/A KTN2369/A 2SA1151 KTA1266 LM8550 KTD2026 2SC2320 equivalent NEC 12F DATASHEET 2N3904 MOTOROLA 2sc2240 equivalent 2N3906 MOTOROLA 2sc1983 2N5400 MOTOROLA 2SD1960 PDF


    Abstract: 2sC9012 on4409 on4673 ON4843 C9012 S2000A3 bul310xi 2SD5080 MN1016
    Text: ТРАНЗИСТОРЫ БИПОЛЯРНЫЕ ИМПОРТНЫЕ Наименование 2N1112 2N1212 2N1217 2N1711 2N2219A 2N2222 Metal 2N2222A 2N2222Aмет 2N2369 2N2369A 2N2646 2N2905A 2N2905Aпластик 2N2907 2N2907(Metal) 2N3055 2N3055 2N3440 2N3773

    2N1112 2N1212 2N1217 2N1711 2N2219A 2N2222 2N2222A 2N2369 2N2369A FN1016 2sC9012 on4409 on4673 ON4843 C9012 S2000A3 bul310xi 2SD5080 MN1016 PDF


    Abstract: k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417
    Text: 1 BHIAB Electronics Du som söker besvärliga IC & transistorer, börja Ditt sökande hos oss – vi har fler typer på lager än man rimlingen kan begära av ett företag Denna utgåva visar lagerartiklar men tyvärr saknas priser och viss information Men uppdatering sker kontinuerligt

    MK135 MK136 MK137 MK138 MK139 MK140 Mk142 MK145 MK155 157kr k2645 k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417 PDF


    Abstract: tlo72cp TOSHIBA 2N3055 M53207P 2N3055 TOSHIBA KIA7313AP kia7640ap LA5530 M5L8155P TBB1458B
    Text: ACTIVE ELECTRONICS COMPONENTS CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE 2SC429GTM 2SC458 2SC458LG 2SC503 2SC504 2SC510 2SC512 2SC519 2SC520A 2SC594 2SC699A 2SC780 2SC809-1 2SC945 2SC3012 2SC3074 2SC3114 2SC3115 2SC3116 2SC3117 2SC3134 2SC3135 2SC3138 2SC3143 2SC3144 2SC3145 2SC3157

    2SC429GTM 2SC458 2SC458LG 2SC503 2SC504 2SC510 2SC512 2SC519 2SC520A 2SC594 sn76131 tlo72cp TOSHIBA 2N3055 M53207P 2N3055 TOSHIBA KIA7313AP kia7640ap LA5530 M5L8155P TBB1458B PDF


    Abstract: d1555 transistor TRANSISTOR D1651 D1555 D1557 D1554 d1651 transistor s1854 transistor d1555 transistor d1878
    Text: 型号 2N109 2N1304 2N1305 2N1307 2N1613 2N1711 2N1893 2N2102 2N2148 2N2165 2N2166 2N2219A 2N2222A 2N2223 2N2223A 2N2243A 2N2369A 2N2857 2N2894 2N2905A 2N2906A 2N2907A 2N2917 2N2926 2N2955 2N3019 2N3053 2N3054 2N3055 2N3055 2N3055H 2N3251 2N3375 2N3439 2N3440

    2N109 2N1304 2N1305 2N1307 2N1613 2N1711 2N1893 2N2102 2N2148 2N2165 TRANSISTOR DATASHEET D1555 d1555 transistor TRANSISTOR D1651 D1555 D1557 D1554 d1651 transistor s1854 transistor d1555 transistor d1878 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK3850 equivalent KF9N25 KF7N50 MDF10N65b transistor PANASONIC ZENER Kf10n60 KIA278R12PI equivalent kid65003ap equivalent kia578r05
    Text: Factory : #149, Gongdan-1-dong Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do, KOREA 上 Head office : #275-5, Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu Seoul, KOREA 海 ww 众 w. 韩 ck 授 b- 权 sh 代 .c 理 om 2014 Semiconductor Product Guide KEC CORPORATION

    USFB053 USFB13 USFB13A USFB13L USFB14 USFZ10V USFZ11V USFZ12V USFZ13V USFZ15V KF6N60 2SK3850 equivalent KF9N25 KF7N50 MDF10N65b transistor PANASONIC ZENER Kf10n60 KIA278R12PI equivalent kid65003ap equivalent kia578r05 PDF


    Abstract: mc-10041 mc-10043 MC-10087F1-XXX MC-10044 MC-10051BF1 2SC5664 2SC5292 UPC1701C mc-10059
    Text: 1/89 Lead-free Semiconductor Product Conditions Renesas Electronics Lead-free Semiconductor Product Conditions August 17, 2010 1.Please inquire of Renesas Electronics sales person about lead-free product status while is not listed in the following table.

