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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7907 74; Rev 2; 72/96 > V I> JX I> k l Improved, SPST/SPDT Analog Sw itches General D escription New Features Maxim's redesigned DG417/DG418/DG419 precision, CMOS, monolithic analog switches now feature guar­ anteed on-resistance matching 3i2 max between

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    DG417/DG418/DG419 DG417/DG418 DG417 DG418 DG417/DG418/DG419 G417/DG418/DG419 0G15504 DG417CJ PDF


    Abstract: MAX662 circuit diagram MAX662CPA 1k2 switch RPE123Z5U105M50V 12v and 5v regulated power supply circuit diagram 595D685X9016A7 MAX662CSA ERIE ceramic capacitor MAX661
    Text: t o » l m e Sfl7bb51 G G G 7 clSfl TT1 D I M x n / i/ i/ jx iy i/ i 19-0103; Rev 1;6/93 The M AX662 replaces the MAX661. The M AX662 pin configuration has been rotated to im prove o utput current perform ance, and is recom m ended for new designs. +12V, 30m A Flash M em ory

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    MAX662 MAX661. Sfl7bb51 30mA-output, MAX662 circuit diagram MAX662CPA 1k2 switch RPE123Z5U105M50V 12v and 5v regulated power supply circuit diagram 595D685X9016A7 MAX662CSA ERIE ceramic capacitor MAX661 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4705; Rev 1; 4/94 V k M X IV M Improved, Quad, SPST Analog Sw itches The DG444/DG445 are quad, slngle-pole/single-throw SPST analog switches. The DG444 has 4 normally closed switches and the DG445 has 4 normally open switches. Switching times are less than 250ns for toN

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    DG444/DG445 are100% 20log 7bb51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAXIM INTEGRATED PRODUCTS HIE D m sa?bb51 Q0Q41S7 2 • ii ix n ADVANCE INFORMATION Based on Evaluation of Limited Number of Devices Contact Factory For Product Update U ltra H igh-P recision CM OS Op A m ps G eneral D escription ♦ 0.5|J.V Typ Vos ♦ 0.01nV/'C Typ Offset Drift

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    Q0Q41S7 190dB 15MHz MAX426) MAX425) MAX425/MAX426 MAX425 MAX426 PDF

    smd transistor 5B1

    Abstract: MAX132ENG MAX132
    Text: 19-0009; Rev 2; 8/95 ± 18-Bit ADC w ith S erial In te rfa c e The M AX132 is a CMOS, 18-bit plus sign, serial-output, a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l co n ve rte r ADC . M ulti-slope in te g ra ­ tion p ro v id e s h ig h-resolution conversions in less tim e

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    18-Bit AX132 768Hz Q012322 MAX132 smd transistor 5B1 MAX132ENG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4325, Rev 2; 10/94 y v i y j x i y u i Q uad, H ig h -S id e M O S F E T D riv e rs The MAX620/MAX621 are microprocessor compatible and feature undervoltage lockout capability This lockout feature inhibits the FET driver outputs until the high-side voltage reaches the proper level, as indicated by a

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    MAX620/MAX621 5fl7bb51 GG1344S MAX620cpn PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4193. Rev 2. 5/94 O ctal, 8-Hit, S erial DACs w ith O utput Buffer _ F e a tu re s ♦ Now Available in Space-Saving SSOP Three output modes are serially programmable for each pair of 8 analog outputs. An unbuffered mode connects

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    MIL-STD-883 940B6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0225; Rev 1; 7/94 5V /3.3V /3V or Adjustable, High-Efficiency, Low IQ, Step-Down DC-DC Controllers These devices use m iniature external com ponents. Their high switching frequency up to 300kHz allows for less than 9mm diameter surface-mount inductors.

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    300kHz) MAX649/MAX651/MAX652 AX649) MAX651) MAX652) MAX639/MAX640/MAX653 MAX651 MAX651CSA MAX651C/D MAX651EPA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1232;Rev0;6/97 > k l X X I > k l Quad/Dual, Low- Voltage, Bidirectional RF/Video Sw itches Genera! Description Features ♦ Low 50£2 Insertion Loss: -1dB at 100MHz ♦ High 50Q Off Isolation: -80dB at 10MHz

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    100MHz -80dB 10MHz 300MHz DG540, DG542, DG6430 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0123, Rev 2; 12/93 J V W Y X A J V K Low-Power, 8-Channel, S erial 12-Bit ADCs The 4-wire serial interface directly connects to SPI , QSPI™ and Microwire™ devices without external logic. A serial strobe output allows direct connection to TMS320 family digital signal processors. The MAX186/MAX188

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    12-Bit TMS320 MAX186/MAX188 MAX186 MAX188 186/MAX MILSTD-883. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: jv w v x a / sa 19-0129; Rev. 3; 7/94 S in g le /D u a l/Q u a d H ig h •Speed, U ltra L o w -P o w e r, S in g le • S u p p ly T T L C o m p a ra to rs Because they are micropower, high-speed com para­ tors that operate from a single +5V supply and include

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    MAX907/MAX908/MAX909 MAX907; MAX908: MAX909ESA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0172; Rev 6; 2/97 > k i y j x i > k i +5Vr Low-Power, Voltage-Output, Serial 12-Bit DACs The MAX538's buffer is fixed at a gain of +1 and the MAX539's buffer at a gain of +2. The MAX531's internal op amp may be configured for a gain of +1 or +2, as well as for unipolar or bipolar output voltages. The

