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    TI427 Datasheets (1)

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    TI427 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 30E D NEC • ti427S2 S 002^230 b ■ S ' Q ' 0 *7 ELECTRONICS INC LASER DIODE J N D L5 00 4 1 3 0 0 nm OPTICAL FIBER C O M M U N IC A T IO N S InGaAsP DOUBLE HETEROSTRUCTURE LASER DIODE D E SC R IPTIO N N D L 5 0 0 4 is a long wavelength laser diode especially designed for long distance high capacity transmission systems. The DCPBH Double Channel Planar Buried Heterostructure can achieve stable fundamental oscillation in wide temperature range.

    OCR Scan
    L5004 NDL5004 PDF

    NEC 8323

    Abstract: J226 OD-8323
    Text: N E C ELECTRONI CS I NC SR D ti427SSS GGDS52Ö T H N E C E T—41—07 NEC t Fiber Optic Devices O D -8 3 2 3 -D LD Module 1.3 ^m OD-8323 is designed to couple ID (Laser Diode) output light efficiently to optical fiber. Ge photodiode is installed in OD-8323 for APC (Automatic Power Control) and moni­

    OCR Scan
    ti427SSS OD-8323-D OD-8323 OD-8323-[ OD-9470 J22686 FO-0006 NEC 8323 J226 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 30E D NEC • ti427S2 S 002^230 b ■ S ' Q ' 0 *7 ELECTRONICS INC J LASER DIODE N D L5 0 0 4 1 300 nm O P T IC A L F IB E R C O M M U N IC A T IO N S InG aAsP DO U BLE H ET E R O ST R U C T U R E L A SE R D IO D E D ESC R IP T IO N N DL5004 is a long wavelength laser diode especially designed for long distance high capacity transmission systems. The DCPBH Double Channel Planar Buried Heterostructure can achieve stable fundamental oscillation in wide temperature range.

    OCR Scan
    NPL5004 NDL5004 Ta-25Â NDL5004 NOL5100) PDF

    1300 laser diode mw

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N EC ELECTRONICS INC SR D ti427SSS GGDS52Ö T H N E C E T—41—07 NEC Fiber Optic Devices O D -8 3 2 3 -D LD Module 1.3^m OD-8323 is designed to couple ID (Laser Diode) output light efficiently to optical fiber. Ge photodiode is installed in OD-8323 for APC (Automatic Power Control) and moni­

    OCR Scan
    ti427SSS GGDS52Ö OD-8323 OD-9470 FO-0006 1300 laser diode mw PDF

    hy 214 4 digit Display

    Abstract: D6454 nec d2 v1.05 R02G UPD6454 U/25/20/TN26/15/hy 214 4 digit Display hy 214 display 9 pin
    Text: ti427525 OOMTfiMB 7T1 * N E C E U A IA Ö H ttl MOS IIMTEGRATED CIRCUIT 12-LINE 24-DIGIT ON-SCREEN DISPLAY LSI FOR STATIONARY TYPE VCR CMOS LSI The¿iPD6454 ¡3 an on-screen display CMOS LSI performing, in combination with a microcomputer, various displays such as program reservation screens tape counters, etc. for stationary type VCRs.

    OCR Scan
    ti427525 12-LINE 24-DIGIT uPD6454 tPD6454 hy 214 4 digit Display D6454 nec d2 v1.05 R02G U/25/20/TN26/15/hy 214 4 digit Display hy 214 display 9 pin PDF

    Phico D - 0

    Abstract: nec upd 1511 Phico D 0 phico d-0 94 PHICO phico d-0 Phico DO - 0 TQ00
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿tPD78370 A , 78372(A) 16 BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER The /iPD78372(A) contains a high-speed, high-performance 16-bit CPU and offers powerful arithmetic operation functions. An A/D converter and a real-time pulse unit, which provide the real-time control required in motor control,

    OCR Scan
    uPD78370 uPD78372 /iPD78372 16-bit /PD78372 jiPD78370 /jPD78372 /jPD78P372 PD78372 U10642EJ Phico D - 0 nec upd 1511 Phico D 0 phico d-0 94 PHICO phico d-0 Phico DO - 0 TQ00 PDF


    Abstract: IC 741 cn
    Text: fa427S25 0D452bl *NECE MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿ P D 4 2 S 1 6 9 0 0 L ,4 2 S 1 7 9 0 0 L 16 M BIT D Y N A M IC RAM 3 .3 V FAST PAGE M O DE P R E L IM IN A R Y DESCRIPTIO N The NEC # PD42S16900L and n PD42S17900L are 2 097 152 words by 9 b its dynamic CMOS RAM

    OCR Scan
    fa427S25 0D452bl uPD42S16900L uPD42S17900L //PD42S16900L) b427525 004EbBL> 475mil) P32VF-100-475A P32VF-100-475A IC MARKING A60 IC 741 cn PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿ P D 4 8 8 3 0 L 8M-BIT Rambus DRAM 1M-WORD X 8-BIT X 1-BANK Description The 8-Megabit Ram bus DRAM RD R A M ™ is an extremely-high-speed C M O S DRAM organized as 1M w ords by 8 bits and capable of bursting up to 256 bytes of data at 2 ns per byte. The use of Ram bus Signaling