    IR260/WS260/HS350 IR260/HS350 mc10087f1 mc-10041 mc-10043 MC-10087F1-XXX MC-10044 MC-10051BF1 2SC5664 2SC5292 UPC1701C mc-10059 PDF


    Abstract: uPD72020 uPC5102 transistor 2p4m UPD6487 2SD1557 2SJ 3305 UPD77529 TRANSISTOR SOD MARKING CODE 352A micro servo 9g tower pro
    Text: The export of these products from Japan is regulated by the Japanese government. The export of some or all of these products may be prohibited without governmental license. To export or re-export some or all of these products from a country other than Japan may also be prohibited without a license from that country. Please call

    Z80TM V20TM, V20HLTM, V25TM, V25HSTM, V30TM, V30HLTM, V33TM, V33ATM, V35TM, MICROPROCESSOR Z80 uPD72020 uPC5102 transistor 2p4m UPD6487 2SD1557 2SJ 3305 UPD77529 TRANSISTOR SOD MARKING CODE 352A micro servo 9g tower pro PDF


    Abstract: F10P048 mn1280 mb4213 equivalent smd transistor zaa diode zener ZD 15 ic mb4213 transistor 2AX SMD 252 B34 SMD ZENER DIODE bc237 equivalent SMD
    Text: Table of Contents Index 5 SMD Transistors Transistors Line-up PNP Transistors Transistors Line-up (NPN Transistors) Small Signal General Purpose Transistors Small Signal Low Noise Transistors Small Signal Audio Muting Transistors Small Signal Darlington Transistors

    SSIP-12 KIA6283K KIA7217AP SSIP-10 KIA6240K KIA6801K KIA6901P/F MB4213 F10P048 mn1280 mb4213 equivalent smd transistor zaa diode zener ZD 15 ic mb4213 transistor 2AX SMD 252 B34 SMD ZENER DIODE bc237 equivalent SMD PDF


    Abstract: 2SC901 2SC1667 2SD400 E 2SC2516 NEC 2sc2120 2SD473 2SD647 2s0867 2SD526
    Text: - £ m « it Manuf. Type No. 2SD 439 ^ 2SD 457 * 2SD 459 * 2SD 460 * * 2SD 461 * 2SD 463 — * 2SD 454 ^ 3K SANYO = $ B n 2SC2236 2SC1449 2SD635 2SD970 K 2SD633 2SD970OO %t9 7 C 2SD473(H) 2SD524 2SD473(H) 2SC2120 2SC2001 ED 2SD471 2SD 469 -— m « T a *

    OCR Scan
    2SD439 2SD457 2SD642 2SD1196 2SD635 2SD633 2SD657 2SD523 2SC1449 2SC2236 2SD454 2SC901 2SC1667 2SD400 E 2SC2516 NEC 2sc2120 2SD473 2SD647 2s0867 2SD526 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD427 2SD2006 2SD572 2SC3133 2SC732 2SD586A 2sd573 2SD471 2SC1775
    Text: - a € Type No. a € Manuf. h SANYO n JE 2? TOSHIBA 2SD 565 n B9 B U 2SD 568 a m 2SD1Û61 2SD 569 9 2SD1061 2SD 570 ^ fé T 2SD313 2SD526 2SD 571 b m 2SD863 2SC1627 2SD 558 NEC n 2SD686 a 2SD 560 B B HITACHI ÎL 2SC188KK FUJITSU a fé T MATSUSHITA m h MITSUBISHI

    OCR Scan
    2SD558 2SD560 2SD565 2SD568 2SD569 2SD570 2SD571 2SD572 2SD573 2SD574 2SD588 2SD427 2SD2006 2SC3133 2SC732 2SD586A 2SD471 2SC1775 PDF

    TL 2262

    Abstract: 2SC2279 te 2304 2257A 2SC2050 2SC2371 2SC2611 2SD467 2sc710 2SC1815
    Text: - J tt tö T fö T M anuf. € = W SANYO 2SC3416 • y'V irV y-yj-y ■y-ytry te T jä T 0 tL 0 tL S 2: 2SC1570 2SD400 2SD826 = # 0 V h a n s B m B ^ 0 tL K $ 2SC2274 2SC1755 2SC1755 CII m s s T ype No. 2SC 2257A 2SC 2258 2SC 2260 J 2SC 2261 ✓ 2SC 226 2 —2SC 2263

    OCR Scan
    2SC3416 2SC2376 2SC2682 2SC3272 2SC2371 2SC2611 2SC3271 2SD551 2SD1110 TL 2262 2SC2279 te 2304 2257A 2SC2050 2SC2611 2SD467 2sc710 2SC1815 PDF


    Abstract: BC109 BC184 BC549 BC317 2SC734 Y MS181A BC159 8 2SC876 TTP31A ML78M06A BC357
    Text: ALPHANUMERIC INDEX TYPE NO. 057-2G 1611G 1620G 1621-2G 1623G 1641G 1N4001 1N4002 1N40Û3 1N4004 1N4005 1N4006 1N4007 1N5391 1N5392 1N5393 1N5394 1N5395 1N5396 1N5397 1N5398 1N5399 1N5400 1N5401 IN5402 1N5403 1N5404 1N5405 1N5406 1N5407 1N5408 2021-1G 2023G

    OCR Scan
    057-2G 1611G 1620G 1621-2G 1623G 1641G 1N4001 1N4002 1N4004 1N4005 2SA532 BC109 BC184 BC549 BC317 2SC734 Y MS181A BC159 8 2SC876 TTP31A ML78M06A BC357 PDF