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    Dense-Pac Microsystems, Inc. DPZ1MX16IV3-15M

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    DPZ1M Datasheets (57)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    DPZ1MS16P-15C Dense-Pac Microsystems 1024K x 16 Flash Memory Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MS16P-20C Dense-Pac Microsystems 1024K x 16 Flash Memory Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MS16P-25C Dense-Pac Microsystems 1024K x 16 Flash Memory Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MS16XP-15C Dense-Pac Microsystems 1024K x 16 Flash Memory Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MS16XP-20C Dense-Pac Microsystems 1024K x 16 Flash Memory Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MS16XP-25C Dense-Pac Microsystems 1024K x 16 Flash Memory Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-12C Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-15B Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-15C Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-15I Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-15M Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-17B Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-17C Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-17I Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-17M Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-20B Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-20C Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-20I Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-20M Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF
    DPZ1MW16A3-25B Dense-Pac Microsystems 1 MEG x 16 Flash EEPROM Dense-Stack Module Scan PDF

    DPZ1M Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4Mx8/2Mx16/1Mx32, 90 - 120ns, PGA 30A126-22 D 32 Megabit FLASH EEPROM DPZ1MH32NV3 DESCRIPTION: The DPZ1MH32NV3 ‘’VERSA-STACK’’ module is a revolutionary new memory subsystem using Dense-Pac Microsystems’ ceramic Stackable Leadless Chip Carriers SLCC mounted on a co-fired ceramic substrate. It offers

    4Mx8/2Mx16/1Mx32, 120ns, 30A126-22 DPZ1MH32NV3 DPZ1MH32NV3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4Mx8/2Mx16/1Mx8, 90 - 120ns, PGA 30A126-02 F 32 Megabit FLASH EEPROM DPZ1MX32NV3 DESCRIPTION: The DPZ1MX32NV3 ‘’VERSA-STACK’’ module is a revolutionary new memory subsystem using Dense-Pac Microsystems’ ceramic Stackable Leadless Chip Carriers SLCC mounted on a co-fired ceramic substrate. It offers 32

    4Mx8/2Mx16/1Mx8, 120ns, 30A126-02 DPZ1MX32NV3 DPZ1MX32NV3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8 Megabit FLASH EEPROM DPZ1MM8NG DESCRIPTION: The DPZ1MM8NG is a 1 Meg x 8 CMOS FLASH Electrically Erasable and Programmable nonvolatile memory devices. The DPZ1MM8NG is a 40 Pin ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier LCC , hermetically sealed making the module suitable for commercial,

    150ns 30A136-00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 16 Megabit FLASH EEPROM DPZ1MX16Nn3 DESCRIPTION: The DPZ1MX16Nn3 ‘’STACK’’ modules are a revolutionary new memory subsystem using Dense-Pac Microsystems’ ceramic Stackable Leadless Chip Carriers SLCC . Available in straight leaded, ‘’J’’ leaded or gullwing leaded

    DPZ1MX16Nn3 50-pin 16-Megabits DPZ1MX16NY3 DPZ1MX16Nn3 30A117-02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8 Megabit FLASH EEPROM DPZ1MM8NY/NI3/NH3/NJ3/DPZ1MX8NA3 DESCRIPTION: The DPZ1MM8NY/NI3/NH3/NJ3/DPZ1MX8NA3 ‘’SLCC’’ devices are a revolutionary new memory subsystem using Dense-Pac Microsystems’ ceramic Stackable Leadless Chip Carriers SLCC . Available unleaded,

    50-pin 30A117-01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 16 Megabit FLASH EEPROM DPZ1MX16NV3 DESCRIPTION: The DPZ1MX16NV3 ‘’VERSA-STACK’’ module is a revolutionary new memory subsystem using Dense-Pac Microsystems’ ceramic Stackable Leadless Chip Carriers SLCC mounted on a co-fired ceramic substrate. It offers

    DPZ1MX16NV3 DPZ1MX16NV3 30A123-01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A fS í *' î c DPMÍ D P Z 1 M W 1 6 A 3 a^nseHPac^Microsyítems, Inc. 0 _1 MEC X 16 FLASH EEPROM DENSE-STACK MODULE PRELIMINARY D E SC R IP T IO N : The DPZ1MW16A3 "DENSE-STACK" module is a revolutionary new memory subsystem using DensePac Microsystems' ceramic Stackable Leadless Chip

