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    Abstract: MIP2 JEP95 TQFP32 Photodiodes
    Text: The information disclosed herein was originated by and is the property of MAZeT. MAZeT reserves all patent, proprietary, design, use, sales, manufacturing an reproduction rights thereto. Product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only

    MIP200 JEP95: MO-136 DB-97-017E MIP200GC MIP2 JEP95 TQFP32 Photodiodes PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0723; Rev 0; 1/07 4.5V to 40V Input Automotive Flyback/Boost/SEPIC Power-Supply Controllers The MAX15004A/B/MAX15005A/B high-performance, current-mode PWM controllers operate at an automotive input voltage range from 4.5V to 40V load dump . The input voltage can go down as low as 2.5V after

    MAX15004A/B/MAX15005A/B MAX15004/MAX15005. PDF


    Abstract: nsp 05
    Text: 19-0723; Rev 3; 1/11 KIT ATION EVALU LE B A IL A AV 4.5V to 40V Input Automotive Flyback/Boost/SEPIC Power-Supply Controllers The MAX15004A/B/MAX15005A/B high-performance, current-mode PWM controllers operate at an automotive input voltage range from 4.5V to 40V load dump .

    MAX15004A/B/MAX15005A/B MAX15004/MAX15005. MAX15004AAUE/V+ MAX15004BAUE/V+ MAX15005AAUE/V+ MAX15004/MAX15005 Si736DP nsp 05 PDF


    Abstract: QST1610KU6 AN2547 JESD97 LQFP32 QST1610KT6 QUANTUM QTOUCH CAPACITIVE AMk 06 PCB design vfqfpn32 QFN 16 CARSEM package outline
    Text: QST1610 Capacitive touch sensor device with rotor or slider plus seven extra keys and I²C interface Preliminary Data Features VFQFPN32 5x5 mm • Patented charge-transfer design ■ Rotor (or Slider) plus seven extra keys ■ Up to four general-purpose outputs

    QST1610 VFQFPN32 LQFP32 QST1610 QST1610KU6 AN2547 JESD97 LQFP32 QST1610KT6 QUANTUM QTOUCH CAPACITIVE AMk 06 PCB design vfqfpn32 QFN 16 CARSEM package outline PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATA Multi-Phase IMVP-IV Core Controller for Mobile CPUs ADP3205 a Preliminary Technical Data FEATURES Pin Programmable 1, 2 or 3 Phase Operation Excellent Static and Dynamic Current Sharing Superior Load Transient Response when used

    ADP3205 5/02-Data 4/02-Data PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TB6079AFKG TOSHIBA Bipolar Linear Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic TB6079AFKG Shock Sensor IC TB6079AFKG is multi op amp IC for analog signal processing of a shock sensor. Feature • TB6079AFKG is operated in the range; 2.3 V ~ 5.5 V DC in power supply voltage.

    TB6079AFKG TB6079AFKG VSSOP16-P-0030-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPT5510 16-BIT, 200 MWPS ECL D/A CONVERTER FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 16-Bit, 200 MWPS Digital-to-Analog Converter Differential Linearity of ±0.6 LSB typical Integral Linearity of ±0.75 LSB (typical) Fast Settling Time: 35 ns to ±1/2 LSB; 15 ns to ±2 LSB

    SPT5510 16-BIT, SPT5510 PDF

    XI 3003

    Abstract: QFP-100 TQFP-100
    Text: REJ05B0521-0200 Technical Q&A H8/300H Series 16 Renesas 16-Bit Single-Chip Microcomputer H8 Family/H8/300H Series Rev.2.00 Revision Date: Dec 13, 2004 Keep safety first in your circuit designs! 1. Renesas Technology Corp. puts the maximum effort into making semiconductor products better and

    REJ05B0521-0200 H8/300H 16-Bit Family/H8/300H Unit2607 XI 3003 QFP-100 TQFP-100 PDF

    ALTERA avalon

    Abstract: nios AN-350 NIOS II Hardware Development Tutorial nr_uart_rxchar
    Text: Upgrading Nios Processor Systems to the Nios II Processor Application Note 350 July 2006 - ver 1.1 Overview The purpose of this document is to guide you through the process of migrating to the Nios II CPU in an existing embedded system with the Nios embedded processor. This document discusses all necessary