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    12-Bit MAX538 MAX539 MAX531 MAX530 MAXS31/MAXS38/MAX539 MAX531/MAX538/MAX539 MAX531 MAX531ACPD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S ß 7 b b S l 0 0 0 7 Ö 3 1 =170 « M X M b4E D 19-0095; Rev 0; 11/92 y i / i y i x i / i / i Low Noisef High-Precision Op Amps MAXI M INTEGRATE] P R O D U C T S The MAX427/MAX437 ±15V operational amplifiers feature a superior combination of low wideband noise, and ultralow offset voltage and drift; 2.5nV/VHz 1kHz) noise, less

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    MAX427/MAX437 a600i2 MAX427 MAX437 60MHz 400Hz Sfi7bb51 D0D7fl40 DDD7fl41 AX437 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0186; Rev 0; 10/93 Low-Voltage Input, 3V /3.3V /SV/ A djustable Output, Step-Up DC-DC Converters _ Features ♦ 1V to 6.2V Input Guarantees Start-Up Under Load The devices include an Active Rectifier that eliminates the need for an external catch diode, and permits regulation even

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    Abstract: MAX244 uc 232A
    Text: 19-4323; Rev 3; 5/94 yk lX X IV M + 5 V -P o w e re d , M u lti-C h a n n e l R S -2 3 2 D riv e rs /R e c e iv e rs These parts are particulary useful in battery-powered systems since their low-power shutdown mode reduces pow er d issipa tion to less than 5nW. The MAX225,

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    2V--MAX231 MAX239) MAX223/MAX242) EIA/TIA-232E MAX243) MAX220-MAX249 MAX220-MAX249 MAX231, MAX232 MAX236CEG MAX244 uc 232A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: vuyjxivM 19-0260; Rev 0; 6/94 S in g le/D u al/Q u ad , 1 0 M H z S in g le-S u p p ly Op A m p s Single-supply operation makes these devices ideal for low-power and low-voltage portable applications. With their fast slew rate and settling time, they can replace

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    10MHz MAX473, MAX474, MAX475 MAX473 MAX474 473mm) Sfl7bb51 MAX474ESA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0256; Rev 0; 5/94 -¡Î5.UAT'0NW T A l i l X I A I 8x4 Video C ro ssp o in t S w itc h e s with Buffers The MAX458/MAX459 are crosspoint switches with eight input channels and four high-speed, buffered output channels. The MAX458 output buffer is configured with a

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    MAX458/MAX459 MAX458 MAX459 16-bit MAX458/MAX459 MAX458 MAX459 PDF

    nf 739 mosfet

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-4749; Rev 3; 5/93 J V I \/ r A \A A -5V, -12V, -15V, an d A djustable Inverting Current-Mode PWM Regulators The MAX736/MAX737/MAX739 have fixed outputs of -12V, -15V, and -5V respectively. The MAX759 is adjustable from OV to -15V. Output voltages beyond -15V require a transformer.

    OCR Scan
    MAX736/MAX737/MAX739 MAX759 165kHz, X739EPD MAX739EWE MAX739MJD MAX759CPD MAX759CWE MAX759C/D MAX759EPD nf 739 mosfet PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 79-1205;Rev0;3/97 8-Bitr Ultra-High-Speed DAC The MAX5140 is a m onolithic, 8 -b it d ig ita l-to -a n a lo g converter DAC capable o f a cce p tin g video data at 400Msps. C om plete with video controls (sync, blank, reference w hite (force high), and bright), the MAX5140

    OCR Scan
    MAX5140 400Msps. MAX5140 MAX5140S 24-pin MQ-058AB DD1572M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0448; Rev 0, 11/95 A lilX IA I S e ria lly C o n tro lle d , L o w -V o lta g e , 8 -C h a n n e l S P S T S w itc h _General Description These CMOS devices can operate continuously with dual power supplies ranging from ±2.7V to ±8V or a single supply between +2.7V and +16V. Each switch

    OCR Scan
    MAX395 MAX391 MAX335. 567bbSl 0013b73 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0229; Rev 1; 5/94 V M x x i y i f l H ig h -S p e ed , L o w -P o w e r, 3V /5V , R a il-to -R a il S in g le-S u p p ly C o m p a ra to rs The in p u t c o m m o n -m o d e ra n g e of th e M AX941/ MAX942/MAX944 extends beyond both power-supply rails. The outputs pull to within 0.4V of either supply rail

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i«D M ; RêyZ 7/96 A I ^ X I A I H igh-Voltage, Fault-P rotectod Analog M u ltip lexer* _ Osnsral Description When an overvoltage signal up to ±100V typically ±110V is applied to an analog input or output, the channel turns off. To further protect output circuitry from on-channel

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    MAX388/MAX389 MAX389cpn PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W JV W V A A JV K Im proved, SPST/SPDT A nalog S w itches M È ï N e w Features ♦ Plug-In Upgrades for Industry-Standard DG417/DG418/DG419 ♦ Improved rDS ON Match Between Channels (3ii max - DG419 only) ♦ Guaranteed rFLAT(ON) Over Signal Range ( 4 ii max)

    OCR Scan
    DG417/DG418/DG419 DG419 DG417/DG418 20log Sfi7bb51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 vkiyjxivM 9-3786, Rev 2, 10/94 H ig h -S p e e d , L o w -V o lta g e , M ic ro p o w e r Op A m p s The MAX402/M AX403/MAX438/MAX439 micropower op amps combine high-speed performance with low-power operation. The MAX402/MAX403 are compensated for unity-gain stability, while the MAX438/MAX439 are com­

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    MAX402/M AX403/MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX403 MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX438 MAX402) MAX438) MAX403/MAX439 375pA 10MHz PDF