    OCR Scan
    DPZ1MW16A3 DPZ1MW16A3 200ns 250ns 30A067-00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 16 Megabit FLASH EEPROM DPZ1MX16Nn3 D E S C R IP T IO N : The DPZ1MX16Nn3 "STACK” modules are a revolutionary new memory subsystem using Dense-Pac Microsystems' ceramic Stackable LeadlessChip Carriers SLCC . Available in straight leaded, "J" leaded or gull wing leaded

    OCR Scan
    DPZ1MX16Nn3 50-pin 16-Megabits 120ns 150ns 30A117-02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32 Megabit FLASH EEPROM D E N S E - P A C MICROSYSTEMS DPZ1MX32NV3 DESCRIPTION: The D P Z 1 M X 3 2 N V 3 " V E R S A -S T A C K " module is a revolutionary new memory subsystem using Dense-Pac Microsystems' ceramic Stackable Leadless Chip Carriers SLCC mounted on a co-fired ceramic substrate. It offers 32

    OCR Scan
    DPZ1MX32NV3 DPZ1MX32NV3 100ns 120ns 150ns 30A126-02 PDF


    Abstract: NC-641 TIT lot trace code
    Text: nD M ^ DPZ1MX16V3 I l / l D ens^ P a c M icrosystem s, Inc^ _1 M EC X 16 FLASH EEPROM VERSA-STACK M ODULE ADVANCED INFORMATION DESCRIPTION: The D P Z 1 M X 1 6V 3 "V E R S A -S T A C K " m odule is a revolutionary new memory subsystem using Dense-Pac

    OCR Scan
    DPZ1MX16V3 II1111111IIBII 30A070-30 ah7al NC-641 TIT lot trace code PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 16 Megabit FLASH EEPROM DPZ1MX16NV3 M IC R O S Y S T H M S DESCRIPTION: The D PZ 1M X 16 N V 3 "V E R S A - S T A C K ” module is a revolutionary new memory subsystem using Dense-Pac Microsystems' ceramic Stackable Leadless Chip Carriers SLCC mounted on a co-fired ceramic substrate. It offers

    OCR Scan
    MX16NV3 30A123-01 DPZ1MX16NV3 MIL-PR0CE55ED 100ns 120ns 150ns ERA3E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L •V □PM Dense-Pac Microsystems, Inc. x DPZ1MS16P 1024KX 16 FLASH MEMORY MODULE O PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTION: The DPZ1M S16P is a 16 megabit CM O S FLASH Electrically Erasable and Programmable nonvolatile memory module. The module is built with sixteen 128K x 8 FLASH memory devices

    OCR Scan
    DPZ1MS16P 1024KX 1024K 2048K DPZ1MS16P) DPZ1MS16XP) 30A051-00 DPZ1MS16XP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 16 Megabit CMOS Flash EEPROM Dense-Pac Microsystems. Inc. ^ D P Z 1M S 1 6 P /D P Z 1 M S 1 6 X P DESCRIPTION : The DPZ1M S16P/XP is a 16 Megabit CM OS FLASH Electrically Erasable and Programmable nonvolatile memory module. The module is built with sixteen 128K x 8 FLASH memory devices

    OCR Scan
    S16P/XP 1024K 2048K S16XP) S16XP S00mV S16XP 3QA051-00 A10461 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC 32 Megabit FLASH EEPROM MICROSYSTEMS DPZ1MH32NV3 PRELIMINARY DESCRIPTION: T h e D P Z 1 M H 3 2 N V 3 " V E R S A - S T A C K " m o d u le is a re v o lu tio n a ry n e w m e m o ry su b syste m u sin g D en se-P ac M ic ro sy ste m s' c e ra m ic S tackab le Le ad le ss C h ip C a rrie rs

    OCR Scan
    DPZ1MH32NV3 DE51C 100ns 120ns 150ns 30A126-22 125C66 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC 16 Megabit FLASH EEPROM DPZ1MX16NV3 MICROSYSTEMS PRELIM INARY DESCRIPTION: The D PZ 1 M X 1 6 N V 3 "V ER S A - S T A C K " m odule is a revolutionary new memory subsystem using Dense-Pac Microsystems' ceramic Stackable Leadless Chip Carriers SLCC mounted on a co-fired ceramic substrate. It offers

    OCR Scan
    DPZ1MX16NV3 DPZ1MX16NV3 100ns 120ns 150ns 30A123-01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC MICROSYSTEMS 16 Megabit FLASH EEPROM DPZ1MX16Nn3 DESCRIPTION: T h e D P Z lM X 1 6 N n 3 " S T A C K " m o d u le s are a re vo lu tio n ary n e w m em ory subsystem u sin g D en se-P ac M icro syste m s' ce ra m ic Stackable L e a d le ss C h ip