    Abstract: 11094 11094 amp M62428FP SW16B 640DB 480dB sw939 D21-D31
    Text: MITSUBISHI SOUND PROCESSORS M62428FP DIGITAL SOUND CONTROLLER PACKAGE FEATURES •Capable of controlling each function by serial data Electric volume •Volume level. 32step 0dB ~ -∞ •Low noise.-100dBv(JIS-A) Bass/Treble.(0dB,±3dB,1±6dB,±10dB)

    M62428FP 32step -100dBv 42P2R SW14-C SW14-B SW15-B SW16-C SW16-B SW17-C digital BASS BOOST TREBLE 11094 11094 amp M62428FP SW16B 640DB 480dB sw939 D21-D31 PDF

    adc multi channel crosstalk

    Abstract: automotive control unit engine adc crosstalk AD74122 RU-20 10-divide 2n2f
    Text: PRELIMINARY TECHNICAL DATA Low Cost, Low Power Stereo Audio Codec AD74122 a Preliminary Technical Data FEATURES 2.5V Stereo Audio Codec with 3.3 V Tolerant Digital Interface Supports 8kHz to 48 kHz Sample Rates Supports 16/20/24-Bit Word Lengths Multibit Sigma Delta Modulators with

    AD74122 16/20/24-Bit 256xFs, 512xFs 768xFs master62dBFS -63dBFS RU-20) adc multi channel crosstalk automotive control unit engine adc crosstalk AD74122 RU-20 10-divide 2n2f PDF

    D10N diode

    Abstract: D13N TECHNICAL DATA d9n diode d9n zener r2r resistor ladder TX-2-5-1 TC2411 TC2411-IB TC2411-KIT TP33
    Text: Datasheet Advance Information TC2411 14-Bit, 1 GSPS Digital-to-Analog Converter with Standby Mode of Operation The TC2411 is a 14-bit, 1 GSPS digital-to-analog converter that delivers exceptional high-frequency performance. The TC2411 is designed to support

    TC2411 14-Bit, TC2411 MKDSTC2411 D10N diode D13N TECHNICAL DATA d9n diode d9n zener r2r resistor ladder TX-2-5-1 TC2411-IB TC2411-KIT TP33 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Low Cost, Low Power Mono Audio Codec AD74111 FEATURES 2.5 V Mono Audio Codec with 3.3 V Tolerant Digital Interface Supports 8 kHz to 48 kHz Sample Rates Supports 16-/20-/24-Bit Word Lengths Multibit ⌺-⌬ Modulators with “Perfect Differential Linearity Restoration” for

    AD74111 16-/20-/24-Bit 16-Lead RU-16) MO-153AB C03069â PDF


    Abstract: QFP-112 H8 hitachi programming manual H8/300h Series Programming Manual H8/300 Series
    Text: To all our customers Regarding the change of names mentioned in the document, such as Hitachi Electric and Hitachi XX, to Renesas Technology Corp. The semiconductor operations of Mitsubishi Electric and Hitachi were transferred to Renesas Technology Corporation on April 1st 2003. These operations include microcomputer, logic, analog

    QA300H-138 Classification--H8/300H ADE-502-038 QFP-112 H8 hitachi programming manual H8/300h Series Programming Manual H8/300 Series PDF

    chn 4558 c

    Abstract: chn 4558 sdc 2025 83 fkm 592 PEB 20850 CHN 612 diode PEB2095 2D55 ICL 2025 Siemens IEC MAU
    Text: NOV 2 1 19» j Am2095 C Am2095 ISDN Burst Transceiver Circuit IBC Advanced Micro Devices Data Sheet TM 6/89 /- 11137 C/0 IMI» Dm: This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer July 1990 IBC Technical M anual 6/89 1. Introduction 1.1. Device Overview

    OCR Scan
    Am2095 222B323 chn 4558 c chn 4558 sdc 2025 83 fkm 592 PEB 20850 CHN 612 diode PEB2095 2D55 ICL 2025 Siemens IEC MAU PDF

    bass filter CIRCUIT diagram

    Abstract: DIGITAL treble bass control ic filter bass pass hi bass boost ic M62428FP 2.1 channel surround sound IC
    Text: To all our customers Regarding the change of names mentioned in the document, such as Mitsubishi Electric and Mitsubishi XX, to Renesas Technology Corp. The semiconductor operations of Hitachi and Mitsubishi Electric were transferred to Renesas Technology Corporation on April 1st 2003. These operations include microcomputer, logic, analog

