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    N-P-N R.F. POWER TRANSISTORS Search Results

    N-P-N R.F. POWER TRANSISTORS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MGN1S1208MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1D120603MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-6/-3V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S1212MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 12-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0508MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-8V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MGN1S0512MC-R7 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd DC-DC 1W SM 5-12V GAN Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    N-P-N R.F. POWER TRANSISTORS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: "beryllium oxide" transistor BUT 12 UNC4-40
    Text: TECHNICAL PUBLICATION Thermal aspects of flange-mounted r.f. power transistors TECHNICAL NOTE 141 Philips Semiconductors Thermal aspects of flange-mounted r.f. power transistors CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 2 PRACTICAL POINTS: 3 THERMAL MODELS 4 SURFACE CONDITIONS

    SCA57 DIN4762 "beryllium oxide" transistor BUT 12 UNC4-40 PDF


    Abstract: SOT-48 BLX88 BLX66 BLY93 BLY94 BLY33 BLY34 2N3375 810BLY transistor
    Text: Transistors n-p-n r.f. power transistors book 1 parts 1 and 2 - § Type No. Maximum Ratings ^b o v ceo *cm ° K hFE 'ciav I ® £ % T* at Ptot m in - m a x - lc f r VcE sat> m ' n* m a x - at 'c Po ,8 *• GP at ty p . f at V cc Tm£ “ (V) (V) IA)

    OCR Scan
    810BLY/A 8LX13 BLX14 BLY33 BLY34 h--22-> crt6-25 SOT-48 BLX88 BLX66 BLY93 BLY94 2N3375 810BLY transistor PDF


    Abstract: 5CCK MBH100
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b^E bbSa1! » DGEtîS4li T73 BLW 99 IAPX H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor Intended fo r use in class-AB and B operated hlgh-power mobile transm itting equipment in the h.f. band. The transistors are resistance-stabilized and are guaranteed to withstand severe load mismatch conditions.

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    BLW99 OT-121. BLW99 5CCK MBH100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHI LIP S/ DIS CR ETE b'lE » bbSa'm DOaiSim T 73 BLW99 H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended for use in ciass-AB and B operated high-power mobile transmitting equipment in the h.f. band. The transistors are resistance-stabilized and are guaranteed to withstand severe load mismatch conditions.

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    BLW99 PDF


    Abstract: BLW99 2 TMT 15-4
    Text: PHILIPS IN TE RNATIONAL bSE T> 711002b m D0b3441 J 137 PHIN BLW99 H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended for use in class-AB and B operated high-power mobile transmitting equipment in the h.f. band. The transistors are resistance-stabilized and are guaranteed to withstand severe load mismatch conditions.

    OCR Scan
    OT-121. BLW99 711GflSb EC900 BLW99 2 TMT 15-4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E ^ 53= 131 0 0 3 6 7 1 4 000 b ^ E 1> IAPX BFQ43 BFQ43S V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistors intended fo r use in class-A, B or C operated mobile transmitters w ith a nominal supply voltage o f 13,5 V. The transistors are resistance stabilized and guaranteed to w ith ­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bt.S3^31 D02Tb33 D32 BLX94A BLX94C b^E D J BLX94A IS MAINTENANCE TYPE IAPX U.H.F. POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistors suitable for transmitting applications in class-A, B or C in the u.h.f. range for a nominal supply voltage up to 28 V. The transistors are resistance stabilized and tested

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    D02Tb33 BLX94A BLX94C BLX94A PDF


    Abstract: PTB32005X PTB32001X PTB32003X
    Text: J N AMER PH I L I P S / D I S C R E T E ObE LbSBTBl D OD1S1DS 1 • PTB32001X PTB32003X PTB32005X MICROW AVE POW ER T RA N SISTO R S N-P-N silicon transistors for use in common-base class-B power amplifiers up to 4,2 GHz. Diffused emitter ballasting resistors, interdigitated structure, multicell geometry, localized thick oxide

    OCR Scan
    PTB32001X PTB32003X PTB32005X bfci53cà 001510e} PTB32003X r3305 PTB32005X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE ObE D • bb53T31 0 0 1 5 111 7 ■ PTB42001X PTB42002X J L T - 5 3 -/2 ? MICROWAVE POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon transistors fo r use in common-base class-B power amplifiers up to 4,2 GHz,