    OCR Scan
    50-pin 100ns 120ns 150ns -f-125 3QA117-02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D E N S E - P A M J C R O S C Y S T E M 8 S M e s a b it f l a s h D P Z 1 M M 8 N Y / N I3 / N H 3 / N J 3 / D P Z 1 M X 8 N A 3 D E SC R IP T IO N : The DPZ1MM8NY/NI3/NH3/NJ3/DPZ1MX8NA3 "SLCC" devices are a revolutionary new memory subsystem using Dense-Pac Microsystems'

    OCR Scan
    50-pin 100ns 120ns 150ns 30A117-01 PDF

    Dense-Pac Microsystems dpz1MM

    Abstract: DPZ1M
    Text: DENSE-PAC 8 Megabit FLASH EEPROM VI I C K O S Y ST HM $ D PZ1M M 8N G D E SC R IP T IO N : The DPZ1MM8NG is a 1 Meg x 8 CMOS FLASH Electrically Erasable and Programmable nonvolatile memory devices. The DPZ1MM8NC is a 40 Pin ceramic Leadless Chip Carrier LCC , hermetically

    OCR Scan
    150ns 100ns 120ns 30A136-00 Dense-Pac Microsystems dpz1MM DPZ1M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC 16 Megabit FLASH EEPROM MICROSYSTEMS DPZ1MX16NV3 DESCRIPTION: T h e D P Z 1 M X 1 6 N V 3 " V E R S A - S T A C K " m o d u le is a re v o lu tio n a ry n e w m e m o ry su b syste m u sin g D en se-P ac M ic ro sy ste m s' c e ra m ic Stackab le Le ad le ss C h ip C a rrie rs

    OCR Scan
    DPZ1MX16NV3 -t-85 125-C 30A12M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: □PM Dense-Pac Microsystems, Inc. DPZ1MS16P 1024K X 16 FLASH MEMORY MODULE O PRELIM INARY DESCRIPTION: The D P Z1M S 16P is a 16 m egabit C M O S FLASH Electrically Erasable and P rogram m able no nvolatile m e m ory m odule. The m o d u le is b u ilt w ith sixteen 128K x S FLASH m e m o ry devices

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8 Megabit FLASH EEPROM D E N S E -P A C DPZ1MM8 NY/N 13/N H3/NJ 3/DPZ1MX8 NA3 MICROSYSTEMS D E S C R IP T IO N : The DPZ1M M 8N Y/N I3/N H 3/NJ3/DPZ1M X8N A3 " S L C C " devices are a revolutionary new memory subsystem using Dense-Pac Microsystems' ceram ic Stackable Leadless C hip Carriers SLCC . Available unleaded,

    OCR Scan
    50-pin 100ns 120ns 150ns DPZ1M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DENSE-PAC MICROSYSTEMS 8 Megabit FLASH EEPROM DPZ1MM8NG D ESCRIPTIO N : The D PZ1M M 8N G is a 1 Meg x 8 C M O S FLASH Electrically Erasable and Programmable nonvolatile memory devices. The D P Z 1 M M 8 N C is a 40 Pin ceram ic Leadless Chip Carrier L C O , hermetically

    OCR Scan
    150ns 100ns 120ns 150ns 30A136-00 PDF

    dram zip 256kx16

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INDEX GENERAL PRO D U CT INFORM ATION Dense-Pac Memory Module and Monolithic . 4 Emerging Technology / P r o d u c t s . 5

    OCR Scan
    DPS1MS16P/XP 150ns, DPS512S8H4 DPS512S8P/Pt/PLL DPS512S8Ü DPS256X24P DPS256S32W DPS256X32L/W 512Kx16, 256Kx32 dram zip 256kx16 PDF


    Abstract: 30A117 DPZ1M
    Text: DENSE-PAC 32 M EGABIT FLASH EEPROM MICROSYSTEMS DPZ2M X16Nn3 PRELIMINARY D E S C R IP T IO N : The D PZ2M X16N n3 " S T A C K " modules are a revolutionary new memory subsystem using Dense-Pac Microsystems' ceramic Stackable Leadless Chip Carriers SLCC . A vailable in straight leaded, " J " leaded or gullwing leaded

    OCR Scan
    DPZ2MX16Nn3 50-pin 32-Megabits DPZ2MX16Nn3 120ns 30A117-04 0001S7Ã DPZ1MX16n 30A117 DPZ1M PDF