    OCR Scan
    M62428FP SW14-B SW16-C bass filter CIRCUIT diagram DIGITAL treble bass control ic filter bass pass hi bass boost ic M62428FP 2.1 channel surround sound IC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Advance Inform ation Advanced Micro Devices Am 8 1 EC4 7 1 / 4 7 8 CMOS Color Palette DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS 15 x 18 24 overlay RAM • VGA-compatible color palette with low-power Sleep mode ■ Consumes only 2 mA power In Sleep mode ■ Sleep mode enabled by hardware or software

    OCR Scan
    R-343A/RS-170-compatible 80-MHz 44-pin Am81EC471/4 Am81EC471/478 AM81EC471-35 AM81EC478-80 AM81EC478-66 AM81EC478-50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Advanced Micro Devices Am81C471/478 CMOS Color Palette DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Plug-In replacements for Bt471 and Bt478 Triple 6-bit 8-bit DACs • VGA hardware and software compatible Sync on alt three outputs • Available In 35,50,66,80 MHz versions

    OCR Scan
    Am81C471/478 Bt471 Bt478 RS-343A/RS-170 44-pln Am81C478 bt478 PDF

    EE-25 200 6 transformer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPT SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES SPT5510 16-BIT, 200 MWPS ECL D/A CONVERTER PRELIMINARY INFORMATION FEATURES APPLICATIONS • • • • • • • • • • • 16-Bit, 200 MWPS Digital-to-Analog Converter ECL Compatibility Fast Settling Time: 25 ns to ±0.01%

    OCR Scan
    SPT5510 16-BIT, SPT5510 EE-25 200 6 transformer PDF


    Abstract: M54928P M54928
    Text: M ITSUBISH I B IPO LA R DIGITAL ICs M 54928P P L L FR EQ U EN CY S Y N T H E S IZ E R FOR DIGITAL TUNING S Y S T E M S DESCRIPTION The M54928P is a semiconductor integrated circuit consistng of a P L L frequency synthesizer for use in AM/FM elecronically tuned radio receivers. It makes use of E C L-IIL

    OCR Scan
    54928P M54928P M54928P 58497P, 450kHz DIDA2 M54928 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f PRELIMINARY CYPRESS C Y 7 C 92 4D X 200 MBaud HOTLink Transceiver Features Second generation HOTLink™ technology Fibre Channel and ESC O N com pliant 8B /10B encoder/decoder 10- or 12-bit pre-encoded data path raw m ode 8- o r 10-bit encoded data transport (using 8B/10B

    OCR Scan
    12-bit 10-bit 8B/10B 200-M D30Bflb PDF


    Abstract: cmos 4040
    Text: ADVANCED HI CRO DE VIC ES SflE D • 0 5 575 55 □ □ 3 5047 0 Am81 C453 AMD Advanced Micro Devices CMOS Color Palette DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS - : ' V- ' ■ Plug-In replacement for Bt453 ■ Triple 8-bit DACs ■ Macintosh II compatible ■ RS343A/RS-170A-compatlble RGB outputs

    OCR Scan
    Bt453 RS343A/RS-170A-compatlbte 66-MHz 44-pln Am81C453 AM81C453-66 AM81C453-40 44-Pin cmos 4040 PDF


    Abstract: 82C487 82c485
    Text: AU 6 i 5 1992 W82C485/487/489 Winbond High Color Graphics Palette T a r g e t A p p l ic a t io n s D is t in c t iv e C h a r a c t e r is t ic s • 16-bit XGA format for 64K on-screen Colors • 15-bit TARGA format for 32K on-screen Colors • Functionally compatible with 11C485/487/489

    OCR Scan
    W82C485/487/489 16-bit 15-bit 11C485/487/489 W82C476/478 8514/a® 1280x1024 W82C487 82C487 82c485 PDF


    Abstract: MS4927P
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I B IPO LA R D IG IT A L ICs MS4927P P L L FREQUENCY S Y N T H E S IZ E R FOR D IG IT A L TUNING S Y S T E M S DESCRIPTION The M 54927P is a semiconductor integrated circuit consist­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW ing of a PLL frequency synthesizer for use in A M /F M ele c­

    OCR Scan
    MS4927P M54927P M54927P 1000p 1000p MS4927P PDF