    OCR Scan
    bb53T31 PTB42001X PTB42002X PTB42001X PTB42002X PDF


    Abstract: PTB23001X PTB23003X PTB23005X T-33-O
    Text: M ObE D N AMER P H I L I P S / D I S C R E T E DG15Cm ^ 5 3 ^ 3 1 T • PTB23001X PTB23003X PTB23005X T ­ 3 3 T - -0 *7 MICROWAVE POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon transistors for use in common-base class-B power amplifiers up to 4,2 GHz. Diffused emitter ballasting resistors, interdigitated structure, multicell geometry, localized thick oxide

    OCR Scan
    iki53ci31 DG15Cm PTB23001X PTB23003X PTB23005X G01S1Q3 PTB23001X 75307 PTB23005X T-33-O PDF


    Abstract: BFQ43 BLW31 plw7
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL b SE D • 711062b DDb2t.ll 3 74 « P H I N BFQ43 BFQ43S V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistors intended fo r use in class-A, B o r C operated mobile transmitters w ith a nominal supply voltage o f 13,5 V. The transistors are resistance stabilized and guaranteed to w ith ­

    OCR Scan
    711062b BFQ43 BFQ43S BFQ43S BLW31 BFQ43 plw7 PDF


    Abstract: BLX94A BLX94
    Text: L^E » N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE • bfc.53T31 D021b3E IAPX D3S BLX94A BLX94C J BLX94A IS MAINTENANCE TYPE U.H.F. POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistors suitable fo r transmitting applications in class-A, B or C in the u.h.f. range fo r a nominal supply voltage up to 28 V . The transistors are resistance stabilized and tested

    OCR Scan
    BLX94A D021b3E BLX94C BLX94C ---BLX94A -BLX94C. BLX94 PDF


    Abstract: BLX94C 7Z66 itr 8012 rbs 6102 IEC134 BLX94
    Text: b SE T> m 7110ÔSb IPHIN □ □ b 3 S 5 c] S 1G BLX94A BLX94C BLX94A IS MAINTENANCE TYPE PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL U.H.F. POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistors suitable fo r transm itting applications in class-A, B o r C in the u.h.f. range fo r a nominal supply voltage up to 28 V. The transistors are resistance stabilized and tested

    OCR Scan
    BLX94A BLX94C BLX94C 7Z82814 ---BLX94A -BLX94C. 7Z66 itr 8012 rbs 6102 IEC134 BLX94 PDF


    Abstract: BFQ43S lyp 809 BLW31 TRANSISTOR A1t
    Text: b^E » N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE • ^53^31 0DHÔ714 ODD ‘' BFQ43 BFQ43S V.H.F. POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon planar e pitaxial transistors intended fo r use in class-A, B o r C operated m ob ile tran sm itte rs w ith a nom inal supply voltage o f 13,5 V . T he transistors are resistance stabilized and guaranteed to w ith ­

    OCR Scan
    BFQ43 BFQ43S BFQ43S BLW31 lyp 809 TRANSISTOR A1t PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J amer philips /discrete ObE D • 001S1DS 1 bhS3T31 y PTB32001X PTB32003X PTB32005X v i T T - 3 3 - o '? MICROWAVE POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon transistors fo r use in common-base class-B power amplifiers up to 4,2 GHz. Diffused emitter ballasting resistors, interdigitated structure, multicell geometry, localized thick oxide

    OCR Scan
    001S1DS bhS3T31 PTB32001X PTB32003X PTB32005X PTB32001X. r-33-07 PDF


    Abstract: NKT612 ORP12 sft353 GEX34 1/equivalent transistor ac127 OC171 equivalent AD149 NKT275 ac128
    Text: CONTENTS p ag e Mazda Range of Audio Transistors 2 Recommended Line-ups for Audio Amplifiers 3 Key to Symbols 4 Do’s and Dont’s 6 Device Data 7 European Nomenclature 34 Device Identification 35 Comparables List 47 Replacing Selenium Rectifiers 62 Replacing Valve Rectifiers

    OCR Scan
    AC113 AC155 AC156 AC165 AC128 AC154 AC166 AC167 AC177 AD140 NKT677 NKT612 ORP12 sft353 GEX34 1/equivalent transistor ac127 OC171 equivalent AD149 NKT275 ac128 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: . l .1_ _ N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE ObE D bb53T31 0DlS2b3 a • RZ3135B15W R Z3135B30W |3 PULSED POWER TRANSISTORS FOR S-BAN D RADAR N-P-N transistors fo r use in common-base pulsed power amplifiers fo r S-band radar 3,1 to 3,5 GHz .