    OCR Scan
    IPD48830L P32G6-65A NL1031 PDF


    Abstract: Intel 82077 MARK 4B 720KB TAG 8434 NEC 82077 UPD72070
    Text: Chapter 1 General 1.1 System Overview The UPD72070 Floppy Disk Controller FDC is a new advanced Floppy Disk Controller that can support four standard Floppy Disk Drives (FDD)’s and two Apple specific FDDs, respectively. For the standard FDDs, the uPD72070 FDC

    OCR Scan
    UPD72070 PD765A uPD765A ti42752S UPD72070GF Intel 82077 MARK 4B 720KB TAG 8434 NEC 82077 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHAPTER 7 UPD78234 TIMER/COUNTER UNITS is p r o v i d e d w i t h one 1 6 - b i t and th re e 8- b i t t i m e r / c o u n t e r u n it T a b l e 7-1 8-bit timer/ counter 1 8-bit timer/ counter 2 8-bit timer/ counter 3 2ch 2ch 2ch Ich External event counter

    OCR Scan
    UPD78234 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CHAPTER 1 GENERAL The juPD784046 subseries comprises 78K/IV series products that incorporates 10-bit A/D converter. The 78K/IV series comprises 16-bit single-chip microcontrollers equipped with a high-performance CPU that has a function such as accessing a

    OCR Scan
    juPD784046 78K/IV 10-bit 16-bit PD784046 64K-byte 2048-byte 10-bit juPD784044 PDF


    Abstract: NEC 488170L D488170L RDRAM cross reference NEC RDRAM 36 REF05
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT jiiP D 4 8 8 1 7 0 L 18M-BIT Base Rambus DRAM 1M-WORD X 9-BIT X 2-BANK ★ Description The 18-Megabit Rambus DRAM RDRAM is an extremely-high-speed CMOS DRAM organized as 1M word x 9 bits x 2 banks and capable of bursting up to 256 bytes of data at 1.67 ns per byte. The use of Rambus

    OCR Scan
    18M-BIT 18-Megabit /XPD488170L P32G6-65A bM27525 PD488170L NEC 488170L D488170L RDRAM cross reference NEC RDRAM 36 REF05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRRELIMINARY DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MC-424000LAB72F 3.3 V OPERATION 4 M-WORD BY 72-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MODULE FAST PAGE MODE ECC Description T h e M C-424000LAB72F is a 4,194,304 w ords by 72 bits dynam ic RAM module on w hich 18 pieces of 16 M

    OCR Scan
    MC-424000LAB72F 72-BIT C-424000LAB72F /1PD4217400L MC-424000LAB72-A60. M168S-60A3 ti427SES PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • b427525 O O ^ O il *=331 B i N E C E PPD75036 Family JUPD75028/036/P036 4-Bit, General-Purpose Microcontrollers With A/D Converter NEC Electronics Inc. March 1994 Description The ¿/PD75036 family of high-performance 4-bit single­ chip CMOS microcontrollers includes the following

    OCR Scan
    b427525 PPD75036 JUPD75028/036/P036) /PD75036 D75028 pPD75036 JPD75P036 768-kHz 060AB 49NR-6SQB PDF


    Abstract: LTM-185 AT01
    Text: CHAPTER 1 OUTLINE /iPD78064 Subseries 1.1 O Features On-chip high-capacity ROM and RAM Type Part N u m b e r'\^ Note Data Memory Program Memory (ROM) Internal High-Speed RAM fiPD78062 16 Kbytes 512 bytes ;iPD78063 24 Kbytes 1024 bytes ¿1PD78064 32 Kbytes

    OCR Scan
    /iPD78064 fiPD78062 iPD78063 1PD78064 MPD78P064 HP9000 SM78K0) MX78KO) b427525 01D0247 m524 LTM-185 AT01 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PD488130L 16M-BIT Rambus DRAM 1M-WORD X 8-BIT X 2-BANK Description The 1 6 -M e g a b it Ram bus DRAM RDRAM™ is an e x tre m e ly -h ig h -s p e e d CM OS DRAM o rg a n iz e d as 2M w o rd s by 8 b its and cap a ble o f b u rs tin g up to 256 b yte s o f data at 2 ns per byte. The use o f R am bus S ig n a lin g

    OCR Scan
    PD488130L 16M-BIT P32G6-65A bM27525 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT UPD78094,78095,78096,78098A 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS DESCRIPTION The ¿¿PD78094,78095,78096,78098Aare members of the /¿PD78098 subseries of the 78K/0 series of microcontrollers. Besides a high-speed and high-performance CPU, each microcontroller has on-chip ROM, RAM, I/O ports, an lEBus

    OCR Scan
    UPD78094 8098A PD78094 78098Aare PD78098 78K/0 PD78P098A) /PD78P098A b427525 DDfl317b PDF


