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    GTO OHM Search Results

    GTO OHM Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CA3079 Rochester Electronics LLC CA3079 - Zero-Voltage Switches for 50-60Hz and 400Hz Thyristor Control Applications Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    CA3059 Rochester Electronics LLC CA3059 - Zero-Voltage Switches for 50-60Hz and 400Hz Thyristor Control Applications Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    CA3059-G Rochester Electronics LLC CA3059 - Zero-Voltage Switches for 50-60Hz and 400Hz Thyristor Control Applications Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    2308B-1HPGG Renesas Electronics Corporation 3.3V Zero Delay Clock Multiplier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    2305A-1HDCGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation 3.3V Zero Delay Clock Buffer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    GTO OHM Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Large Area >8 kV SiC GTO Thyristors with innovative Anode-Gate designs Siddarth G. Sundaresan, Hany Issa, Deepak Veereddy and Ranbir Singh GeneSiC Semiconductor, Inc., 43670 Trade Center Pl, Suite 155, Dulles, VA 20166, USA Keywords: Silicon Carbide, GTO, Thyristors, High-Voltage, High-Current, Pulsed Power.

    DE-FG02-07ER84712) PDF

    SIEMENS capacitor axial

    Abstract: capacitor Matsushita RS gto datasheet B25556-J3905-K003 Siemens matsushita capacitor dc 5100
    Text: MPK DC Capacitors GTO Clamping B 25 556 Extremely low self-inductance High volumetric efficiency Construction Self-healing Plastic and paper dielectric Oil-impregnated tubular windings no PCB Metal-sprayed end faces ensure reliable contacting ● Fully insulated case

    B25556-J3905-K003 SIEMENS capacitor axial capacitor Matsushita RS gto datasheet B25556-J3905-K003 Siemens matsushita capacitor dc 5100 PDF

    PTC 8750

    Abstract: B25856-K1405-K003 B25856-K7255-K003 gto 2400 capacitor B25856K0155K003 B25856-K4105-K003 B25856-K3104-K003 B25856K2405K003 VDE0560 B25856K0205K003
    Text: MKV AC Capacitors GTO Snubbering and Clamping B 25 856 High dielectric strength High peak-current capability Extremely low inductance Construction Self-healing Plastic dielectric Oil-impregnated tubular windings no PCB Metal-sprayed end faces ensure reliable



    Abstract: FP4651 Solidtron gto thyristor SCR 957
    Text: CCSTA14N40 N-Type, ThinPakTM Preliminary Data Sheet Description Package This current controlled Solidtron CCS discharge switch is an ntype Thyristor in a high performance ThinPakTM package. The device gate is similar to that found on a traditional GTO Thyristor.

    CCSTA14N40 302oC 63pb/37sn 63pb/37sn 260oC CCSTA14N40 FP4651 Solidtron gto thyristor SCR 957 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A796 53mm Fast Recovery DIODE 1500 - 2500V The A796 fast recovery diode is designed as a parallel mate for GTO’s used in voltage fed inverter circuits normally requiring the bypass function. Its relatively low recovery current and charge in combination with

    00A/us A796 PDF


    Abstract: RC firing circuit FOR SCR SCR Gate Drive scr RC snubber design dc circuit breaker using SCR gto firing circuit SCR 6 pulse Gate Drive selen scr latching RC snubber scr design inductive load
    Text: Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 412 925-7272 2.0 POW-R-BLOK Module Mounting Figure 2.1 SCR/GTO/Diode POW-R-BLOK™ Modules Application Information Mounting Screw Fastening Pattern ➃ When mounting POW-R-BLOK™ modules to a heatsink, care



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A796 53mm Fast Recovery DIODE 1500 - 2500V SPCO The A796 fast recovery diode is designed as a parallel mate for GTO’s used in voltage fed inverter circuits normally requiring the bypass function. Its relatively low recovery current and charge in combination with

    forwar10 00A/us A796 PDF

    gto 2400 capacitor

    Abstract: Siemens matsushita capacitor B25855C1305K004 ISO 4035 B25855-C7106-K004 B25855C3105 B25855C3155K004 siemens CAPACITOR 40/085/56 B25855C8106K004 B25855C8205K004
    Text: MKV AC Capacitors GTO Snubbering and Clamping B 25 855 High rate of voltage rise High peak-current capability Extremely low inductance Construction ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Self-healing Plastic dielectric Oil-impregnated tubular windings no PCB Metal-sprayed end faces ensure reliable