    OCR Scan
    bb53T31 RZ3135B15W Z3135B30W RZ3135B30W 7Z2300S. 7Z88811 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE OLE D • L 353^31 0013288 3 * -LT —I I— U l DEVELOPMENT DA l Ar ' I BGY90B This data shaat contains tdvaric* information and specifications are subject to change without notice. of U.H.F. POWER MODULE The B G Y 9 0 B is a two stage u.h.f. power module designed for use in mobile transmitting equipment

    OCR Scan
    BGY90B 0Q132C PDF


    Abstract: VS1M VSI drive mw 137 A-04 a2849
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE ObE J> DEVELOPMENT DAi Ai • ” b 1353^31 Q 0 1 3 H Û Û * JJ-iJ L .U U .J I BGY90B This data sheat contains advanc« in form ation and specifications are subject to change w ith o u t notice. V of U.H.F. POWER MODULE The B G Y 9 0 B is a two stage u.h.f. power module designed for use in mobile transmitting equipment

    OCR Scan
    BGY90B BGY90B VS1M VSI drive mw 137 A-04 a2849 PDF


    Abstract: RTC3003 RTC3005 PKB32001U PKB32003U PKB32005U PTB32001X PTB32003X PTB32005X 32005U
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE QbE » • bbSBTBl 0015CH3 T ■ p k . B 3 2 u u iu PKB32003U PKB32005U MAINTENANCE TYPES for new design use PTB32001X, PTB32003X, PTB32005X M ICRO W AVE POWER TRANSISTO RS N-P-N silicon transistors for use in common-base class-B power amplifiers up to 3 GHz.

    OCR Scan
    PTB32001X, PTB32003X, PTB32005X) 01S0T3 PKB32003U PKB32005U PKB32001U PKB32001U 32003U 32005U RTC3001 RTC3003 RTC3005 PKB32005U PTB32001X PTB32003X PTB32005X 32005U PDF


    Abstract: Y508 BLX65ES
    Text: bSE D 711005b 0Gb3S12 S17 Bi PHIN BLX65E BLX65ES PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL V.H.F./U.H.F. POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistors in TO-39 envelope designed fo r use in portable and mobile radio transmitters in the v.h.f. and u.h.f. bands.

    OCR Scan
    711005b 0Gb3S12 BLX65E BLX65ES O-39/3. BLX65ES. BLX65E Y508 BLX65ES PDF


    Abstract: SOT197
    Text: DEVELOPMENT DATA N AflER PH ILIPS/D ISCRETE DbE D This data *h*at eortttJmi « to n e « Informitton and " 11 • BGY90A specifications art tubject to change without notice, I I ; 86D 0 1046 D T - 7 </- a tf~~ o/ U.H.F. POWER MODULE The BGY90A is a two stage u.h.f. power module designed for use in mobile transmitting equipment

    OCR Scan
    bb53131 BGY90A 7Z80B39 800MHz 890MHz SOT197 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE ObE T> • t.b53^31 001SQT3 T ■ P K .B 3 2 U U 1 U PKB32003U PKB32005U M A IN T E N A N C E T Y P E S for new design use PTB32001X, PTB32003X, PTB32005X T - 33 - $ T- 33-0*7 MICROWAVE POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon transistors for use in common-base class-B power amplifiers up to 3 GHz.

    OCR Scan
    001SQT3 PKB32003U PKB32005U PTB32001X, PTB32003X, PTB32005X) PKB32001U PDF


    Abstract: BLX65ES
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b'îE » bbS3^31 DGH^blS TS3 • APX BLX65E BLX65ES J V.H.F./U.H.F. POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistors in TO-39 envelope designed fo r use in portable and mobile radio transmitters in the v.h.f. and u.h.f. bands.

    OCR Scan
    BLX65E BLX65ES O-39/3. 7Z78135 BLX65ES. BLX65ES PDF