    Abstract: PD78P218 1NTC0 83YL-9181A D78218 p54a TI427 1NTC D78218A P218A
    Text: • L.427525 0043103 2T2 * N E C E NEC NEC Electronics Inc. pPD78218A Family pPD78217A/218A/P218A 8-Bit, K-Series Microcontrollers With A/D Converter, Real-Time Output Ports _ J u ly 1993 Description ^ Pin com patible w ith ¿/PD78214 family The ¡uPD78217A, /JPD78218A, and /JPD78P218A are

    OCR Scan
    uPD78218A uPD78217A uPD78P218A /PD78214 16-bit aiPD78218A/P218A) PD78217A) /JPD78218A/P218A pPD78217A D7821 PD78P218 1NTC0 83YL-9181A D78218 p54a TI427 1NTC D78218A P218A PDF

    impatt diode

    Abstract: DIODE 5H impatt 1ST11 d8030 ND8M30-1N BV-1 1ST22
    Text: NEC/ CALIFORNIA NEC 1SE D b427414 OGOnbG 1 SILICON CW IMPATT DIODE T - o 7 i ND8 SERIES OUTLINE DIMENSIONS FEATURES • HIGH POWER OUTPUT AND WIDE FREQUENCY SELECTION 3.50 W at 8 GHz 3.00 W at 11 GHz 2.20 W at 15 GHz 1.20 W at 20 GHz 0.70 W at 30 GHz 0.40 W at 40 GHz

    OCR Scan
    b427414 ND8N40W ND8L60W-1T ND8J80W ND8G96W-1T impatt diode DIODE 5H impatt 1ST11 d8030 ND8M30-1N BV-1 1ST22 PDF

    nec D27c256

    Abstract: D27C256 D27C256 nec PD27C256 27256 EPROM pd27256 mPD27C256 UPD27C256
    Text: N E C EL ECTRONI CS I NC ifl DE^jj t. 4 2 7 5 2 5 □□1274b □ f ~ ~ T ~ Ÿ fr-S 3 mP D 2 7 C 2 5 6 3 2 ,7 6 8 X 8-BIT c m o s u v / o t p e p ro m NEC Electronics Inc. R evision i January 1986 Pin Configuration Description The f/PD27C256 is a 262,144-bit ultraviolet erasable and

    OCR Scan
    1274b uPD27C256 144-bit mPD27C256 28-pin PD27C256 nec D27c256 D27C256 D27C256 nec 27256 EPROM pd27256 PDF


    Abstract: 15-VCOH upb553ac D6320G 6320G UPD1710G
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC Tfi D E ^ b 4 S 7 S E S 0017530 t r - 7 7 '0 & '0 5 ' MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUITS //PD1710G-027//PD1710G-227 PLL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER A N D CONTROLLER FOR F M / M W TUNER T h e /J P D 1 7 1 0 G -0 2 7 , A1PD1710G -227 5 2 pin fla t package is a C M O S LSI c irc u it having a P L L frequency

    OCR Scan
    uPD1710G-027 uPD1710G-227 A1PD1710G 1710G /UPD1710G-227-03 427SES 15-VCOH upb553ac D6320G 6320G UPD1710G PDF

    424170 NEC

    Abstract: uPD424170 424170 upd42s4170 TOED101 UPD42427 293 ez 734
    Text: \ m bM575a5 O P m ^ S 1» 137 w n e c e EET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT f /¿ P D 4 2 S 4 1 7 0 ,4 2 4 1 7 0 ,4 2 S 4 2 7 0 ,4 2 4 2 7 0 4 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 256K-WORD BY 16-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE, BYTE WRITE MODE DESCRIPTION The /¿PD42S4170, 424170, 42S4270, 424270 are 262 144 words by 16 bits dynamic CMOS RAMs. The fast

    OCR Scan
    bM575a5 256K-WORD 16-BIT, uPD42S4170 uPD424170 uPD42S4270 uPD424270 /PD42S4170, 42S4270 PD42S4170, 424170 NEC 424170 TOED101 UPD42427 293 ez 734 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET M O S INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /X P D 4 2 4 4 0 0 -L 4 M-BIT DYNAMIC RAM 1 M-WORD BY 4-BIT, FAST PAGE MODE D e scriptio n The itPD424400-L is a 1,048,576 w ords by 4 bits dynam ic C M O S RAM . The fast page m ode capability realize high speed access and low power consumption.

    OCR Scan
    uPD424400-L 26-pin fiPD424400-60L iPD424400-70L /IPD424400-80L PD424400-10L PP424400-L 1R35-207-2 b427S2S S-70L PDF


    Abstract: d72002 PD72002 PD72001 marking CYK UPD72002
    Text: fa rT ^ S 2 1^1 H j W ' JJPD72002 Serial Communications Controller: Single-Channel, Advanced Multiprotocol, CMOS NEC Electronics Inc. June 1991 Description Features The ¡j PD72002 Serial Communications Controller is an advanced multiprotocol serial controller AMPSC . The

    OCR Scan
    uPD72002 PD72002 PD72001 /UPD72002 /JPD72001 JPD72002 M27525 0007Q7ti PD72002GB d72002 marking CYK PDF