    B25855-C2255-K004 gto 2400 capacitor Siemens matsushita capacitor B25855C1305K004 ISO 4035 B25855-C7106-K004 B25855C3105 B25855C3155K004 siemens CAPACITOR 40/085/56 B25855C8106K004 B25855C8205K004 PDF

    1000A 100V power diode

    Abstract: DIODE 1000a 1000A diode 4500v SDD63HK
    Text: SDD63HK 4500V Snubber Diode SPCO The SDD63HK fast recovery diode is designed for use in complex snubber circuits commonly used for gate turn-off thryistors, GTO’s, for which the low forward recovery voltage developed by the diode at extremely high di/dt is important in order to achieve full turn-off capability. It is manufactured by the

    SDD63HK SDD63HK 1000A 100V power diode DIODE 1000a 1000A diode 4500v PDF


    Abstract: 1000A 100V power diode DIODE 1000a 5 ohm resistor 4500v 1000A diode
    Text: SDD63HK 4500V Snubber Diode The SDD63HK fast recovery diode is designed for use in complex snubber circuits commonly used for gate turn-off thryistors, GTO’s, for which the low forward recovery voltage developed by the diode at extremely high di/dt is important in order to achieve full turn-off capability. It is manufactured by the

    SDD63HK SDD63HK 1000A 100V power diode DIODE 1000a 5 ohm resistor 4500v 1000A diode PDF

    ABB inverter motor fault code

    Abstract: Bus Bar torque value table for metric bolts wg9017d2g CSG2001-14A04 2.5 kva inverter diagrams thyristor CSG2001-14A04 TOSHIBA S6475R WG9013A3A Bus Bar torque for metric bolts 3.5 kva inverter circuits
    Text: f l à ALLEN-BRADLEY ^ 5 5 ^ A R O C K W E L L IN T E R N A T IO N A L C O M P A N Y Allen-Bradley 1352C-PIUS GTO Replacement and Installation Guide Kit Instructions GTO Replacement GTO Replacement Kits are available to provide an easy method of changing a

    OCR Scan
    1352C-PIUS 1352C-6 P/N146071 ABB inverter motor fault code Bus Bar torque value table for metric bolts wg9017d2g CSG2001-14A04 2.5 kva inverter diagrams thyristor CSG2001-14A04 TOSHIBA S6475R WG9013A3A Bus Bar torque for metric bolts 3.5 kva inverter circuits PDF


    Abstract: rkm THYRISTOR GTO rkm v SDG250 SDG250HB SDG250HD SDG250HF SDG250HH SDG250HK 600a thyristor gate turn off
    Text: SDG250 77mm SYM GTO 4500V / 2500A SPCO Type SDG250 reverse blocking gate turn-off thyristor, GTO, is manufactured by the proven multi-dif­ fusion process and incorporates a unique emitter design patent issued which offers distinct advantages for improving the gate turn-off conditions.

    OCR Scan
    SDG250 500V/2500A SDG250 6RT411 SDG250HK SDG250HH 4400rn-off 00A/us, THYRISTOR GTO rkm THYRISTOR GTO rkm v SDG250HB SDG250HD SDG250HF 600a thyristor gate turn off PDF

    GTO thyristor

    Abstract: SKGH thyristor tt 31 1600 thyristor TT 110A GTO MODULE
    Text: ISE 0 I 813U.71 0001SQ5 3 | S^MIKRON.INC V drm V V rrm V 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 15 15 15 15 15 T k .Z3 seMIKRDn SEMIPACK 3 GTO Thyristor/ Diode Modules SKGH 500/08 SKGH 500/10 SKGH 500/12 SKGH 500/14 SKGH 500/16 SKGH500 GTO thyristor data Symbol SKGH 500

    OCR Scan
    0001SQ5 SKGH500 000A/1800A 650A/1500A GTO thyristor SKGH thyristor tt 31 1600 thyristor TT 110A GTO MODULE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A N A LO G D E V IC E S ±1 g to ±5 g Single Chip Accelerometer with Signal Conditioning ADXL05* FEATURES 5 milli-0 Resolution Noise Level 12x Less than the ADXL50 User Selectable Full Scale from ±1 gto ±5 g Output Scale Selectable from 200 m V /gto 1 V/p

    OCR Scan

    4n29 Motorola

    Abstract: 4T-05
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA <Ê> «1 C ; ® ® ® ® VDE UL CSA SEMKO DEMKO NEMKO se n BAST GlobalOptolsolator 6 -Pin D IP O p to lso la to rs D arlin gto n O utput The 4N29/A, 4N30,4N31,4N320 and 4N33 1) devices consist of a gallium arsenide Infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon

    OCR Scan
    4N29/A, 4N320) 4N29A 4n29 Motorola 4T-05 PDF

    sbl 20100

    Abstract: T425-X25S MEMAD11 inmos transputer T425
    Text: ^•7 # DMD g(fii ilL[l(gTO©[i!!in(gI / = T S G S -T H O M S O N IM S T 4 2 5 32-bit transputer FEATURES ■ 32 bit architecture ■ 40 ns internal cycle time ■ 25 MIPS peak instruction rate ■ Pin compatible with IMS T805, IMS T800, IMS T400 and IMS T414

    OCR Scan
    32-bit sbl 20100 T425-X25S MEMAD11 inmos transputer T425 PDF


    Abstract: 4N33 Motorola
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 4N29 4N29A 4N30 4N31 4N32 4N32A 4N33 6-Pin D IP O p to is o la to r s Darlington Output Each device c o n sists of a galliu m arse nid e infrared em itting d io d e optically co up led to a m on olith ic silicon pho to d arlin gto n detector.

    OCR Scan
    E54915 IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, 30A-02 4n32 4N33 Motorola PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA Photo Detector MRD360 D arlin gto n O u tp u t M o to ro la Preferred Device The M R D 3 6 0 ¡s designed for applications requiring very high radiation sensitivity at low light levels. PHO TO DETECTOR D A R L IN G T O N O U T P U T

    OCR Scan
    MRD360 PDF


    Abstract: H21B1 typical circuit
    Text: MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA H21B1 H 21B2 H 21B 3 Slotted Optical Switches Darlington Output T h e se devices each co n sist of a galliu m arse nid e infrared em itting d iod e facing a sili­ con N P N p ho to d arlin gto n in a m old e d plastic h o u sin g. A slot in the h o u sin g betw een the

    OCR Scan
    H21B1 H22B1 H21B1 typical circuit PDF


    Abstract: VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 IEC-204
    Text: MOTOROLA H S E M IC O N D U C TO R TECHNICAL DATA M O C 119 6 -P in D IP O p to is o la to r Darlington Output T h is device c o n s is ts of a galliu m arse n id e infrared em itting d iod e optica lly c o u p le d to a m on o lith ic silic on p h o to d a rlin gto n detector.

    OCR Scan
    E54915 IEC380/VDE0806, IEC435/VDE0805, IEC65/VDE0860, 30A-02 MOC119 VDE0160 VDE0832 VDE0833 IEC-204 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL DATA 6 -Pin D IP O p to is o la to r D a rlin gto n O u tpu t T h is d e v ic e c o n s is t s o f a g a lliu m a r s e n id e in fra re d e m itt in g d io d e o p t ic a lly c o u p le d to a m o n o lit h ic s ilic o n p h o t o d a r lin g t o n detector.

    OCR Scan
    30A-02 PDF


    Abstract: saft rectifier
    Text: UNITRODE CORP 9347963 TE3 UNITRODE CORP De " | 92D 10578 POWER MOSFET TRANSISTORS 1T 4 00 Volt, 1.0 Ohm N-Channel FEATURES • Fast Switching • Low Drive Current • Ease of Paralleling • No Second Breakdown • Excellent Temperature Stability 0Ü10S7Ô

    OCR Scan
    2N6800 2N6799 2N6800 saft rectifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNITRODE CORP 9347963 T2 UNITRODE CORP DE 1 ^ 3 4 7 ^ 3 92D 10572 D 2N6797 JTX, JTXV 2N6798 POWER MOSFET TRANSISTORS 200 Volt, 0.4 Ohm N-Channel FEATURES • Fast Switching • Low Drive Current • Ease of Paralleling • No Second Breakdown • Excellent Temperature Stability

    OCR Scan
    GD1D572 2N6797 2N6798 1347Tk PDF


    Abstract: F312U
    Text: UNITROD E CORH 9347963 ~ ^ DE | =1 3 4 7 ^ 3 QGlOflS? b U N I T R O D E CORP 92D 10857 D f ^ ’O l POWER IVIOSFET TRANSISTORS ^ nfI u 400 Volt, 3.6 Ohm UFNF312 UFNF313 FEATURES • Fast Switching • Low Drive Current • Ease of Paralleling » No Second Breakdown

    OCR Scan
    UFNF312 UFNF313 T347c UFNF310 UFNF311 F312 F312U PDF